All GRE Subject Test: Chemistry Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #2 : P H
HCN dissociates based on the following reaction.
The Ka for hydrogen cyanide is .
is added to
of water. What is the pH of the resulting solution?
Possible Answers:
Correct answer:
Since HCN is a weak acid, we must use the equilibrium equation.
Because the HCN dissociates in solution, we expect the concentrations of protons and cyanide ions to increase, while the concentration of HCN will decrease. After determining the molarity of the solution, we can set up the equation below, using X as the amount of moles that dissociate.
Because X is small, we can neglect its impact in the denominator.
Since X is the concentration of protons in the solution, we can calculate the pH by using the equation .
Certified Tutor
Certified Tutor
Georgia Southern University, Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry. University of Georgia, Current Grad Student, Pharmacy.
Certified Tutor
Certified Tutor
Nankai University, Bachelor of Science, Chemistry. Washington University in St Louis, Doctor of Philosophy, Organic Chemistry.
All GRE Subject Test: Chemistry Resources
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