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All AP World History Resources
Our AP World History flashcards each contain one question that might appear on the AP World History exam. You can use them to get a comprehensive overview of each topic covered on the AP World History exam one problem at a time, or to do problem drills that focus on particular problem types or content areas found on the AP World History exam.
AP World History is a college-level course offered as part of the College Board’s Advanced Placement program. College credits can be earned by completing the course with satisfactory grades and a passing score on the AP World History exam. The course is divided into eras, dating as far back as the prehistoric period, and studied chronologically. The curriculum focuses on significant events and issues that impacted the history of the world. As you can imagine, the scope of the course is quite broad. It is likely that you will need to spend a considerable amount of time reviewing the material to ensure you understand the subject matter. That’s where Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools come in. With thousands of free AP World History flashcards online, Learning Tools offer a comprehensive review to streamline the process of studying for AP World History. Whether you need History tutoring in Washington DC, History tutoring in Kansas City, or History Tutoring tutoring in Spokane, working one-on-one with an expert may be just the boost your studies need.
The AP World History exam is a timed test. Both sections must be completed in just over 3 hours. The first part of the exam contains 70 multiple-choice questions with a time limit of 55 minutes, which allows you less than a minute to read, think through, and answer each question. No penalty is applied for incorrect answers, so you should attempt to answer all of the questions time allows. The second part of the exam consists of a Document-Based Question (DBQ), change-over-time essay, and a comparative essay. You will be allowed 40 minutes to provide a written response for each essay prompt, with an additional ten-minute reading period prior to the start of the DBQ. Any notes taken during this time may be used while writing your essay. Due to the time constraints and the broad nature of the curriculum, preparation is critical to achieving a passing score on the AP World History exam. Varsity Tutors offers resources like a free AP World History Diagnostic Tests help with your self-paced study, or you may want to consider an AP World History tutor.
Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools provide thousands of flashcards that thoroughly review all aspects of the course curriculum for AP World History. The online flashcards are organized by broad topics and each topic is then broken down into specific periods of time. A few examples of common themes include literature, art, architecture, philosophies, ideologies, religions, science, technology, and agriculture. You can select a particular category or time period to review as many times as you like. You can even design your own AP World History flashcards online with the free flashcard maker, enabling you to concentrate on only the materials you need to learn. Flashcards can be an effective method of both learning and reinforcing important concepts. Repeated AP World History practice may ensure that you retain all of the relevant information you need to know. In addition to the AP World History Flashcards and AP World History tutoring, you may also want to consider taking some of our AP World History Practice Tests.
In addition to the comprehensive sets of free online flashcards, Learning Tools also include a number of other helpful resources to help you study efficiently. AP World History Full-Length Practice Tests cover the entire curriculum and can help you identify problem areas where additional study time would be most useful. The shorter, more focused Practice Tests are another invaluable resource, and contain questions on a particular topic related to AP World History. You can make your review even more accessible by downloading Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools app for mobile phones and tablets. Now, you can have convenient access to all the AP World History review resources anytime, anywhere.