All AP Environmental Science Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Ecosystems And Biology
Which of the following choices is best defined as a group of genetically compatible (able to mate) individuals living in the same geographical area.
Populations consist of individuals of the same species in a common area. Communities are made up of groups of populations of different species within a given geographic range. Last, a niche refers to the specialized role and position that a species has within its environment.
Example Question #2 : Ecosystem Development And Relationships
The Galapagos Islands are famously associated with Charles Darwin. The islands are home to many species that can be found nowhere else in the world; furthermore, some of the Galapagos species are only found on a single island.
Which of the following choices best describes a species that is found in only one area?
None of these
A species is "endemic" when it is found only in one particular location. The flightless cormorant, marine iguana, and Galapagos penguin are all examples of species that are endemic to the Galapagos Islands.
Example Question #1 : Ecosystems And Biology
Which of the following choices correctly ranks the species conservation statuses from least serious to most serious?
Least concerned, near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, extinct
None of these
Least concerned, near threatened, endangered, vulnerable, extinct
Least concerned, vulnerable, near threatened, endangered, extinct
Extinct, endangered, near threatened, vulnerable, least concerned
Least concerned, near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, extinct
Least concerned refers to the lowest risk where species members are abundant. Near threatened means the species is likely to become endangered at some point. Vulnerable means that, in the wild, the species are at high risk for becoming endangered. Endangered is similar to vulnerable, but has a high risk of extinction, not just endangerment. Extinct means there are no more members of the individuals in a species remaining. The correct ranking is as follows: least concerned, near threatened, vulnerable, endangered, and extinct.
Example Question #121 : Ap Environmental Sciences
Which of the following is not a direct cause of depletion and premature extinction of wild species?
Introduction of an invasive species
Habitat loss
Predator and pest control
Population growth
Population growth
Population growth is an underlying cause of depletion and premature extinction of a wild species, but is not a direct cause. On the other hand, habitat loss is a direct cause of depletion and premature extinction of wild species due to processes like over logging, damming rivers, or urban development. Pollution is a direct cause of extinction in the wild, usually caused as streams, rivers, and oceans are polluted. The introduction of an invasive, nonnative species to an environment can create an unbalanced ecosystem, directly causing extinction of wild species. These invasive species are often harmful and fill niches previously occupied by native species. Increasing predator species in an area can significantly reduce or drive prey species to extinction. Similarly, increasing the use of pesticides and pest controls can directly cause extinction of organisms in the affected ecosystem.
Example Question #122 : Ap Environmental Sciences
Which of the following terms refers to a group of organisms that are of the same species?
A population is a collecting of individuals from the same species. Populations are a unit of organization that has measurable properties, such as population density and home range. Populations are altered by birth and death, immigration, and emigration.
Example Question #3 : Ecosystems And Biology
Which of the following models was identified by Richard Levins and describes the connectivity of populations in different habitats within the same landscape? It suggested that individuals migrate from one habitat to another, which moved genes and maintained the health of the species.
Metapopulation model
Landscape model
Source-sink model
Habitat matrix model
Metapopulation model
The correct answer is “metapopulation model.” It describes multiple sub-populations that are connected together in a larger, metapopulation. This is typically shown as patches within a larger landscape. The patches represent sub-populations. Individuals can migrate from one patch to another, but they are all part of the same population.
Example Question #1 : Ecosystems And Biology
Life history traits can be highly variable in a population. Which of the following is not an example of a life history trait?
The correct answer is “evenness.” All the other terms describe life history traits. “Maturity” refers to the age of first reproduction. “Parity” is described as the count of reproduction events. Last, “fecundity” is defined the number of offspring at each reproduction event.
Example Question #1 : Populations And Communities
Which of the following terms describes a species that has a disproportionate effect on its community than would be expected by its overall biomass?
Dominant species
Common species
Keystone species
None of these
Rare species
Keystone species
The correct response is “keystone species.” A keystone species makes up a small portion of community; however, it has a major impact on the community structure despite making up a small percentage of the ecosystem that it inhabits. "Dominant species" have large number and large impacts; thus, this answer choice does not fulfill the disproportionate part of the description. "Common species" and "rare species" both have low impacts on the community structure, so they are poor answer choices.
Example Question #11 : Ecosystems And Biology
Beavers build dams and manipulate the terrestrial-aquatic system to their advantage. A species like the beaver that strongly modifies their environment is called a(n) __________.
dominant species
community dominant
None of these
ecosystem engineer
keystone species
ecosystem engineer
The correct response is "ecosystem engineer." An ecosystem engineer manipulates and engineers the habitat to benefit them in a significant way. If an ecosystem engineer like the beaver is removed from the environment, it can have detrimental effects on other species and the community structure.
Example Question #12 : Ecosystems And Biology
Two organisms with the same behavioral, evolutionary, and genetic traits living in different geographic locations can best be described as being which of these?
In the same species and population, but not the same community
In the same species, but not the same community or population
In the same species, population and community
In the same community and population, but not the same species
In the same species, but not the same community or population
Because the organisms are genetically, behaviorally, and evolutionarily the same, they are the same species. However, their difference in location means that they cannot be in the same population. Additionally, to be in the same community, they must be in the same population. Hence, they are only related to each other by species and nothing else listed.
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All AP Environmental Science Resources