All Common Core: Kindergarten English Language Arts Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #22 : Capitalization, Punctuation, And Spelling: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.K.2
What is the ending punctuation of the sentence below?
Get out of the way!
A period
A question mark
An exclamation point
An exclamation point
There are three ways to end a complete sentence:
A period which ends a statement sentence. (.)
An exclamation point which ends a sentence that shows excitement. (!)
A question mark which ends a sentence that asks a question. (?)
This sentence ends with an explanation point.
Example Question #1 : Determine The Meaning Of Unknown And Multiple Meaning Words And Phrases: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.K.4
What does the word "duck" mean in the sentence below.
My dad is so tall, he has to duck when he walks through the door so he doesn't hit his head.
To quack
To fly
To run away
To lower the head
To lower the head
We can use context clues in the sentence to help us learn the meaning of "duck".
"My dad is so tall, he has to duck when he walks through the door so he doesn't hit his head."
If you were really tall, what would you do so that you didn't hit your head on the top of a door when you walk through it? You would probably lower your head.
The correct answer is "To lower the head".
Example Question #1 : Determine The Meaning Of Unknown And Multiple Meaning Words And Phrases: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.K.4
What does the word "rat" mean in the sentence below?
My brother was doing something wrong, so I had to rat him out to my mom.
To ask him
To explain to him
A small furry animal
To tell on him
To tell on him
We can use context clues in the sentence to help us learn the meaning of "rat". "My brother was doing something wrong, so I had to rat him out to my mom." If your brother had done something wrong, what would you need to do with your mom? You would probably need to tell on him.
Example Question #71 : Language
What does the word "ruler" mean in the sentence below?
I had to measure something. I got out my ruler to do so.
My crown to show I was the queen
The rectangular device that tells me how long something is
My pencil and pen
My crown to show I was the king
The rectangular device that tells me how long something is
We can use context clues in the sentence to help us learn the meaning of "ruler". "I had to measure something. I got out my ruler to do so." If you are measuring something, what would you need to do that? You would probably need a rectangular device that tells you how long something is.
Example Question #3 : Determine The Meaning Of Unknown And Multiple Meaning Words And Phrases: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.K.4
What does the word "log" mean in the sentence below?
My dad cut a tree into pieces and then picked up a log.
A smaller piece of the tree
A bird and nest
A piece of paper to write things down on
A leaf
A smaller piece of the tree
We can use context clues in the sentence to help us learn the meaning of "log". "My dad cut a tree into pieces and then picked up a log." If your dad cut down a tree and then picks up a piece of it, what would he have picked up? It would probably have been a smaller piece of the tree.
Example Question #4 : Determine The Meaning Of Unknown And Multiple Meaning Words And Phrases: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.K.4
What does the word "mug" mean in the sentence below?
My mom made me a glass of hot chocolate in a mug.
A glass to drink out of
A face that smiles
A piece of candy
A facial expression
A glass to drink out of
We can use context clues in the sentence to help us learn the meaning of "mug". "My mom made me a glass of hot chocolate in a mug." If your mom made you a glass of hot chocolate in something, what would it have been? It would probably have been a glass to drink out of.
Example Question #5 : Determine The Meaning Of Unknown And Multiple Meaning Words And Phrases: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.K.4
What does the word "blue" mean in the sentence below?
My pet fish just died, so I am feeling a little blue.
A little color
A little sad
A little surprised
A little green
A little sad
We can use context clues in the sentence to help us learn the meaning of "blue". "My pet fish just died, so I am feeling a little blue." If your pet fish died, how would you be feeling? It would probably be a little sad.
Example Question #72 : Language
What does the word "cake" mean in the sentence below?
I thought the math problem was not very hard. I told my dad it was a piece of cake.
An easy problem to complete
A meal after dinner
A delicious dessert
An ice cream sandwich
An easy problem to complete
We can use context clues in the sentence to help us learn the meaning of "cake". "I thought the math problem was not very hard. I told my dad it was a piece of cake." If the math problem was not very hard, what would it have been? It would probably be an easy problem to complete.
Example Question #73 : Language
What does the word "bat" mean in the sentence below?
I was playing in a baseball game. My coach told me I was next up to bat.
To flying animal
To animal that comes out at night
To score the winning run
To take my turn hitting
To take my turn hitting
We can use context clues in the sentence to help us learn the meaning of "bat". "I was playing in a baseball game. My coach told me I was next up to bat." If you’re playing baseball and you are next up to bat, what would you be about to do? It would probably be to take your turn hitting.
Example Question #1 : Determine The Meaning Of Unknown And Multiple Meaning Words And Phrases: Ccss.Ela Literacy.L.K.4
What does the word "ring" mean in the sentence below?
My cousin asked his girlfriend to marry him. He gave her a ring.
A championship title
A piece of jewelry to wear on her finger
A call on the phone
A box of snacks
A piece of jewelry to wear on her finger
We can use context clues in the sentence to help us learn the meaning of "ring". "My cousin asked his girlfriend to marry him. He gave her a ring." If your cousin asks his girlfriend to marry him and gives her something, what would he likely give her? It would probably be a piece of jewelry to wear on her finger.
All Common Core: Kindergarten English Language Arts Resources