All ISEE Middle Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #351 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Using __________ tactics she is able to manipulate the audience.
Based on the context of this sentence you are looking for an adjective that relates to manipulation and means something like dishonest, deceitful, unethical. The correct answer is therefore "devious." Additionally, "frank" means honest; "rambunctious" means rowdy and boisterous, badly behaved and hard to control; "garrulous" means talkative; "opulent" means fancy, luxurious.
Example Question #352 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
His __________ language greatly offended the guests.
Based on the context of this sentence you are looking for an adjective that describes language that could be offensive to people. The correct answer is therefore "pejorative," which means abusive and prejudiced. Additionally, "eloquent" means well spoken; "comely" means cute and attractive; "homely" means plain and unattractive, average looking; "recalcitrant" means stubborn, refusing to cooperate.
Example Question #353 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Peter had a very __________ attitude, so many people loved being with him at parties and other social events.
The general idea in this sentence is that Peter is very sociable. Now, this could translate into being talkative or into being joyful, but if you have an option meaning "sociable" (or something close to that), it will be a better option. The word "gregarious" describes just such a person. A gregarious person is friendly and sociable. This option is the best among those provided.
Example Question #354 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Francine was a very __________ person, quickly understanding almost any subject presented to her.
This sentence likely tempts you into choosing "scholarly" or "studious." Just because someone is scholarly or studious, he or she does not necessarily catch on to a topic quickly. The idea is that Francine is very intelligent. We use the word "sharp" to mean this. It is a metaphor—as though the person has a "piercing" intellect. Although it is metaphorical, it is one of the meanings of the word, so it is acceptable.
Example Question #355 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The documents did not seem to be _____________, so the lawyer said that he would need to have other proof that Lawrence owned the house in the mountains.
The only really tempting wrong option here should be "signed." Likely, an unsigned document would not be acceptable proof. We really do not have enough evidence that being unsigned is the issue here. There really is no particular clue about what is wrong, just that the documents are not acceptable. Thus, they are at least likely to be invalid—not holding any legal commitments or force. This is by far the best option among those offered here, and it closely relates to the fact that the lawyer was going to need more proof.
Example Question #356 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The army was not aware of the man's ____________ intentions, but approached the general, punching him in the face, it was obvious that he was not a friendly civilian.
The sentence states that the man in question was not friendly, even though he might have appeared so early on. The implication was that these "unfriendly intentions" (like punching the general) were not known. Whenever we are hostile to something, we want to oppose and attack it. This describes the man pretty well.
Example Question #357 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
As soon as she saw the old woman carrying the heavy bag, Janice ______________ ran over to help her take the groceries home, not waiting even a moment to be asked to help the weak woman.
The idea in this sentence is that Janice goes over to the lady immediately, likely with little thought even. While this is a very kind action, the best option will be the word that best describes this kind of immediate action. Whenever we do something spontaneously, it is done almost a by an instinct, without thought or reflection. This seems to be how Janice helped the old woman, so it is the best option among those provided here.
Example Question #358 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
After mining for a hundred years, the Lagrange family had finally ____________ all of the iron in the mines under their property, leading them to close down the operation and fire all of their employees.
The general idea of this sentence is that the Lagrange family had finally "used up" all of the iron in the ground. We use the word "exhausted" normally to describe how we feel when we are very tired. Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm totally drained?" This expression means something like, "All of my energy has been drained." In general, whenever something is completely drained like this, it is "exhausted." That is the sense in which the word is being used here. The mines were apparently totally emptied out—hence, the Lagrange family had to close down their operation.
Example Question #359 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Brandon was quite aware that he had been lazy, not working on the project for weeks. As the due date approached, he worked _____________, attempting to do all of the work that he already should have completed.
This sentence implies that Brandon is going to try to make up all of the work that he had not completed. Therefore, he is going to have to cram into a few days what would have been many weeks worth of work. This will likely require him to work at a very fast pace. Whenever we describe something as being "feverish," this doesn't just mean that someone has a high temperature! It can also mean that someone or something is acting in a very quick way. Thus, to work feverishly means to work at a very fast pace. This is likely how Brandon will need to work, given his earlier laziness!
Example Question #360 : Sentence Completions: Parts Of Speech
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Having three helpers greatly _____________ the process of ripping up the old floor in the kitchen, making the task much easier on the whole.
The key expression in this sentence is "making the task much easier." The important thing to note is that the task has thus been made easier. The word "facilitate" means to make easier or to enable by making easier. It comes from Latin roots meaning easy. When something is "facile," it is simplistic. A "facile solution" is a solution that is probably too easy because of its simplistic nature.
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