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All Common Core: 8th Grade Math Resources
Common Core education standards require that by the end of a child’s eighth grade year, they have knowledge of rational and irrational numbers, integer exponents, geometric congruence, use of functions in modeling relationships, and patterns of association in statistics and probability. For some parents, these topics are enough to send one running. There’s nothing to fear though. There are a wide range of study tools available to help their son or daughter to understand their mathematics homework.
Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools offer a variety of study help, including a comprehensive set of free flashcards online, which specifically focus on the math concepts that are required through the Common Core standards. There are hundreds of individual flashcards that you and your child can use to review concepts that your child is learning in their mathematics classes.
The Common Core 8th Grade Math study flashcards offer several ways to dig into the available content. You can have your son or daughter start with specific topics, like functions, word problems, or statistics and probability; you could also have your son or daughter start with the selection that presents a variety of topics in random order. No matter how you go about this review, your child will see a single math question or problem to solve on one flashcard, and will have up to five answers to choose from.
Feedback is instantaneous with this Learning Tool. Your child will see the correct answer, and a comparison between the answer they chose and the correct one. Not only that, but your child will also see the explanation from the very start, of how to get from the mathematical question to the exact answer, in a step-by-step explanation.
Learning Tool Flashcards are unique, because your child has access to the flashcards anytime he or she has an Internet connection and at least a few minutes to review some of the concepts contained in the Common Core 8th Grade Math problem sets. Whether you or your child are interested in getting a general review of any of the concepts they might learn in their eighth grade math class, or if there is a need to focus on specific concepts for extra review, these online flashcards allow users to pick and choose the questions they wish to answer. If your child answers a question and later decides to go back to that same flashcard, the system allows them to do just that; also, if your child skips a question they are not comfortable with, or that they’ve already mastered, there is no penalty.
Signing up for an account with Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools brings even more personalized tools to your disposal. You can track the specific concepts that your child knows well, or those that they need to review further, because the account tracks that information for members. If there are concepts that you want to review, but don’t see the flashcards for, you can use the flashcards maker to create your own study tool. You can also create your own Practice Tests, or access other Learning Tools, like Full-Length Practice Tests that mimic wat an actual exam may look like, Learn by Concept (an interactive syllabus), shorter Practice Tests that cover specific topics, or even a Question of the Day series that gives a single question in the problem set every day.