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Example Questions
Example Question #1776 : Ap Biology
Which of the following types of soil bacteria convert ammonia into nitrate molecules during nitrification?
Nitrifying bacteria
None of these
Denitrifying bacteria
Saprobiotic bacteria
Nitrifying bacteria
Nitrification takes place in the soil and is the process in which ammonium is converted into nitrate. Nitrifying bacteria facilitate this process.
Example Question #1774 : Ap Biology
Which of the following sets of two nitrogen cycle processes involve atmospheric nitrogen?
Ammonification and nitrogen fixation
Denitrification and nitrogen fixation
Ammonification and nitrification
Nitrification and denitrification
Denitrification and nitrogen fixation
The processes of denitrification and nitrogen fixation both involve atmospheric nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation is the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia and organic nitrogen by nitrogen fixing bacteria. In denitrification, denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas, which is released into the atmosphere.
Example Question #22 : Understanding Eco Chemical Cycles
In the process of denitrification, which of the following forms of nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere?
Nitrogen gas
Nitrogen gas
Denitrification is the final process of the nitrogen cycle in which soil-dwelling denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates back into nitrogen gas. The nitrogen gas is released back into the atmosphere.
Example Question #1779 : Ap Biology
Which of the following is an alternative source of natural nitrogen in ecosystems?
None of these
An alternative source of naturally occurring nitrogen in ecosystems is bedrock. Bedrock is nitrogen rich and can be broken down to act as a nitrogen source.
Example Question #23 : Understanding Eco Chemical Cycles
Which of the following best explains how atmospheric nitrogen enters the nitrogen cycle in marine ecosystems?
Through precipitation
Through animal excretions
Through plant decomposition
Through algae waste
Through precipitation
The marine nitrogen cycle is very similar to the terrestrial nitrogen cycle. In marine ecosystems, atmospheric nitrogen enters the cycle through precipitation.
Example Question #53 : Ecology
Which of the following best describes the overall impact of humans on the nitrogen cycle?
Depletion of nitrogen
Sequestered nitrogen
Increase in nitrogen
Slight decrease in nitrogen
Increase in nitrogen
Human activities such as chemical fertilizers, industrialization, and pollution significantly increase the amount of nitrogen that is biologically available in an ecosystem.
Example Question #52 : Ecology
Beyond bacteria, which of the following acts as an alternative method for nitrogen fixation?
Lightening strike
Lightening strike
An alternative method of nitrogen fixation is a lightening strike; however, this is rare and soil-dwelling bacteria perform most of the Earth’s nitrogen fixation.
Example Question #53 : Ecology
Which of the following best represent stages of the water cycle?
All of these
All of these
The correct answer is “all of these.” The water cycle can be broken down to three stages. The three stages of the water cycle are evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
Example Question #54 : Ecology
Water exists in which of the following states of matter during the water cycle?
Solid, liquid, and gas
Gas and liquid
Solid and gas
Only solid
Solid, liquid, and gas
During the water cycle, water can take three forms: liquid, solid, and gas.
Example Question #21 : Understanding Eco Chemical Cycles
Which of the following is true regarding water on Earth?
The amount of water on Earth is far from constant
Water exists in two forms on Earth: solid and liquid
Water is sequestered in reserves
Climate has no impact on the water cycle
Water is sequestered in reserves
The water cycle describes the movement of water on Earth. The amount of water is relatively constant; however, it is subject to fluctuations based on climatic conditions. Water exists in three forms in the water cycle: solid, liquid, and gas. On Earth, water is sequestered in different reserves including ice, oceans, and the atmosphere.
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