All Ancient History: Egypt Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #21 : Predynastic Period (Up To 3100 Bce)
The Ennead arrangement of Gods features in the creation story of __________.
The Ennead arrangement of Gods features in the creation story of Heliopolis. In predynastic and early dynastic times, different ancient Egyptian communities had differing explanations regarding the origin of the Gods and the creation of the universe. These distinctions continued in Pharaonic times, so that each major Egyptian city had a slightly different understanding of cosmology.
Example Question #22 : Predynastic Period (Up To 3100 Bce)
What Egyptian god or goddess is known as the god(goddess) of writing and counting?
Bearing the head of an Ibis, Thoth is known as the god of writing and counting. He is often depicted with a moon crescent as well. Neith is the goddess of war and hunting. Hathor is the goddess of women. Bastet is the war goddess and Re is the sun god.
Example Question #27 : Ancient History: Egypt
Which of these statements regarding Egyptian belief about men and women in the afterlife is most accurate?
The ancient Egyptians believed that men could move on to the afterlife, but women first had to be reincarnated as men.
The ancient Egyptians believed that men and women would share the same afterlife.
The ancient Egyptians believed that there was a separate afterlife for men and women.
The ancient Egyptians believed that men could move on to the afterlife, but that women were condemned to nonexistence.
The ancient Egyptians believed only men and elite women could reach the afterlife.
The ancient Egyptians believed that men and women would share the same afterlife.
Archaeological evidence provided by female burial tombs suggests that they were generally designed for the same purpose as male burial tombs — to provide for the deceased in the next life. Most Egyptologists contend that the ancient Egyptians believed in a shared afterlife, open to both men and women who had lived a virtuous and “light-hearted” life.
Example Question #23 : Predynastic Period (Up To 3100 Bce)
The Ogdoad was worshipped by theologians in which of these settlements?
The Ogdoad was a group of eight Gods worshipped by the Hermopolis theologians. The Hermopolis story of creation is one of a few different ancient Egyptian interpretations of the origins of the universe.
Example Question #24 : Predynastic Period (Up To 3100 Bce)
Which of these Gods were part of the Ogdoad?
I. Nun
II. Amun
III. Kauket
IV. Nephtys
V. Seth
VI. Aten
VII. Naunet
II, IV, VI, and VII
I, IV, V, and VI
IV, V, and VII
I, II, III, and VII
I, III, V, and VII
I, II, III, and VII
The eight Gods of the Ogdoad are generally presented in four divine couplets: Nun and Naunet; Amun and Amaunet; Huh and Hauhet; Kuk and Kauket. Of these Gods, Seth, Aten, and Nephtys do not belong on this list.
Example Question #25 : Predynastic Period (Up To 3100 Bce)
Sometimes the Ennead includes a tenth deity. This is usually __________.
The Ennead is a group of nine Gods who feature in the creation story of Heliopolis. Usually the Ennead is comprised of Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. Due to the importance of Horus in the ancient Egyptian story of creation, he was sometimes included as a tenth deity.
Example Question #26 : Predynastic Period (Up To 3100 Bce)
Which period of Egyptian history is credited with establishing hieroglyphics as a form of writing?
The Early Dynastic Era
The Second Intermediate Period
The First Intermediate Period
The New Kingdom
The Old Kingdom
The Early Dynastic Era
The first full sentence written in hieroglyphics dates back to the Second Dynasty of the Early Dynastic Era. This period gave Egypt a strong sense of identity which included among other things the introduction of complex irrigation systems and centralized power in the form of a king. While hieroglyphics existed before the Early Dynastic Period, they are considered photo-hieroglyphics.
Example Question #27 : Predynastic Period (Up To 3100 Bce)
Which of the following was never a type of calendar for Ancient Egyptians?
Astronomical calendar
A calendar for the Sun god Re
Lunar Calendar
Everyday farming calendar
A calendar for the Sun god Re
A calendar for Re never existed. The everyday farming calendar was made up of three seasons, each lasting 4 months. The astronomical calendar was based on observations of the star, Sirius which appeared at the start of flood season. A lunar calendar was kept for priests to tell them when to perform certain types of ceremonies for the Khonsu, the moon god.
All Ancient History: Egypt Resources