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Example Questions
Example Question #11 : Departments And Processes
In the event that a sitting President dies, resigns, is incapacitated, or impeached and convicted, who replaces him?
The Secretary of State
The oldest senator
The Speaker of the House
The Vice President
The Vice President
The 25th Amendment formally sets Presidential succession, and in doing so, makes the VP the official President in the event of a death, resignation, or impeachment. Although that sounds a little goofy, it’s important mainly for somewhat attenuated legal reasons, the majority of which are beyond the scope of your course. Put simply, the 25th Amendment removed any confusion about whether the VP (in the event she needed to step up to the Presidency) was simply the “acting” President, or was actually the president.
Example Question #12 : Departments And Processes
At least how old must you be to vote?
18 years old
21 years old
20 years old
None of the above are correct
18 years old
The correct answer is 18 years old. The 26th Amendment forced the states to set their voting age no higher than 18. The states are free, however, to lower their voting age to (presumably) whatever they want. Remember: the states control who gets the franchise (bounded, obviously, by voting amendments).
Example Question #13 : Departments And Processes
Which of these executive departments was created first?
The Department of Transportation
The Department of Justice
The Department of Homeland Security
The Department of Education
The Department of the Treasury
The Department of the Treasury
The Department of Treasury has existed from the very beginning of United States political history under the Constitution (1789). The Department of Justice was created in 1870, Transportation in 1967, Education in 1979, Homeland Security in 2002.
Example Question #14 : Departments And Processes
Which of these executive departments is responsible for advising the President on foreign policy?
The Department of Labor
The Department of the Interior
The Department of Commerce
The Department of Defense
The State Department
The State Department
The State Department is responsible for advising the President on foreign policy, as well as negotiating foreign treaties and engaging in diplomatic practices.
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