All AP Physics C: Mechanics Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Circuit Relationships
A cicuit with a voltage source of 40V has a resistor and a
resistor in series, followed by two
resistors in parallel. After the parallel branches rejoin, there is a
resistor before the circuit is closed at the voltage source.
What is the current supplied by the source?
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
The current supplied by the source can be calculated using a derivation of Ohm's law:
Start by finding the equivalent resistance of the circuit.
Sum the first two resistors in series:
Calculate the equivalent resistance of the two resistors in parallel:
Now, all of the reistances can be viewed as being in series.
Returning to our current calulation, we can find our final answer:
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Yarmouk University, Bachelor of Science, Mathematics. Touro College, Master of Science, Teacher Education, Multiple Levels.
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Saint Louis University-Main Campus, Bachelor of Science, Mathematics Teacher Education. Webster University, Master of Arts Te...
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