All Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #11 : Integration Of Knowledge And Ideas
Dogs at Work
Many people have dogs. Dogs are good friends. They love to play and cuddle. Dogs will keep you company and make you feel better. Dogs will keep you safe and protect you from danger. Dogs are smart. They know their names and can learn cool tricks. Dogs are great pets. But did you know, many dogs have important jobs?
Therapy Dogs
Many dogs work to help people feel better. These dogs are called therapy dogs. Many therapy dogs work in hospitals to keep people happy and comfort people who are sick. Dogs make people feel happy and calm, which can help someone feel better when they are ill.
Some therapy dogs work with kids in schools. Kids can read to dogs and practice their skills to become better readers.
Service Dogs
Some dogs have jobs to help people with disabilities. These dogs are called service dogs. Many people who cannot see or hear have service dogs. Service dogs are trained to help their owners in their everyday lives. Service dogs can help people who cannot see by telling them when it is safe to cross the street and leading their owners so they do not trip or run in to something.
Other service dogs help people who have illnesses. These service dogs are trained to sense when their owner is going to get sick and warn their owner to take medicine or call for help.
Search-and-Rescue Dogs
Search-and-rescue dogs help find people who are lost or trapped. Dogs have a very good sense of smell – much better than humans. Search-and-rescue dogs use their senses to help locate missing people or people who are trapped in caves or fallen buildings.
Detection Dogs
Some dogs, like search-and-rescue dogs, use their sense of smell to help find people who are lost. Other dogs use their sense of smell to find things that are hidden. These dogs are called detection dogs.
Detection dogs can help police find people who have broken the law and are hiding. Detection dogs can also help find explosives or bombs before they can cause damage.
Dogs are great pets. They are smart, friendly and good companions. Dogs also work hard and help us in many ways. It’s a good thing there are dogs!
According to the text how are Search-and-Rescue dogs and Detection dogs different?
Search-and-Rescue dogs help find people who are hiding, and Detection dogs help find people who are missing
Search-and-Rescue dogs help people who are sick and Detection dogs help people who have a disability
Search-and-Rescue dogs help find bombs and Detection dogs help find people who are hiding.
Search-and-Rescue dogs help find people who are lost, and Detection dogs help find people who are hiding.
Search-and-Rescue dogs help find people who are lost, and Detection dogs help find people who are hiding.
Both Search-and-Rescue dogs and Detection dogs help find people, but Search-and-Rescue dogs help find people who are lost or missing and Detection dogs help find criminals who are hiding from the police.
Example Question #12 : Integration Of Knowledge And Ideas
Dog or Wolf?
Wolves and dogs share a common ancestor – the wolf. Over time, dogs evolved and changed while wolves stayed the same.
Dogs and wolves are very different species now, however, they still share many similarities.
Wolves and dogs are both very smart. You can teach a dog how to do many tricks and dogs quickly learn their names. Some dogs are even trained to do important jobs. Many dogs help police solve crimes and search for missing people. Dogs even help people who are deaf or blind. Wolves are also smart – they have strong senses that they use to survive in the wild, however, wolves are not easily trained the way dogs are.
Dogs and wolves have a great sense of smell. A dog’s sense of smell is 1000 times better than a human’s. Many dogs use their sense of smell to help with important jobs. Dogs work for police to detect illegal drugs and find criminals who are hiding. They also use their sense of smell to help find people who are lost or missing. When there is an accident, such as a building collapse, or a natural disaster, dogs use their strong sense of smell to find people who are trapped. Wolves use their strong sense of smell to help them find prey. They can also smell and sense dangers around them.
Dogs and wolves also have a strong sense of hearing – much better than people. Dogs and wolves use their ears for more than just hearing though. Their ears also can show how a dog or wolf is feeling. Perky ears show that they are paying attention to something, flat ears, usually pointed backwards, means they are feeling angry or threatened and can warn others to stay away. Soft flat or flapping ears show a dog or wolf is happy, friendly or comfortable.
Dogs and wolves don’t see in color like people do. Many colors, such as red, orange and yellow, can all look alike to a dog or wolf. Even though they may not see colors well, dogs and wolves do have excellent eyesight. Having good eyesight is especially important for wolves in the wild who need to be able to see prey and predators.
Dogs and wolves make many different types of sounds to communicate.
Wolves are known for their howl. Some dogs howl, but not all. Dogs are known for barking. Dogs bark for many reasons. They may bark as a warning to stay away or to let their owners know they sense danger. Dogs bark when they play, when they want attention and even when they are bored. Wolves will sometimes bark as a warning of danger.
Dogs and wolves both growl and snarl to warn predators, animals or people to scare them and as a warning to stay away. They growl when they feel threatened and are trying to protect themselves, their family and their home.
Dogs and wolves both dig. Wolves dig holes to hide food and bones to save for later. Some wolves dig to find food such as mice. Wolves also dig holes in the summer to find somewhere cool to lie or in the winter to stay warm and escape the cold. Wolves also dig underground dens as shelter for their pups. Dogs dig mostly for fun or when they smell something interesting. Dogs love to dig holes to hide their toys and bones – and dig them up again later.
According to the text, how are dogs and wolves similar?
They are both trained to do important jobs
They both dig to hide toys
They both use their eyesight to find prey
They both growl and snarl
They both growl and snarl
Dogs and wolves both growl and snarl. In the text it says “Dogs and wolves both growl and snarl to warn predators, animals or people to scare them and as a warning to stay away.” According to the text, only dogs are trained to do important jobs and dig to hide toys. Wolves dig to hide bones, find food, and create a shelter. Wolves use their eyesight to find food in the wild.
Example Question #11 : Integration Of Knowledge And Ideas
Dogs at Work
Many people have dogs. Dogs are good friends. They love to play and cuddle. Dogs will keep you company and make you feel better. Dogs will keep you safe and protect you from danger. Dogs are smart. They know their names and can learn cool tricks. Dogs are great pets. But did you know, many dogs have important jobs?
Therapy Dogs
Many dogs work to help people feel better. These dogs are called therapy dogs. Many therapy dogs work in hospitals to keep people happy and comfort people who are sick. Dogs make people feel happy and calm, which can help someone feel better when they are ill.
Some therapy dogs work with kids in schools. Kids can read to dogs and practice their skills to become better readers.
Service Dogs
Some dogs have jobs to help people with disabilities. These dogs are called service dogs. Many people who cannot see or hear have service dogs. Service dogs are trained to help their owners in their everyday lives. Service dogs can help people who cannot see by telling them when it is safe to cross the street and leading their owners so they do not trip or run in to something.
Other service dogs help people who have illnesses. These service dogs are trained to sense when their owner is going to get sick and warn their owner to take medicine or call for help.
Search-and-Rescue Dogs
Search-and-rescue dogs help find people who are lost or trapped. Dogs have a very good sense of smell – much better than humans. Search-and-rescue dogs use their senses to help locate missing people or people who are trapped in caves or fallen buildings.
Detection Dogs
Some dogs, like search-and-rescue dogs, use their sense of smell to help find people who are lost. Other dogs use their sense of smell to find things that are hidden. These dogs are called detection dogs.
Detection dogs can help police find people who have broken the law and are hiding. Detection dogs can also help find explosives or bombs before they can cause damage.
Dogs are great pets. They are smart, friendly and good companions. Dogs also work hard and help us in many ways. It’s a good thing there are dogs!
According to the text, how are dogs and wolves different?
Wolves have a good sense of smell
Wolves cannot see colors
Wolves can learn tricks
Wolves dig dens
Wolves dig dens
Dogs and wolves are different because wolves dig to make dens for their pups while dogs only dig holes to hide bones and toys and when they are bored. Neither wolves nor dogs can see colors. Both wolves and dogs have a good sense of smell. Wolves cannot be trained to do tricks.
All Common Core: 2nd Grade English Language Arts Resources