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Example Questions
Example Question #2 : Understanding Speciation
A species of fruit fly that traditionally inhabits the western slope of a mountain was blown by the wind to reach the eastern side of the mountain. Over time, the fruit fly population on the eastern side of the mountain lost its ability to mate with the western fruit flies when they encountered each other. This is an example of which type of speciation?
Hypopatric speciation
Allopatric speciation
Sympatric speciation
Parapatric speciation
Allopatric speciation
Allopatric speciation takes place when a group of individuals becomes physically isolated from the original population and starts to evolve separately. When individuals from the two populations stop mating regularly gene flow is reduced and over time the populations will start to lose the ability to recognize each other and successfully mate. This phenomenon leads to the speciation of one species into two.
Example Question #5 : Understanding Speciation
A certain type of flower used to grow on both sides of the Amazon River. However, over time, the salinity of the soil on the north side grew significantly, while the salinity on the south side stayed the same. Over time, the flowers on one side became unable to reproduce with the flowers growing along the opposite bank because their offspring could not survive in the saline conditions; however, these plants were formerly of the same species.
What type of speciation is described?
Peripatric speciation
Sympatric speciation
Allopatric speciation
Parapatric speciation
Artificial speciation
Parapatric speciation
Parapatric speciation is a type of speciation that occurs when an extreme change in habitat occurs and separates a species from members of its groups. This does not have to do with geographic barriers, but a difference in climates or conditions. In this case, the salinity of the soil on one side separated the flowers from mating with their own species, thus delineating them.
Allopatric speciation is a separation of species due to geographic location. For example, the speciation of Darwin's finches is allopatric speciation—the finches eventually lost the ability to interbreed due to being on separate islands.
Sympatric speciation is when a species is still in the same geographic location, but becomes reproductively isolated. This usually happens through a mutation during reproduction when the offspring recieves twice the number of normal chromosomes. This individual possesses a quality called tetraploidy, and cannot reproduce with other diploids.
Peripatric is similar to allopatric speciation in that the individuals are separated by geographic barriers. However, the main difference is that the group that is broken off is much smaller and may possess a certain quality or trait that, due to the small group, is made a more predominant quality or trait.
Example Question #21 : Genetics And Evolution
A certain type of flower used to grow on both sides of the Amazon River. However, over time, the salinity of the soil on the north side grew significantly, while the salinity on the south side stayed the same. Over time, the flowers on one side became unable to reproduce with the flowers growing along the opposite bank because their offspring could not survive in the saline conditions; however, these plants were formerly of the same species.
What type of speciation is described?
Allopatric speciation
Parapatric speciation
Peripatric speciation
Sympatric speciation
Parapatric speciation
Parapatric speciation is a type of speciation that occurs when an extreme change in habitat occurs and separates a species from members of its groups. This does not have to do with geographic barriers, but a difference in climates or conditions. In this case, the salinity of the soil on one side separated the flowers from mating with their own species, thus delineating them.
Allopatric speciation is a separation of species due to geographic location. For example, the speciation of Darwin's finches is allopatric speciation—the finches eventually lost the ability to interbreed due to being on separate islands.
Sympatric speciation is when a species is still in the same geographic location, but becomes reproductively isolated. This usually happens through a mutation during reproduction when the offspring recieves twice the number of normal chromosomes. This individual possesses a quality called tetraploidy, and cannot reproduce with other diploids.
Peripatric is similar to allopatric speciation in that the individuals are separated by geographic barriers. However, the main difference is that the group that is broken off is much smaller and may possess a certain quality or trait that, due to the small group, is made a more predominant quality or trait.
Example Question #1 : Understanding Biological Fitness
Biological fitness is defined as __________.
the average life span of an organism
the amount of energy an organism can use in the environment
the percentage of energy that is dedicated to mating
the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce
the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce
The biological fitness of an organism is dependent on its ability to survive and reproduce in a given environment. If different traits or alleles increase the fitness of an organism, those alleles will consequently increase in the gene pool, and that trait will increase in the population. This is how natural selection affects a population.
There is inherent trade-off in biological fitness. A trait that increases ability to survive, but makes an individual sterile, decreases fitness because the organism cannot produce offspring to carry on the trait. Similarly, if a trait increases the ability to reproduce, but makes it harder to the organism to survive, it may die before being able to produce offspring. Both survival and reproduction are essential to defining the fitness of an organism.
Example Question #1 : Understanding Biological Fitness
Which of the following best describes biological fitness?
Ability to grow to the largest size
Ability to reason and think logically
Ability to reproduce
Ability to compete against other organisms
Ability to have superior physical strength
Ability to reproduce
Biological fitness in the evolutionary sense is only related to fitness in terms to reproduction. Because the primary goal of all organisms is to reproduce, or to pass their DNA onto offspring, fitness is defined as the ability to reproduce and create viable offspring.
"Favorable" traits, such as intelligence, size, or strength, may increase the ability of an individual to survive and reproduce, thus increasing biological fitness, but cannot be used to directly define the fitness of the individual.
Example Question #1 : Understanding Biological Fitness
Darwinian fitness is a measure of __________.
the ability of an organism to use tools
the ability of an organism to create offspring
the ability of an organism to protect its young
the ability of an organism to run for long periods of time
the ability of an organism to kill another organism
the ability of an organism to create offspring
The term "fitness" in evolutionary biology means the ability of an organism to pass on its genetic material to its offspring. Biological or "Darwinian" fitness is being able to live long enough to reproduce and keep the population or species alive. Most students confuse biological fitness with physical fitness because that is the context most often associated with the word.
Example Question #1 : Understanding Biological Fitness
In the study of evolution, sometimes it is useful to assess the biological fitness of an individual. What is the best criterion to use to measure the biological fitness of a certain large, strong iguana?
The number of the iguana's offspring who also survive to reproduce
The number of predators the iguana has in its environment
The age of the iguana
The weight of the iguana
The hunting ability of the iguana
The number of the iguana's offspring who also survive to reproduce
Biological or Darwinian fitness is defined based on the specimen's ability to reproduce and generate viable offspring. Essentially, the fitness of the individual is based on its ability to pass genetic information on to the next generation, as opposed to any physical characteristic or trait.
Measuring the number of offspring who contribute to the gene pool is the best way to determine how genetically fit the iguana is. No matter how strong, large, old, or free of predation an animal is, if it cannot reproduce, it is not considered fit.
Example Question #2 : Understanding Biological Fitness
Which of the following is an example of an evolutionary advantage?
All of these
A cheetah that can run faster than the rest of his pack
A black moth that lives near an industrial site that produces a lot of soot
A white rabbit that lives in a snow covered environment
A bird with a beak that can crack nuts in an environment where nuts are the main food source
All of these
All of the examples given provide an evolutionary advantage. A white rabbit in a snow covered environment has camouflage, which protects it from its predators. The same is true with the black moth living in a in a soot-covered industrial area. A cheeta that can run fastest has the greatest chance of catching prey and feeding himself/herself and his/her offspring. The same is true for a bird that can crack nuts in an area where nuts are the main source of food.
Example Question #21 : Evolutionary Principles
A female cheetah in Africa has four litters of cubs over her lifetime. Her first litter has six cubs that grow to adulthood and is fathered by the most spotted male in the area. Her second litter has four cubs that grow to adulthood and is fathered by the fastest male in the area. Her third litter has two cubs that survive to adulthood and is fathered by the strongest male in the area. Her fourth litter has five cubs that survive to adulthood and is fathered by the smartest male in the area. Which male cheetah has the most biological fitness?
The most spotted male
The fastest male
The smartest male
The strongest male
Can't tell from the given information
The most spotted male
The term biological fitness refers to reproductive success and is different than physical fitness. Since the most spotted male fathered the most cubs that survived to adulthood to reproduce themselves, he would be considered the most biologically fit. It is also important to note the inclusion of the "survived to adulthood" aspect since reproductive success is dependent on an organism's offspring being able to reproduce and contribute to the gene pool as well. For example, if the most spotted male had fathered a litter that initially had nine cubs, but only one of them survived to adulthood to have cubs of its own, he would no longer be considered the most biologically fit.
Example Question #1 : Understanding Other Evolution Principles
Which of the following statements is true for genetic drift in a large population?
Large populations have a fairly stable allele frequency, and therefore a small degree of genetic drift
Large populations routinely undergo abrupt changes in allele frequency and exhibit a large degree of genetic drift
Failure of a single individual to reproduce can significantly alter allele frequency of the population
A higher level of reproduction by an individual of the population can contribute significantly to genetic drift
Large populations have a fairly stable allele frequency, and therefore a small degree of genetic drift
Genetic drift can be defined as changes in allele frequencies in a population caused by random events or chance. Large populations are capable of retaining fairly stable allele frequencies, thereby maintaining a small degree of genetic drift.
In contrast, in a small population, either losing the alleles of a single individual or an over-contribution by a single individual in reproduction can significantly change the frequency of alleles within the population. This could eventually lead to the loss of alleles from the population.
All High School Biology Resources