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Example Questions
Example Question #11 : Hierarchy And Social Class
Which of these countries has not elected a female political leader as of 2015?
United Kingdom
All of these countries have democratically elected a female political leader in either the twentieth or twenty-first century, except Italy. Margaret Thatcher served as Prime Minister in the United Kingdom during the 1980s; Tansu Ciller was Prime Minister of Turkey during the 1990s; Angela Merkel is the current Prime Minister of Germany; Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo served as Prime Minister of Portugal in 1979. Italy has never elected a female political leader. The same is true of Spain, Sweden, and Greece.
Example Question #672 : Ap European History
Which of these statements most accurately describes the economic disparity between Europe and the developing world since the end of the colonial era?
The economic disparity has been reduced dramatically, due to billions of dollars of western aid and investment.
The economic disparity has shifted and Europe is falling behind the rest of the world, mainly due to its falling population levels.
The economic disparity has been reduced slightly, due to billions of dollars of western aid and investment.
The economic gap has widened, despite billions of dollars of Western aid and investment.
The economic disparity has remained almost exactly the same, despite billions of dollars of western aid and investment.
The economic gap has widened, despite billions of dollars of Western aid and investment.
Since the end of the colonial era the economic disparity between the Western world and the developing world has widened significantly. It is tempting to look at the billions of dollars in aid and investment and wonder at how that is possible, but that ignores much of the picture. The developing world is still routinely abused by the Western world that still follows the same mantra of “markets and resources” that guided it during the colonial era. Massive growth in the wealth of the financial elite of Europe has not seen a commensurate increase in the wealth of developing nations.
Example Question #673 : Ap European History
The term “cult of personality” is most closely associated with which of these twentieth century leaders?
Vladimir Lenin
Josef Stalin
Margaret Thatcher
Charles de Gaulle
Winston Churchill
Josef Stalin
All of these leaders are closely associated with charisma and many of them were beloved by large sections of the population of the countries they ruled; however, the “cult of personality” is only intimately associated with Josef Stalin. By a “cult of personality,” we mean that Stalin took on a larger-than-life nature (think of the North Korean leader today)—his decisions were unquestionable, his character treated as infallible. After Stalin died and Nikita Khrushchev took over as General Secretary, he gave a speech in which he lamented and derided Stalin’s “cult of personality.”
Example Question #12 : Hierarchy And Social Class
Which of these was the primary motivation behind the massive rebuilding of Western Germany by the Allied Powers after World War II?
The West German government agreed to repay the cost of the rebuilding project over the next two decades.
The industrial Ruhr Valley was vital to capitalist Europe.
Sympathy for the German people and contrition on the part of the allies.
To ensure it would be heavily fortified against East German or Soviet invasion.
A desire to make Germany so economically dominant as to discourage future warfare.
The industrial Ruhr Valley was vital to capitalist Europe.
It is certainly true that the allied powers were fearful of the expansion of Communism and the Soviet Union, but they were less fearful of direct invasion than they were of ideological revolution. The Ruhr Valley was the industrial center of Europe (and in many ways still is). It was a vital cog in the wheel of Western Capitalism and the fear was that Germany, as well as much of the rest of Western Europe, would be consumed by Soviet expansion if West Germany were left to deal with the destruction of World War II alone.
Example Question #13 : Hierarchy And Social Class
Hierarchy and social class in Nazi Germany were primarily determined by __________.
Social hierarchy in Nazi Germany was primarily based on racial assumptions about the natural capabilities of various ethnicities. The Aryan people were elevated as the only “true Germans,” and in conquered countries where Aryans existed, they were comparably well treated by the invading Nazis. Slavs, Poles, and Russians were considered lesser than Aryans and were forced into work camps. Jews, Roma, and other minorities considered undesirable by the regime were sent to concentration camps by the millions, where they were executed in systematic, bureaucratic fashion.
Example Question #14 : Hierarchy And Social Class
Mussolini’s rise to power was precipitated by __________.
the invasion of mainland Italy by the Germans
fear among the wealthy of a communist uprising
economic prosperity during the 1920s
the threat of invasion by the British of Italian colonies in North Africa
religious upheaval that demanded a strong leader
fear among the wealthy of a communist uprising
Mussolini came to power in the early 1920s during a time of massive social unrest and economic stagnation in Italy. His Fascist regime gained the support of the wealthy business owners who feared the rise of communism during the post-World War I economic depression. Mussolini's anti-communist rhetoric and huge emphasis on social order helped to reassure business owners and the wealthy elite that social order would be preserved.
Example Question #15 : Hierarchy And Social Class
During Mussolini’s reign, political power was primarily concentrated in the hands of __________.
religious leaders
the middle class
the unions
Mussolini’s Fascist government was primarily run as a political organization of the most powerful corporations in Italy. This elevated the status of those associated with these corporations, but lowered the status of just about everyone else. Democracy was gradually quashed and the rights of the common people were dramatically reduced.
Example Question #16 : Hierarchy And Social Class
Which of these countries was the least affected by the worldwide depression of the 1930s?
The United States
The United Kingdom
The Soviet Union
The Soviet Union
All of these countries were interlinked by global capitalism at the outbreak of depression in 1930 except for the Soviet Union, which was outside of the system and run by a “command economy.” The Soviet Union not only was least affected, but in fact thrived during the Great Depression and experienced massive industrial and economic growth.
Example Question #686 : Ap European History
The Wannsee Conference was convened in Nazi Germany in 1942 to __________.
discuss the ethnic status of Slavs and Poles in the new Nazi occupied empire
ensure that Germans would not use Jewish businesses
outline Hitler’s plan for the invasion of the Soviet Union
criminalize intermarriage between Jews and Germans
ensure administrative cooperation with the “Final Solution”
ensure administrative cooperation with the “Final Solution”
Intermarriage between Jews and Germans had long been criminalized (since 1935) by the time of the Wannsee Conference. Likewise, almost all Jewish-owned businesses had closed due to official government policies persecuting Jewish business owners in the 1930s. By 1942, Hitler had apparently decided to implement the “Final Solution,” whereby all Jews in Nazi occupied Europe would be transported to concentration camps in Poland to be murdered by the millions (most estimates put the figure at around six million Jews). The Wannsee Conference was convened in early 1942 in order to ensure cooperation from the various administrative bodies that would need to oversee this complicated and horrific plan.
Example Question #15 : Hierarchy And Social Class
Which of the following is true of the status of industrial workers during the reign of Hitler’s Nazi Party?
It remained roughly the same, comparable to the status of workers in the United Kingdom.
It improved dramatically, so long as those workers were Aryan.
It improved dramatically as Hitler implemented some socialist reforms.
It remained roughly the same, comparable to the status of workers in the Soviet Union.
It declined, as their freedoms were reduced, and more power moved into the hands of factory owners.
It declined, as their freedoms were reduced, and more power moved into the hands of factory owners.
The status of workers in Fascist Germany, as in Fascist Italy, declined during the early years of Hitler’s reign. Striking was outlawed and factory owners were given almost dictatorial control over the lives of workers.
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