All GRE Subject Test: Biology Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Understanding Nervous System Functions
What is the name of the support cell in the nervous system responsible for circulating cerebrospinal fluid?
Ependymal cells
Schwann cells
Ependymal cells
The nervous system has a variety of support cells in addition to neurons. These support cells are collectively called the neuroglia.
Microglia are used to remove debris from the nervous system, astrocytes provide support to neurons, and Schwann cells are used to myelinate the axons in the peripheral nervous system. It is the role of ependymal cells to synthesize and circulate cerebrospinal fluid using their cilia.
Example Question #2 : Understanding Nervous System Functions
Which portion of the brain is responsible for controlling breathing and heart rate?
Brain stem
Brain stem
The cerebellum is found in the posterior portion of the brain and controls balance and coordination. The cerebrum controls upper level cognition, such as conscious thought, and memory. The hypothalamus is a crucial endocrine structure and helps regulate hormone secretion from the pituitary and body homeostasis. The brain stem controls the most basic duties of the body, which include breathing rate, heart rate, and blood pressure.
Example Question #3 : Understanding Nervous System Functions
Which portion of the nervous system is responsible for increasing digestive and excretory activity in the body?
Somatic nervous system
Sympathetic nervous system
Central nervous system
Parasympathetic nervous system
Parasympathetic nervous system
Digestion and excretion are not consciously controlled, which means that they fall under the control of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system has two branches: the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system is involved in "fight or flight" activities, while the parasympathetic nervous system controls "rest and digest" activities. As a result, digestive and excretory activity is increased by the parasympathetic nervous system.
The central nervous system contain components of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and controls a variety of nervous functions. Only the brain and spinal cord are considered part of the central nervous system. The somatic nervous system is under voluntary control, and is primarily linked to skeletal muscle.
Example Question #5 : Nervous System
Which of the following is most closely linked to neuron hyperpolarization?
A membrane potential of –65mV
Potassium efflux
Absolute refractory period
Sodium influx
Potassium efflux
The main stages of an action potential are depolarization, hyperpolarization, and repolarization. The resting membrane potential of the cell is roughly –65mV. During depolarization the neuron initiates the action potential by opening voltage-gated sodium channels. This allows an influx of sodium ions, which raises to membrane potential to roughly 50mV. Sodium channels are quick to react to the action potential stimulus, but voltage-gated potassium channels are slower. After the depolarization, the potassium channels open, allowing for a rapid efflux of potassium ions. This causes the membrane potential to rapidly drop, so much so that it becomes more negative than the resting potential. This drop below resting potential is known as hyperpolarization. Repolarization then occurs by action of the sodium-potassium pump, which uses ATP to reestablish the resting potential by removing sodium and importing potassium.
The absolute refractory period occurs when the initial gating mechanism of the sodium channels is activated, making them impervious to stimuli. In contract, the relative refractory period is closely linked to hyperpolarization and describes the period during which the cell can be stimulated, but only if the stimulus is large enough to overcome the hyperpolarized environment and reach threshold.
Example Question #251 : Gre Subject Test: Biology
Which of the following events is correlated with the repolarization of the neuron?
The closing of voltage-gated potassium channels
The opening of voltage-gated potassium channels
The opening of voltage-gated sodium channels
The increased rate of the sodium-potassium pump
The opening of voltage-gated potassium channels
The action potential is composed of key changes in voltage for the neuronal cell body. The resting voltage in the cell is negative, due to the action of the sodium-potassium pump. When an action potential reaches the cell, voltage-gated sodium channels open, and sodium ions rush into the cell. This raises the voltage inside the cell in a process called depolarization.
As the voltage in the cell rises, the sodium channels begin to close, and voltage-gated potassium channels begin to open. As potassium ions exit the cell, the voltage drops back down to negative once again. This process is called repolarization. It takes a bit longer for the potassium channels to close, which causes a temporary hyperpolarization of the cell; however, once they close and the cell will eventually return to the initial negative resting potential by action of the sodium-potassium pump.
Example Question #1 : Understanding Action Potentials And Ion Channels
Which of the following ions causes the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft?
Potassium ions
Chlorine ions
Sodium ions
Calcium ions
Calcium ions
There is a larger number of voltage-gated calcium channels near the synaptic cleft on the pre-synaptic neuron. As an action potential approaches the synaptic cleft, these voltage-gated calcium channels open and allow for a rapid influx of calcium. The sudden influx of calcium ions into the cell causes a release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.
Sodium and potassium play key roles in establishing the resting membrane potential and propagating the action potential, but do not actually stimulate the release of the neurotransmitter.
Example Question #1 : Understanding Action Potentials And Ion Channels
Which of the following compounds works by crossing the synaptic cleft and is involved in triggering contraction of muscles, stimulating the excretion of hormones, and exciting the nervous system?
Neurotransmitters cross the synaptic cleft to cause a change in the excitability of the downstream neuron. Acetylcholine is an excitatory neurotransmitter matching the description in the question stem. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter and serotonin is responsible for feelings of happiness. Cortisol and epinephrine are hormones, not neurotransmitters, thus they are released into the bloodstream, not the synaptic cleft.
Example Question #1 : Understanding Action Potentials And Ion Channels
Repolarization of the neuron is associated with what event in the action potential?
Sodium entering the cell through voltage-gated channels.
Sodium exiting the cell through voltage-gated channels.
Potassium entering the cell through voltage-gated channels.
Potassium leaving the cell through voltage-gated channels.
Potassium leaving the cell through voltage-gated channels.
Repolarization is one of the last steps of an action potential, where the cell potential of the neuron is made to be negative in value once again. This step is accomplished by the opening of voltage-gated potassium channels, which allows for potassium to exit the neuron.
Example Question #2 : Understanding Action Potentials And Ion Channels
Which of the following is true of action potentials in neurons?
Multiple action potentials can be summed up over time.
They are considered an "all or nothing" event.
The amplitude of the action potential is proportional to the size of the stimulus which caused it.
There is no refractory period for action potentials.
They are considered an "all or nothing" event.
Action potentials are unique in that they are a one-way transmission of impulses throughout the nervous system. Action potentials will always be the same amplitude for a given neuron, regardless of the stimulus which caused it; however, the stimulus must be sufficient enough to cross the threshold, or the action potential will not occur. It is because of this feature that action potentials are said to be "all or nothing" in nature.
Example Question #1 : Endocrine System
The interaction between blood pressure and kidney function in humans requires coordination by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). This system involves the dynamic interplay of the kidneys, lungs, and blood vessels to carefully regulate sodium and water balance.
A normal human kidney has cells adjacent to the glomerulus called juxtaglomerular cells. These cells sense sodium content in urine of the distal convoluted tubule, releasing renin in response to a low level. Renin is an enzyme that converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I (AI). AI is converted to angiotensin II (AII) by angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) in the lung.
AII stimulates aldosterone secretion in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland. Aldosterone then acts to upregulate the sodium-potassium pump on the basolateral side of distal tubule epithelial cells to increase sodium reabsorption from the urine, as well as increasing potassium excretion.
Renin is most likely to drive the formation of angiotensin I from angiotensinogen by doing which of the following?
I. Increasing the concentration of angiotensinogen
II. Lowering the activation energy of the reaction from angiotensinogen to angiotensin I
III. Stabilizing the angiotensin I molecule to lower the energy of the products
I only
III only
I,II, and III
II and III
II only
II only
Renin, as the passage establishes, is an enzyme. Enzymes always work by leaving the thermodynamic energies of the products and reactants the same, but lower activation energy of the reaction. Angiotensinogen is released by the liver, and converted by renin to angiotensin I. Renin does not directly act on the liver to stimulate angiotensinogen release.
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All GRE Subject Test: Biology Resources