All Common Core: 8th Grade English Language Arts Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #6 : Use Elipses: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2.B
Read the sentence(s) below for full context. Choose the answer that uses ellipses properly to indicate an omission.
I dropped my pencil case on the stairs as I headed to math, luckily my friend Andrew was walking past and helped me clean up the mess so I wouldn’t be late.
Which of the following best summarizes the complete meaning of the sentence above?
I dropped my pencil case on the stairs as I headed to math, luckily my friend Andrew was walking I wouldn’t be late.
I dropped my I headed to math...I wouldn’t be late.
I dropped my pencil case on the friend Andrew...helped me clean up the mess so I wouldn’t be late.
I dropped my pencil case...Andrew was walking past and helped me clean up the mess so I wouldn’t be late.
I dropped my pencil case on the friend Andrew...helped me clean up the mess so I wouldn’t be late.
I dropped my pencil case on the friend Andrew...helped me clean up the mess so I wouldn’t be late. This answer contains the main points of the sentence, I dropped my pencil case so Andrew helped me clean it up so I wouldn’t be late. The class I was headed too and that he was walking past are not key details to understanding the sentence.
Example Question #21 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2
Read the sentence(s) below for full context. Choose the answer that explains if the ellipses are used properly.
Full context: Bears have learned to live amongst humans, due to adaptations because of changes in their environment. They can be a danger to humans when they move into residential communities searching for food and shelter.
Ellipses: Bears have learned to live amongst humans...They can be a danger when they move into residential communities...
Is this an appropriate use of an ellipsis and why?
Yes, it still has the same meaning as with the full text.
No, the ellipses were not used properly.
Yes, it is shorter which is always the goal of ellipses.
No, the meaning has changed and it is not complete.
No, the meaning has changed and it is not complete.
No, the meaning has changed and it is not complete. This answer choice has left out why the bears are able to live amongst humans and when they pose a danger. Major pieces of the original text are left out and cause the sentences’ meaning to change.
Example Question #22 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2
As an author, Lauren draws on her experience as an avid hiker, rock climber, kayaker, and backpacker as she paints vivid pictures of outdoor scenes for her readers.
Which of the following best encapsulates the complete meaning of the sentence above?
As an author, Lauren draws...for her readers.
As an author, Lauren draws on her experience...for her readers.
As an author, Lauren…paints vivid pictures of outdoor scenes for her readers.
As an author, Lauren draws on her experience as an avid hiker, rock climber, kayaker, and backpacker as she paints…
As an author, Lauren…paints vivid pictures of outdoor scenes for her readers.
The point of this sentence is to say that because of Lauren’s amazing outdoor adventures, she is able as an author to “paint vivid pictures” of outdoor scenes so that readers can use her words to visualize them almost as if they were there. The critical meaning of the sentence is that Lauren makes these outdoor scenes come alive for her readers, and only choice B captures that essence.
Example Question #23 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2
Bronson attended but was expelled from Oberlin - for reasons he considers invalid - but got back on track and graduated from Ohio State.
Which of the following options properly uses ellipses to summarize the full meaning of the sentence above?
Bronson attended but was expelled from Oberlin...but got back on track and graduated from Ohio State.
Bronson...was expelled from Oberlin - for reasons he considers invalid.
Bronson...graduated from Ohio State.
Bronson attended but was expelled from Oberlin - for reasons he considers invalid…
Bronson attended but was expelled from Oberlin...but got back on track and graduated from Ohio State.
][\The point of the sentence is that Bronson encountered academic hardship but still had a happy ending. Only the choice that mentions both expulsion and graduation captures the full meaning of the sentence.
Example Question #24 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2
Select the word that is spelled correctly.
The word that is spelled correctly is "suspicious". The incorrectly spelled words and the corrections are as follows:
artacle article
iritate irritate
teliscope telescope
Example Question #25 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2
Select the word that is spelled correctly.
The word that is spelled correctly is "outrageous". The incorrectly spelled words and the corrections are as follows:
begining beginning
acuracy accuracy
acess access
Example Question #26 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2
Select the word that is spelled correctly.
The word that is spelled correctly is "miracle". The incorrectly spelled words and the corrections are as follows:
unatural unnatural
pervention prevention
symetrical symmetrical
Example Question #27 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2
Which of the following provides the proper spelling for a word that means “beginner” or “novice”?
Example Question #28 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2
Which of the following provides the proper spelling for a word that means “out of control” or “franzied”?
Answer: Berserk
Example Question #29 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.8.2
Which of the following provides the proper spelling for a word that means “isolated” or “alone”?
Answer: Solitary
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All Common Core: 8th Grade English Language Arts Resources