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Example Questions
Example Question #3 : Subdisciplines And Approaches
Which is not a characteristic of the psychoanalytic approach to psychology?
The unconscious mind
Sigmund Freud
Dream symbolism
External rewards and punishments
Internal impulses
External rewards and punishments
External rewards and punishments are a characteristic of the behavioral approach.
Example Question #4 : Subdisciplines And Approaches
A wife is angry with her husband for not listening to her when, in reality, she is the one who does not listen. Which defense mechanism is she using?
Reaction formation
Projection is a defense mechanism in which an individual misattributes his or her negative impulses onto another person. This often occurs when said individual has trouble acknowledging his or her own motivations and feelings.
Example Question #5 : Subdisciplines And Approaches
What is the difference between Freudians and neo-Freudians?
Neo-Freudians rejected Freud's ideas in favor of humanism.
Neo-Freudians focused on developing a more favorable view of women than Freud had.
Neo-Fruedians incorporated theories on genetics into Freud's ideas.
There is no difference.
Neo-Freudians expanded Freud's theories to include social and cultural ideas.
Neo-Freudians expanded Freud's theories to include social and cultural ideas.
Neo-Freudians dissented from Freud only to bring social and cultural ideas into his established theories.
Example Question #3 : Subdisciplines And Approaches
Alfred Adler and Carl Jung are best known as which kind of psychologists?
Adler and Jung are the best known Neo-Freudians. They accepted the basic tenets of Freud's theories but later dissented from him to develop their own theories.
Example Question #4 : Subdisciplines And Approaches
Which is not one of the Big Five personality traits?
Happiness is not one of the Big Five personality traits. The other four choices are, along with openness.
Example Question #5 : Subdisciplines And Approaches
Which of the following is not a fundamental part of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?
The superid is not a part of Freud's psychological theory.
According to Freud, the id is the unorganized part of personality structure that contains instinctual drives and the source of our needs and wants. The superego is the part of personality structure that reflects proper behavior and morals, often referred to as a "conscience." The ego is the reality principle of our personality stucture and works to balance the wants of the id and superego.
Example Question #6 : Subdisciplines And Approaches
A cognitive psychologist would most likely be interested in which of the following?
Anxiety disorders
The sensorimotor stage
Psychodynamic theory
The bystander effect
Working memory
Working memory
Working memory refers to the "workspace" with which we perform mental operations, such as doing mental math. This concept is most in line with cognitive psychology, as cognition refers to mental operations. While there may be aspects of cognition in each of the other choices, those concepts are more likely to be studied by developmental, social, or abnormal psychologists.
Example Question #5 : Subdisciplines And Approaches
Which of the following corresponds to the subfield of psychologists who want to determine what happens to the brain when people analyze a problem or become emotional?
Biological Psychology
Social Psychology
Clinical Psychology
Educational Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Biological Psychology
The key words in this question concerns "what happens to the brain".
Define the subfields:
Biological analyzes how behaviors and mental processes are shaped by the brain.
Clinical concerns treatment of behavioral and mental disorders among the population.
Developmental examines changes in behavioral and thought processes over time.
Educational is the branch studying learning.
Social examines the relationships between people.
The best answer is biological psychology.
Example Question #141 : History And Principles Of Psychology
Martin Seligman is best known for his work in which of the following sub-disciplines of psychology?
Analytical psychology
Positive psychology
Health psychology
Positive psychology
Seligman is best known as a pioneering thinker in the field of positive psychology, or the science of what helps people to thrive. This contrasts starkly with the traditional focus of psychology: on discovering what makes people distressed or unhappy. He is well known for coining the term "learned helplessness," a phenomenon he observed in dogs that also translates to human behavior.
Example Question #142 : History And Principles Of Psychology
Which of the following influential psychologists is best known for developing the approach known as rational-emotive therapy?
Erik Erikson
Aaron Beck
Albert Ellis
Lev Vygotsky
Albert Ellis
Albert Ellis studied psychoanalysis but eventually broke from that school of thought and developed rational-emotive therapy, a cognitive approach which stresses that negative thoughts lead to mental disorders like depression. Like Ellis, Aaron Beck began as a psychoanalyst but eventually formed a new approach known as cognitive therapy. Lev Vygotsky took a socio-cultural approach to exploring cognitive development, emphasizing that family relationships and culture play key roles in the development of cognition. Erik Erikson was a personality theorist whose 8-stage psychosocial theory of development across the lifespan has been highly influential.
Tip: When studying influential psychologists, focus on understanding the differences between psychologists whose approaches are most similar, such as Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis.
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