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Example Questions
Example Question #31 : Science And Technology 1750 To 1900
Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney
Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Pope
Robert Stephenson
Thomas Edison
Eli Whitney
The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney in 1793. It allowed for the mechanization of the separation of cotton fibers from cotton seeds, which dramatically increased the productivity of America’s cotton plantations.
Example Question #32 : Science And Technology 1750 To 1900
The process of making vulcanized rubber was invented by __________.
Thomas Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Charles Goodyear
Robert Stephenson
Henry Bessemer
Charles Goodyear
The vulcanization of rubber involves making rubber more durable through the addition of certain chemicals. It was invented by Charles Goodyear in the first half of the nineteenth century. It made rubber an extremely useful material and encouraged the growth of massive rubber plantations in parts of Africa and Brazil.
Example Question #33 : Science And Technology 1750 To 1900
The Italian inventor Alessandro Volta is remembered for inventing __________.
the telegraph
the internet
the internal combustion engine
the battery
the compass
the battery
Alessandro Volta was an Italian inventor who, in 1799, invented the world’s first battery.
Example Question #34 : Science And Technology 1750 To 1900
French inventor Honore Blanc is remembered for __________.
his rudimentary flying machine that demonstrated that flight was possible
producing guns with replaceable parts
discovering penicillin
perfecting the process of vulcanizing rubber
inventing the mechanized plow
producing guns with replaceable parts
The French inventor Honore Blanc is remembered for producing guns that made use of replaceable (or interchangeable) parts. The benefits of this invention were that it allowed guns to be produced much more efficiently.
Example Question #105 : Science And Technology
James Watt's improvements on the steam engine had the greatest impact on which of the following eras of history?
the Industrial Revolution
the Protestant Reformation
the Age of Discovery
the Age of Enlightenment
the Age of Revolutions
the Industrial Revolution
James Watt's steam engine made the creation of products much more efficient and feasible. It helped to lead to mass production in factories, one of the main features of the Industrial Revolution.
Example Question #101 : Science And Technology
What nation was the first to experience the Industrial Revolution?
United States
Britain began experiencing the Industrial Revolution decades earlier than the rest of the world. This is due to the many advantages that Britain had over the rest of the world in terms of supplies of resources and technology. While Britain begins the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700's, the rest of the world won't catch up until nearly 100 years later.
Example Question #102 : Science And Technology
What was the Manhattan Project?
A secret project that led to the invention of radar
The name for a series of experiments conducted by Albert Einstein that led to his formulation of the Theory of Relativity
A series of experiments among scientists that lead to proof of the existence of the neutron
A 1940s plan to completely remake the electric infrastructure of New York City
A secret military project in the United States during World War II that created the first atomic bomb
A secret military project in the United States during World War II that created the first atomic bomb
The Manhattan Project was a secret American military project that led to the creation of the first atomic bomb in 1945. It was led on the civilian side by physicist Robert Oppenheimer, and on the military side by General Leslie Groves. The Manhattan Project created the two atomic bombs that were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II in 1945.
Example Question #103 : Science And Technology
What major discovery was published by scientists James D. Watson and Francis Crick in 1953?
The ability to mass produce solar power
The ability to clone cells in a laboratory
The existence of subatomic particles smaller than protons
The silicon computer chip
The double helix structure of DNA
The double helix structure of DNA
James Watson and Francis Crick used X-ray images created by Rosalind Franklin to discover that the structure of DNA was a double helix. This discovery showed how DNA replicated itself and furthered our understanding for how genetic traits were passed from one generation to the other.
Example Question #361 : Cultural History
Technological innovations in warfare during World War One included all of the following except __________.
poison gas
trench warfare
submarine warfare
replaceable parts
replaceable parts
World War One was a period of great innovation in weaponry and warfare. Tanks, poison gas, trench warfare, and submarine warfare were all used for the first time during World War One. However, replaceable parts were invented more than a century earlier and were used for the first time in the Napoleonic Wars of the early nineteenth century.
Example Question #2 : Science And Technology 1900 To Present
Who invented penicillin?
Nikola Tesla
Humphry Davy
Thomas Edison
Alexander Fleming
Robert Fulton
Alexander Fleming
Penicillin was invented by Alexander Fleming in 1928. It is an antibiotic that fights against bacterial infections. The invention of penicillin, and other antibiotics, dramatically improved mankind’s ability to resist and fight back against deadly diseases.
All AP World History Resources