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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Political And Governmental Structures 600 Bce To 600 Ce
Which ancient society featured a government structured as a republic?
Mughal India
The Roman Republic was governed by a senate that elected government officials and created laws that dictated day to day living in the state. All power was concentrated in the elite "patrician" class and all government officials were also elected from within this elite group. This elitism led to an uprising of the lower class "plebeians," which earned them an assembly that could veto the Senate, much like the bicameral system used by the United States.
Example Question #1 : Political History
Which Emperor allegedly played his violin as Rome burned?
The Great Fire of Rome of 64 AD destroyed a majority of the city, and many accused Nero himself of starting the fire in order to clear land for the new buildings and renovations he had planned for the city (including an elaborate palace for himself). While these accusations were largely unproven, the image of Nero joyfully celebrating has remained iconic in popular culture to this day.
Example Question #1 : Political History
Although many different ethno-linguistic groups inhabited the Iranian plateau, some of them living in large tribal confederacies, __________________.
the Persians, led by Cyrus the Great, were the first tribal group to found an imperial political structure, the Achaemenid Empire
all non-Persian ethnic groups were expelled at the beginning of Cyrus the Great's reign
by the time of the Persian empire, the Iranian Plateau was largely homogenous
the Ottoman Turks introduced the concept of empire in the region by installing Cyrus the Great as Emperor
Alexander the Great was the first ruler to build an empire in the area
the Persians, led by Cyrus the Great, were the first tribal group to found an imperial political structure, the Achaemenid Empire
The Iranian plateau is a geographic area that has always been ethnically and linguistically heterogeneous but Cyrus the Great, a Persian, was the first local to found an imperial dynasty.
The Iranian plateau has never been homogenous.
Alexander the Great did enter the area but he conquered the pre-exiting Achaemenid empire.
The Persian empire was always heterogeneous; although over time some tribal groups were suppressed, homogeneity was never an ideological goal of the empire which sought to rule the whole world.
The Ottomans existed thousands of years after the Achaemenid empire had already fallen, and Cyrus the Great was not installed by any foreign power.
Example Question #1 : Political And Governmental Structures 600 Bce To 600 Ce
Cyrus the Great is remembered for __________.
founding the Assyrian Empire
subjugating the Ancient Egyptians
extending the Babylonian Empire’s borders all the way to Europe
conquering Ancient Greece
founding the Persian Empire
founding the Persian Empire
Cyrus the Great is remembered as the founder of the Persian Empire. Cyrus ruled from 559 BCE until 530 BCE and laid the foundations for the subsequent growth of the Persian Empire.
Example Question #2 : Political And Governmental Structures 600 Bce To 600 Ce
In the Persian Empire of Darius I what were satraps?
Provincial governors
Roads and highways
Military commanders
Peasant farmers
Provincial governors
Darius I is often remembered as the great administrator of the Persian Empire. It was during his rule that satraps emerged. Satraps were provincial governors, given control over satrapies (districts/provinces). This allowed Darius I to control a large empire without having to directly oversee each individual province.
Example Question #4 : Political And Governmental Structures 600 Bce To 600 Ce
The ancient Athenian Solon is primarily remembered for __________.
defending Athens from a Persian invasion
defending Athens from a Spartan invasion
mathematical innovations that led to a wealth of inventions and technological growth
philosophical writings that laid the foundation for western philosophy
legal reforms that encouraged the development of democracy
legal reforms that encouraged the development of democracy
Solon was a notable Athenian statesman and reformer who lived in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.E. He is primarily remembered for the legal reforms that he encouraged which are often credited with laying the foundation for the development of Athenian democracy. Solon restructured Athenian law in an attempt to correct the moral and political decline of Athens and to prevent tyrannical rule.
Example Question #2 : Political History
The Persian ruler Darius I is most often remembered __________.
for his innovations in military tactics and his success on the battlefield
for his legal code and his effective reforms of Persian social hierarchy
for his persecution of native people and his oppressive means of conscription
for the conquest of Anatolia and Ancient Greece
for his efficient administrative reforms and improvements in internal infrastructure
for his efficient administrative reforms and improvements in internal infrastructure
Darius I is one of the most famous rulers of the classical Persian Empire. He ruled over a vast territory and is most often remembered for his efficient administration, his bureaucratic reforms, and his improvements in internal infrastructure - including the construction of the Persian Royal Road and the establishment of a postal service.
Example Question #1 : Political And Governmental Structures
Which of these best describes the government of the Persian Empire, particularly after the rule of Darius I?
A series of districts managed by a governor, each of whom has near autonomous control
A republican government in which citizens directly elected representatives to a body of legislatures
None of these adequately describes the government of the Persian Empire
A heavily centralized empire in which most of the territory was used to support the population of the metropole
A series of districts managed by a governor, under the command of a central authority
A series of districts managed by a governor, under the command of a central authority
Darius I is generally remembered for his impressive administrative reforms within the Persian Empire. During, and immediately after, his rule the Persian Empire was divided into a series of districts (called satrapies), which were managed by a governor (satraps).
Example Question #2 : Political History
Which Greek city is usually referred as the first democracy?
While not a democracy in the modern sense, Athens allowed citizens to cast votes that determined who held public office; however, as in most early or proto-democracies the definition of citizen was very stringent; a citizen had to be a free, male landowner. Democracy was also not a perpetual state of affairs in the city; it slipped in and out of dictatorship and oligarchy.
Example Question #4 : Political And Governmental Structures 600 Bce To 600 Ce
Formed after the Battle of Plataea, which organization was founded to continue fighting the Persians?
The Greek Confederacy
The Peloponnesian League
The Lacremonian League
The Delian League
The Corinthian Confederacy
The Delian League
The Delian League was founded by Athens to continue fighting the Persians. Eventually, Athenian handling of the league led to the Peloponnesian War. After the war, the Delian League was disbanded and most of its members joined the Peloponnesian League.
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