Award-Winning Academic Tutoring & Test Prep

Tutor Satsifaction Guarantee

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Tutor Satisfaction Guarantee

At Varsity Tutors, we’re committed to connecting you to top tutors capable of delivering an outstanding experience. That’s why we provide a comprehensive satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your selected tutor after the initial session, please call us and we will help you identify a tutor who might be a better fit. This second 1 to 2 hour session is delivered at no charge. If you remain dissatisfied following the second session, but before any subsequent session, we will issue you a full refund of all unused hours.

Here's what our clients are saying

"Thank you so much for your help, and for leading your tutor to our daughter. He is not only a remarkable tutor, he was an excellent teacher for our student. Maybe more importantly, our daughter is now armed with the confidence that math is not a hopeless cause, and she really can conquer it. That is a great success story!"
Parent of 12th grade student
Tanque Verde High School, Tucson, AZ
parent of 12th grade student
"Thank you very much for the wonderful service that you have provided for Jose. Jose has learned so much from Amy [our tutor]. I was very impressed with her and your program. Thanks again and please let Amy know how wonderful she is. I was very impressed."
Parent of high school student
Houston, TX
parent of high school student