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Example Questions
Example Question #1461 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
A patient comes into your office with a high stepping gait. On examination you notice the patient has a foot drop.
Based off the presented defects, you would suspect damage to which nerve?
Obturator nerve
Deep fibular nerve
Sciatic nerve
Axillary nerve
Tibial nerve
Deep fibular nerve
The deep fibular nerve is also known as the deep peroneal nerve. The deep fibular nerve supplies branches to the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus tertius, and extensor hallicus longus. The common fibular nerve is derived from spinal nerves L2-L4 and branches off to the superficial and deep fibular nerves. Damage to the fibular nerve is often caused by traumatic injury to the lateral knee; this results in a foot drop which causes the affected person to walk with a high stepping gait.
Example Question #1462 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
A patient comes in and has impaired hip extension and knee flexion. They also have a loss of plantar/dorsiflexion and inversion and eversion of the foot.
Based off the presented defects, you would suspect damage to which nerve?
Tibial nerve
Sciatic nerve
Femoral nerve
Common fibular nerve
Brachial plexus
Sciatic nerve
The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that runs through the buttocks and down the lower limb. The sciatic nerve innervates skin of the leg, and muscles in the posterior thigh, leg, and foot. The sciatic nerve is derived from spinal nerves L4-S3. Damage to the sciatic nerve would result in impaired hip extension and knee flexion. It would also lead to a loss of plantar/dorsiflexion and inversion and eversion of the foot.
Example Question #1463 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
A patient comes in with weakness in adduction and lateral swinging of their leg. Additionally (s)he has noticed decreased sensation at the medial aspect of the thigh.
Based off the presented defects, you would suspect damage to which nerve?
Obturator nerve
Axillary nerve
Femoral nerve
Tibial nerve
Deep fibular nerve
Obturator nerve
The obturator nerve innervates skin of the medial aspect of the thigh. It is also responsible for the motor innervation of the adductor muscles of lower extremity (external adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, and gracillis). The obturator nerve is derived from spinal nerves L2-L4. Damage to the obturator nerve would result in weakness in adduction and lateral swinging of the leg due to unopposed abductors.
Example Question #1464 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
A 44-year-old female underwent surgery for staging of her breast cancer, during the operation she underwent an axillary dissection. During that procedure the axillary nerve was damaged; what muscles are most likely to be affected?
Teres major and teres minor
Subscapularis and infraspinatus
Deltoid and teres minor
Deltoid and teres major
Deltoid and teres minor
The axillary nerve, which originates from the C5 and C6 spinal roots, provides motor innervation to the deltoid and teres minor muscles, both abductors of the shoulder. It also provides sensory input to the lower deltoid via the superior lateral cutaneous nerve. Damage to this nerve is a possible complication during an axillary dissection. If a patient had sustained an injury to this area they would have difficulty abducting or raising the arm laterally.
Example Question #1465 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
What is not a cause of hydrocephalus?
Excess production of cerebrospinal fluid
Increased intracranial pressure
Impaired flow of cerebrospinal fluid
Decreased reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid
Two of these
Increased intracranial pressure
Hydrocephalus is an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles of the brain. It can be caused by one of three mechanisms: impaired flow of CSF, decreased reabsorption, or excessive production. Hydrocephalus may cause increased intracranial pressure inside the skull. It is most common among infants and the elderly.
Example Question #1466 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
Which of the following is not a type of herniation?
Uncal transtentorial
Brain herniations are a dangerous and potentially fatal. They occur when there is a very high pressure within the skull (via mass effect from hemorrhage, trauma, or tumors) that occurs when a part of the brain is pushed/squeezed across structures within the skull. There are three main types of herniation of brain tissue. Subfalcine, uncal transtentorial, and tonsillar herniations. The subfalcine herniation is also called the cingulated herniation, this occurs when the innermost part of the frontal lobe is scraped under a portion of the falx cerebri. The uncal transtentorial herniation involves the uncus (innermost part of the temporal lobe) moving the tentorium so far that is pushes against the brainstem. A tonsillar herniation is also called a “downward cerebellar herniation,” and occurs when the cerebellar tonsils are pushed downward through the foramen magnum.
Example Question #1467 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
During the swing phase of walking, which of the following nerves provides motor innervation for the muscles normally responsible for clearing the toes off the ground?
Deep fibular
None of these
Superficial fibular
Deep fibular
The deep fibular (also called peronal) nerve traverses the posterior side of the lower leg. The deep fibular nerve supplies tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus tertius, and extensor hallucis longus. After the ankle joint, a branch of the deep fibular nerve innervates digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis.
Damage to the deep fibular nerve (often via traumatic injury to the lateral knee) results in a foot drop. Foot drop inhibits the patient to clear toes off the ground during the swing stage of walking.
Example Question #1468 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
A 67-year-old female presents with pain and points to C3-C4 region. Radiographs show marked narrowing of the left C3-C4 intervertebral foramen; the adjacent intervertebral foramina appear normal.
This is likely to be matched to signs of nerve impingement affecting which nerve in the cervical region?
Damage to nerve roots can cause weakness, paralysis, pain, and numbness to muscles and areas innervated by the affected nerve root. When nerves of the cervical region are involved, pain is usually the first symptom to develop. Pain typically will increase gradually before other symptoms of ridiculopathy present. Due to the way nerve roots exit the vertebrae, in the cervical region the nerve root affected usually correlates to the lower vertebrae. In this case there is a narrowing of the C3/C4 space and thus the C4 nerve is affected.
Example Question #1469 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
Which spinal nerve is most likely to be irritated by posterolateral herniation of the intervertebral disc between L5 and the sacrum?
The S1 nerve is most likely to be irritated by a posteriolateral herniation of the intervertebral disc between L5 and the sacrum. To best understand this, recall that in the lumbar spine the spinal nerve exits below the associated vertebrae. Disc herniation occurs when the anulus fibrosus tears (often due to age related degeneration, lifting injuries, or trauma) and the soft nucleus pulposus is displaced and puts pressure of the nerve. Additionally the tear in the anulus fibrosus can cause the release of inflammatory mediators which will also irritate the nerve.
Example Question #1470 : Human Anatomy And Physiology
A 55-year-old male presents with pain in his lower back. Lumbar radiographs show marked narrowing of the left L2-L3 intervertebral foramen; the adjacent intervertebral foramina appear normal.
This is likely to be matched to signs of nerve impingement affecting which nerve in the lumbar region?
Damage to nerve roots can cause weakness, paralysis, pain, and numbness to muscles and areas innervated by the affected nerve root. When nerves of the lumbar region are involved, lower back pain is usually the first symptom to develop. Pain typically will increase gradually before other symptoms of radiculopathy present. Due to the way nerve roots exit the vertebrae, in the lumbar region the nerve root affected usually correlates to the upper vertebrae. In this case there is a narrowing of the L2/L3 space and thus the L2 nerve is affected.
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