All AP European History Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #181 : Social And Economic History
Which of the following cities, during the eleventh century, became a prominent player in the international trade largely because of its vast merchant fleet?
As a result of its location at the head of the Adriatic Sea and utilization of its waterways, Venice developed into a naval and commercial power during the eleventh century. The flourishing city developed into a centerpiece of the trade between Western Europe and the rest of the world.
Example Question #182 : Social And Economic History
Which of the following was NOT one of the principal aims of Joseph Stalin's five-year plans for the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s?
To create a more socialist society
To increase agricultural production
To develop a powerful army
To develop artistic and literary talents
To develop a strong industrial economy
To develop artistic and literary talents
The principal aims of Stalin's five-year plans were to develop a strong industrial economy centered on steel production, develop a powerful state army, increase agricultural production, and create a more socialist society. The development of artistic and literary talents was not one of the primary aims. In fact, Soviet art and literature became highly political during this era and was heavily influenced by propaganda.
Example Question #183 : Social And Economic History
The commencement of World War I was triggered in part by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, in 1914.
Archduke Ferdinand was heir to the throne of which country?
Great Britain
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. He was assassinated on June 28, 1914.
Example Question #184 : Social And Economic History
The Treaty of Versailles was signed in Paris on June 28, 1919, exactly five years after what momentous event?
The initiation of the Allied "Hundred Days Offensive"
The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The German invasion of neutral Belgium
The collapse of the Imperial Government in Russia
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Treaty of Versailles was signed in Paris on June 28, 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914.
Example Question #185 : Social And Economic History
The population of Britain grew rapidly in the eighteenth century, from around five million in 1700 to almost nine million by the close of the century. Much of that growth was felt in Britain's largest cities.
Which of the following was NOT one of Britain's five most populous cities in 1801?
In 1801, the five most populous cities in Britain were London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, and Bristol. Although it later joined the list of five most populous cities, Sheffield was not one of Britain's ten most populous in 1801.
Example Question #186 : Social And Economic History
The Bastille, a fortress and prison in France, was stormed by insurgents on July 14, 1789. The insurgents captured and distributed weapons and ammunition stored inside, and the incident served as a flashpoint for the French Revolution.
The Bastille was located in which French city?
The Bastille was a medieval fortress in Paris, France. Its storming on July 14, 1789 is commemorated by the French with a public holiday, known as Bastille Day.
Example Question #807 : Ap European History
Which of the following nations was NOT one of the Axis powers in the Second World War?
Belgium was not one of the Axis powers in the Second World War, but rather one of the Allied nations. Germany, Italy, Romania, and Hungary were all Axis nations.
Example Question #187 : Social And Economic History
Which of the French Estates would have contained the highest percentage of the population during the eighteenth century?
The Second Estate
The Fourth Estate
The Third Estate
The First Estate
The Fifth Estate
The Third Estate
Answering this question really requires you to understand which Estate represents which social grouping, as once you know this information, the correct answer should be fairly obvious. The First Estate was the clergy and other religious leaders who probably accounted for no more than one percent of the population; the Second Estate was the nobility, who could not have ever been more than five percent of the population; and the Third Estate was essentially everyone else (peasants, bourgeoise, urban workers, etc.), so the Third Estate was by far the largest of three groups. The Fourth Estate is a term sometimes used to describe the media; the Fifth Estate does not exist.
Example Question #188 : Social And Economic History
The construction of __________ connected various parts of Russia together and accelerated the movement of the Russian population to cities.
the Oriental Express
the Yekaterinburg Express
the Moscow-Kamchatka Railroad
the Trans-Siberian Railroad
the Manchester-Liverpool Railroad
the Trans-Siberian Railroad
The Trans-Siberian Railroad was constructed in the 1890s and 1900s and connected European Russia on the Baltic with Asiatic Russia on the Pacific for the first time. It accelerated the industrialization of the Russian economy and the urbanization of Russian society.
Example Question #189 : Social And Economic History
The population of Europe __________ during the seventeenth century.
grew slightly
declined slightly
grew dramatically
remained roughly the same
declined dramatically
remained roughly the same
During the seventeenth century, the population of Europe remained roughly the same. The complete devastation wrought in Central Europe by the armies of the Thirty Years’ War was one contributing factor, as were general famine, plague, and religious persecution.
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All AP European History Resources