All GRE Subject Test: Biology Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Understanding Other Plant Evolution
What is a distinct feature of a C4 plant?
Closed stomata during the day
Light independent reactions
Carbon fixation
Bundle-sheath cells
Bundle-sheath cells
Carbon fixation converts inorganic carbon dioxide into organic carbon compounds, such as glucose and cellulose. This is a characteristic function of both C3 and C4, and is a primary purpose of light independent reactions.
Closed stomata during the day is a characteristic of CAM plants, which allows for the conservation of water that is usually lost during photorespiration.
Bundle-sheath cells are a characteristic of C4 plants. The presence of bundle-sheath cells isolates rubisco, preventing rubisco from binding to oxygen during photorespiration.
Example Question #1 : Understanding Types Of Plants
Some organisms, such as green plants, are capable of obtaining energy directly from photosynthesis. These organisms are termed __________.
primary consumers
Autotrophs are organisms that produce complex organic compounds from substances present in the surroundings. These organisms may do this through the use of energy from light or from inorganic chemical reactions.
In contrast, heterotrophs require organic input in order to generate biological compounds and are unable to use light or inorganic materials for energy.
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All GRE Subject Test: Biology Resources