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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Personality Changes And Growth
Which of the following is true about the id, ego, and superego?
The superego always overrides the id and ego.
The superego acts as a mediator between the id and the ego
The id acts as a mediator between the ego and the superego
The ego acts as a mediator between the id and the superego
None of the other answers
The ego acts as a mediator between the id and the superego
The id desires immediate gratification. The superego accounts for the moral component of a person's personality makeup. The ego mediates between the id and superego.
Example Question #72 : Personality
Which two personality traits on the Big Five make a person more likely to experience post-traumatic growth?
Neuroticism and extroversion
Introversion and openness to new experience
Extraversion and introversion
Extraversion and openness to new experience
Extraversion and openness to new experience
Extraversion and openness to new experience are personality traits that are often associated with one's ability to achieve post-traumatic growth. Extraversion would theoretically lead someone to seek social support to construct a meaning from their experiences. The openness to new experience disposes someone to accept and embrace change, and while this doesn't necessarily help in negative situations, it allows a person the flexibility to deal with unexpected events.
Example Question #3 : Personality Changes And Growth
Which of the following is a proper definition for post-traumatic growth?
The term refers to a disorder that results from going through a severely traumatic event whose symptoms can be panic attacks and depressive episodes.
The term refers to Victor Frankl's theory on finding meaning from suffering even in the most extreme circumstances.
The term refers to the innovation that can be found in misery.
The term refers to one's ability to not only endure a traumatic event but find the benefits from having gone through it.
The term refers to one's ability to not only endure a traumatic event but find the benefits from having gone through it.
Post-traumatic growth is a term that grew from the field of positive psychology. It differs from resilience, which refers to the ability to endure traumatic events and recover, in the sense that the traumatic event can make the person grow in a significant manner. In other words, the person grows and gains from the experience as opposed to simply recuperating.
Example Question #4 : Personality Changes And Growth
What is the nomothetic view of personalities?
None of these
That personalities are fully developed and do not change past the age of thirty
That individuals are unique past the point of comparison and possess certain traits that others will not
That individual personalities can be compared to one another according to certain traits
That individual personalities can be compared to one another according to certain traits
The nomothetic view of personalities asserts that people's personalities are highly comparable. The most popular and commonly known extension of this view is the "Big Five" which claims people's personalities are a composite of five different traits measured along a continuum. This view starkly contrasts the idiographic view, which claims that no one individual's personality can truly be compared to the other.
Those who support the nomothetic view often do self-report surveys to collect their data.
Example Question #2 : Personality Changes And Growth
Do people change or stay the same throughout the different developmental stages of life?
They change, though their most basic dispositions do not change
Their beliefs stay the same throughout life but everything else changes
Their personalities and habits stay the same
They change radically throughout every stage, including those in late adulthood
They change, though their most basic dispositions do not change
As humans, we are constantly trying to adapt to our circumstances which disposes us to almost a constant state of change. There are also developmental stages that every person goes through that can and do make marked changes in one's personality, beliefs, values, habits, and physical appearance. This is the field of developmental psychology.
Example Question #71 : Motivation, Emotion, And Personality
What is the main difference between the learning style of a baby versus an adult?
An adult learns everything effortlessly
An adult takes much more information from new experience
A baby takes much more information from new experiences
A baby learns everything automatically
A baby takes much more information from new experiences
A baby is much more open to the world than an adult is. A baby new into the world is trying to learn as much as it can about its surroundings since it's vital information to its survival.
Example Question #72 : Motivation, Emotion, And Personality
In what age group is one more likely to become more Agreeable (that is, more cooperative and compassionate)?
Early childhood
Around the early to late thirties
Around the early to late thirties
As a person starts accumulating more responsibilities to their families and workplaces, they tend to become more Agreeable--that is, less competitive, more cooperative, and more compassionate. These responsibilities generally start accruing most in people's early to late thirties as they move up in their career or establish a family. This can lead to less self-absorption and more absorption in their duties to other people.
Example Question #73 : Motivation, Emotion, And Personality
According to Gordon Allport, a "Cardinal Trait" is ____________.
a dominant trait that plays a vital role in determining a personality
None of these
a trait exhibited only in certain situations
a trait that is observable in most people
a dominant trait that plays a vital role in determining a personality
Gordon Allport's trait theory outlines 3 types of traits: Cardinal Traits (dominant traits/ruling passions), Central Traits (characteristics found (at least somewhat) in most or all people), and Secondary Traits (traits exhibited only on certain occasions). While Allsport assigned differing levels of dominance to these traits, he believed a thorough examination of all kinds of traits was needed to accurately reflect a person's personality.
Example Question #74 : Motivation, Emotion, And Personality
What are some of the qualities of those who have experienced post-traumatic growth?
Greater appreciation for life
More intimate relationships
Changed priorities
All of these
All of these
According to the research done on post-traumatic growth, the most salient qualities of those who have undergone post-traumatic growth are an acknowledgement of new paths in life, a greater appreciation for life, a change in priorities, and more intimate relationships.
Example Question #75 : Motivation, Emotion, And Personality
What generally tends to happen to people's personalities as they get older?
Both their positive and negative traits increase
Their positive traits increase and negative ones decrease
None of these
Their negative traits increase and positive ones decrease
Their positive traits increase and negative ones decrease
According to the "Maturity Principle", between the ages of 20-65 people's negative personality traits decrease and positive ones increase. Over time, people tend to develop more accountability for themselves, acceptance over things they cannot control, and more emotional stability. Moreover, they easily "ride the waves" of highs and lows in life. This is counter to what most people view the process of aging as a state of decline into bitterness and remorse, it is in fact the opposite. We tend to become better people.
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