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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Documentation Of Medical Records And Charts
To keep record of calculations, the calculator requires:
Access to the internet
a photocopier
Connections to a spreadsheet
An electronic connection to the network
A paper tape
A paper tape
A calculator requires a paper tape in order to keep records of calculations.
Example Question #2 : Cma
Which of the following characteristics of professional behavior can be described as the ability to perform one's job duties to set standards?
Competence is the ability of an individual to perform ones job duties to set standards. Competence is a vital characteristic of professional behavior.
Example Question #1 : Front Office
Which of the following is true regarding the termination of patient care via the physician?
the patient must be allowed a reasonable period of time to find alternative medical care
each of the given answers is correct
None of the given answers is correct
patient care can only be terminated if there is just cause
the patient must be notified in writing via certified mail that care has been terminated
each of the given answers is correct
The following statements are true regarding the termination of patient care via the physician: patient care can only be terminated if there is just cause, the patient must be notified in writing via certified mail that care has been terminated, and the patient must be allowed a resonable period of time to find alternative health care.
Example Question #4 : Cma
Which of the following is not required when scheduling an appointment?
Patient's full name
all of the given answers are required
Home and work telephone number
Patient's employment status
Purpose of visit
Patient's employment status
When scheduling a patient appointment, it is necessary to obtain the patient's full name, telephone number where the patient can be reached, and the purpose of the visit. It is not necessary to determine the patient's employment status when scheduling an appointment.
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