All ISEE Lower Level Quantitative Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : How To Find A Rectangle On A Coordinate Plane
Rectangle has coordinate points:
. Find the perimeter of rectangle
In order to find the perimeter of a rectangle apply the formula:
Thus the solution is:
Looking at the coordinate points we found our width and our length
Plugging these values into the perimeter equation we get:
Example Question #1 : How To Find A Rectangle On A Coordinate Plane
Rectangle has coordinate points:
. Find the perimeter of rectangle
In order to find the perimeter of rectangle apply the formula:
To find the length and width of the rectangle look at the difference in the x values and look for the difference in the y values of the coordinates.
Since, the width of rectangle is
and the length is
the solution is:
Example Question #1 : How To Find A Rectangle On A Coordinate Plane
Select the graph that displays the polygon created using the following coordinates:
When we are given coordinate points, it's important to know the difference between the x-axis and the y-axis, and which order these points are given. The x-axis is the axis that runs left to right and the y-axis is the axis the runs up and down. When coordinate points are written, the x value goes first, followed by the y value .
Knowing this information, we can plot the points and use straight lines to connect them in a counter-clockwise or clockwise direction. The provided coordinate points should create the following graph:
Example Question #1 : How To Find A Rectangle On A Coordinate Plane
Select the graph that displays the polygon created using the following coordinates:
When we are given coordinate points, it's important to know the difference between the x-axis and the y-axis, and which order these points are given. The x-axis is the axis that runs left to right and the y-axis is the axis the runs up and down. When coordinate points are written, the x value goes first, followed by the y value .
Knowing this information, we can plot the points and use straight lines to connect them in a counter-clockwise or clockwise direction. The provided coordinate points should create the following graph:
Example Question #3 : How To Find A Rectangle On A Coordinate Plane
Select the graph that displays the polygon created using the following coordinates:
When we are given coordinate points, it's important to know the difference between the x-axis and the y-axis, and which order these points are given. The x-axis is the axis that runs left to right and the y-axis is the axis the runs up and down. When coordinate points are written, the x value goes first, followed by the y value .
Knowing this information, we can plot the points and use straight lines to connect them in a counter-clockwise or clockwise direction. The provided coordinate points should create the following graph:
Example Question #1 : How To Find A Rectangle On A Coordinate Plane
Select the graph that displays the polygon created using the following coordinates:
When we are given coordinate points, it's important to know the difference between the x-axis and the y-axis, and which order these points are given. The x-axis is the axis that runs left to right and the y-axis is the axis the runs up and down. When coordinate points are written, the x value goes first, followed by the y value .
Knowing this information, we can plot the points and use straight lines to connect them in a counter-clockwise or clockwise direction. The provided coordinate points should create the following graph:
Example Question #1 : Draw Polygons In The Coordinate Plane And Solve For Side Lengths: Ccss.Math.Content.6.G.A.3
Select the graph that displays the polygon created using the following coordinates:
When we are given coordinate points, it's important to know the difference between the x-axis and the y-axis, and which order these points are given. The x-axis is the axis that runs left to right and the y-axis is the axis the runs up and down. When coordinate points are written, the x value goes first, followed by the y value .
Knowing this information, we can plot the points and use straight lines to connect them in a counter-clockwise or clockwise direction. The provided coordinate points should create the following graph:
Example Question #2 : Draw Polygons In The Coordinate Plane And Solve For Side Lengths: Ccss.Math.Content.6.G.A.3
Select the graph that displays the polygon created using the following coordinates:
When we are given coordinate points, it's important to know the difference between the x-axis and the y-axis, and which order these points are given. The x-axis is the axis that runs left to right and the y-axis is the axis the runs up and down. When coordinate points are written, the x value goes first, followed by the y value .
Knowing this information, we can plot the points and use straight lines to connect them in a counter-clockwise or clockwise direction. The provided coordinate points should create the following graph:
Example Question #11 : How To Find A Rectangle On A Coordinate Plane
Select the graph that displays the polygon created using the following coordinates:
When we are given coordinate points, it's important to know the difference between the x-axis and the y-axis, and which order these points are given. The x-axis is the axis that runs left to right and the y-axis is the axis the runs up and down. When coordinate points are written, the x value goes first, followed by the y value .
Knowing this information, we can plot the points and use straight lines to connect them in a counter-clockwise or clockwise direction. The provided coordinate points should create the following graph:
Example Question #12 : How To Find A Rectangle On A Coordinate Plane
Select the graph that displays the polygon created using the following coordinates:
When we are given coordinate points, it's important to know the difference between the x-axis and the y-axis, and which order these points are given. The x-axis is the axis that runs left to right and the y-axis is the axis the runs up and down. When coordinate points are written, the x value goes first, followed by the y value .
Knowing this information, we can plot the points and use straight lines to connect them in a counter-clockwise or clockwise direction. The provided coordinate points should create the following graph:
All ISEE Lower Level Quantitative Resources