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Example Questions
Example Question #101 : Logic
Performing music is more soothing than painting and running. Running is more soothing than debating. Painting is more soothing than debating. If the first two sentences are true, the third is __________.
Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “is more soothing than.”
(1) Performing music is more soothing than painting and running.
We get two statements from this:
(a) Music > painting
(b) Music > running
(2) Running is more soothing than debating: running > debating
Notice that this tells us that:
Music > running > debating
However, it does not tell us the relationship between painting and debating. We just know that debating and painting are less soothing than performing music.
Example Question #102 : Logic
Christopher is more loving than both Richard and Timothy. Richard is less loving than Lucy but more loving than Ronald, who is less loving than Timothy. Christopher is more loving than Ronald. If the first two statements are true, the third is __________.
Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “is more loving than,” and “less than” (<) will mean “is less loving than.”
(1) Christopher is more loving than both Richard and Timothy. This really contains two statements:
(a) Christopher > Richard
(b) Christopher > Timothy
(2) Richard is less loving than Lucy but more loving than Ronald, who is less loving than Timothy. This really contains two statements:
(a) Lucy > Richard > Ronald
(b) Ronald < Timothy
Now, notice that the link from Ronald to Christopher will have to go through Timothy. Let's rewrite 2b as:
Timothy > Ronald
This can be combined with 1.b to get:
Christopher > Timothy > Ronald
Therefore, it is true that Christopher is more loving than Ronald.
Example Question #103 : Logic
Wheeler is a smaller town than Connellsville but larger than Chalkhill. Chalkhill is larger than both Frogbottom and Toadhole. Toadhole is smaller than Wheeler. If the first two statements are true, the third is __________.
Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “is a larger town than,” and “less than” (<) will mean “is a smaller town than.”
(1) Wheeler is a smaller town than Connellsville but larger than Chalkhill: Connellsville > Wheeler > Chalkhill
(2) Chalkhill is larger than both Frogbottom and Toadhole. This really gives us two statements:
(a) Chalkhill > Frogbottom
(b) Chalkhill > Toadhole
Now, we can relate Toadhold and Wheeler by combining 1 with 2b:
Connellsville > Wheeler > Chalkhill > Toadhole
It is therefore true to say that Toadhole is smaller than Wheeler.
Example Question #104 : Logic
Charles is a better writer than Steven but a worse writer than Laura. Laura is a worse writer than both Nellie and John. John is a better writer than Steven. If the first two statements are true, the third is __________.
Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “is a better writer than,” and “less than” (<) will mean “is a worse writer than.”
(1) Charles is a better writer than Steven but a worse writer than Laura: Laura > Charles > Steven
(2) Laura is a worse writer than both Nellie and John. This gives us two statements:
(a) Laura < Nellie
(b) Laura < John
Now, we can rewrite 2b as: John > Laura
This let's us combine 2b with 1 to get:
John > Laura > Charles > Steven
Therefore, it is true to say that John is a better writer than Steven.
Example Question #105 : Logic
Isaac is more successful than Mallory and Peter. Gregory is less successful than Peter and George. Isaac is less successful than Gregory. If the first two statements are true, the third is __________.
Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “is more successful than,” and “less than” (<) will mean “is less successful than.”
(1) Isaac is more successful than Mallory and Peter. This really gives us two statements:
(a) Isaac > Mallory
(b) Isaac > Peter
(2) Gregory is less successful than Peter and George. This really gives us two statements:
(a) Gregory < Peter
(b) Gregory < George
Now, let's rewrite 2a as: Peter > Gregory. We can combine this with 1b to get:
Isaac > Peter > Gregory
Therefore, it is false to say that Isaac is less successful than Gregory.
Example Question #106 : Logic
James is saner than Maurice but crazier than Jacques. Yves is saner than Jacques, Reginald, and Theodore. Maurice is crazier than Yves. If the first two statements are true, the third is __________.
Since "sane" and "crazy" can be considered, opposites, we will read them as such. Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “is saner than,” and “less than” (<) will mean “is less sane than (crazier than).”
(1) James is saner than Maurice but crazier than Jacques: Jacques > James > Maurice
(2) Yves is saner than Jacques, Reginald, and Theodore. This gives us 3 separate statements:
(a) Yves > Jacques
(b) Yves > Reginald
(c) Yves > Theodore
Now, we need to relate Yves to Maurice. We can do this by combining 2a and 1:
Yves > Jacques > James > Maurice
This means that Maurice is less sane than Yves or (in other words) he is crazier than Yves.
Example Question #71 : Determining Whether A Statement Is True, False, Or Uncertain
Dante is more interesting than Durandus and Capreolus. Capreolus is less interesting than Avicenna and more interesting than Averroes. Averroes is less interesting than Dante. If the first two statements are true, the third is __________.
Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “is more interesting than,” and “less than” (<) will mean “is less interesting than.”
(1) Dante is more interesting than Durandus and Capreolus. This really gives us two statements:
(a) Dante > Durandus
(b) Dante > Capreolus
This is the same as: Capreolus < Dante
(2) Capreolus is less interesting than Avicenna and more interesting than Averroes:
Averroes < Capreolus < Avicenna
Now, we can combine 1b and 2 to get:
Averroes < Capreolus < Dante
Therefore, it is true to say that Averroes is less interesting than Dante.
Example Question #72 : Determining Whether A Statement Is True, False, Or Uncertain
Potato sacks are rougher than cotton, which is rougher than silk. Cotton is softer than denim and wood. Wood is rougher than silk. If the first two statements are true, the third is __________.
Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “is rougher than,” and “less than” (<) will mean “is less rough (softer) than.”
(1) Potato sacks are rougher than cotton, which is rougher than silk:
potato sacks > cotton > silk
(2) Cotton is softer than denim and wood. This really contains two statements:
(a) cotton < denim
(b) cotton < wood; this is the same as: wood > cotton
We can combine 1 and 2B to get:
wood > cotton > silk
Therefore, it is true to say that wood is rougher than silk.
Example Question #73 : Determining Whether A Statement Is True, False, Or Uncertain
Sebastian reads more than Jerome, who reads less than Silvanus. Germanus, who reads less than Isidore, reads more than Silvanus. Isidore reads less than Jerome. If the first two statements are true, the third is __________.
Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “reads more than,” and “less than” (<) will mean “reads less than.”
(1) Sebastian reads more than Jerome, who reads less than Silvanus. This really has two statements in it:
(a) Sebastian > Jerome
(b) Jerome < Silvanus, which can be rewritten: Silvanus > Jerome
(2) Germanus, who reads less than Isidore, reads more than Silvanus:
Isidore > Germanus > Silvanus
Now, we can combine 1b and 2 to get: Isidore > Germanus > Silvanus > Jerome
This means that it is false to say that Isidore reads less than Jerome.
Example Question #74 : Determining Whether A Statement Is True, False, Or Uncertain
Wendy is more interesting than Lilly, who is more interesting than Rachel. Rachel is less interesting than Tabitha but is more interesting than Lauren. Wendy is more interesting than Lauren. If the first two statements are true, the third is __________.
Let’s use symbols from math to help us understand this. “Greater than” (>) will mean “is more interesting than,” and “less than” (<) will mean “is less interesting than.”
(1) Wendy is more interesting than Lilly, who is more interesting than Rachel:
Wendy > Lilly > Rachel
(2) Rachel is less interesting than Tabitha but is more interesting than Lauren. This gives us two statements:
(a) Rachel < Tabitha
(b) Rachel > Lauren
We can combine 1 and 2b to get
Wendy > Lilly > Rachel > Lauren
This means that Wendy is more interesting than Lauren.
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