All ISEE Upper Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Peter was known for his __________, a trait that greatly annoyed his friends who valued taciturnity over all other character traits.
Here, Peter’s character is contrasted with the taciturnity appreciated by his friends. When one is taciturn, he or she uses words sparingly. Therefore, the best contrasting word would be “prolixity,” a word meaning that one speaks too many words. It is derived from the prefix “pro-” for “forward or outward” and “-lixity” from the same root from which we get “liquid.” Therefore someone who is prolix is one whose words can be said to “pour forth” like too much water.
Example Question #1 : One Blank Sentences
It can be rather tasteless to act __________ when one really should be humble and understated in his or her demeanor.
If someone is the opposite of being understated, he or she would draw too much attention to himself or herself. When one is “ostentatious,” he or she displays things in a gaudy manner, particularly in order to draw attention to himself or herself and be noticed.
Example Question #11 : Sentence Completion
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
In comparison with the inability of theoretical mathematicians to influence industry, the work being done in astrophysics has been especially __________ in bringing forth many practical, technological advances.
The implication here is that the work of astrophysicists has been more capable and effective in bringing forth practical advances (in comparison with theoretical mathematicians). When one can bring forth results in an effective manner, such a person (or institution) is unsurprisingly called “efficacious.” This word has many relatives, as might be surmised, such as “efficient,” “effect,” and “efficacy.”
Example Question #11 : Sentence Completion
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
It is not true that all wealthy people __________ all of their money; although some never give a penny to others, there are others who donate a large portion of their income and assets to charitable causes.
This sentence works by way of contrast, as you can tell from the word "although" in the second clause. The description in that introductory clause is implied with regard to the wealthy people mentioned in the first clause. If someone does not give even a penny of money, he or she gathers all of his money for him- or herself. While perhaps the money is invested, the general sense of the sentence is merely to point out such acts of gathering and keeping money. To "hoard" things is to do just that. The word can also be used to describe the things that have been gathered together and amassed in this fashion.
Example Question #12 : Sentence Completion
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
A(n) ___________ aspect of a healthy psyche is the ability to cope with changes; without this skill, a person is almost guaranteed to have significant psychological problems in the course of life.
The second clause furnishes the clues that we need. It implies that without the ability to cope with changes, a healthy psyche is likely impossible. This means that you must have this skill—it is not optional. Such things are "essential." In much older philosophical language, "essential" things were contrasted with "accidental" ones. The latter were not "accidents" in the sense that we generally use that word; they were things that just happened to come along with something. For instance, it is essential to a person that he or she be able to think (or at least potentially be able to do so). It is wholly accidental if he or she has black or blond hair. In this sentence, it is said that it is a necessary and essential aspect of psychological health to have the ability to cope with changes.
Example Question #13 : Sentence Completion
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The family huddled in the basement, relieved that the storm had finally passed, but they did not realize that it had been a mere __________ to the extremely severe weather that was soon to assault them.
The best clue for this sentence is the expression "that was soon to assault them." This implies that there is going to be an even stronger storm soon. The option "trickle" might seem like a good way to characterize the weaker first storm, but that really does not fit the sentence—neither in style nor really in grammar. A "prelude," however, is something that introduces another thing, generally being less important than that later thing. For instance, a "prelude" before a musical show lets the audience here some of the music but does not really give them the whole show at once. That comes later. The word literally means to play before. In the sentence, the first storm is said to be a mere prelude to the one that is soon to come.
Example Question #11 : Conjunctions And Sentence Logic In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Although one can live without a gallbladder, the heart is a __________ organ for survival.
Yes indeed, the heart is "cardiac"—the only "cardiac" (associated with the heart) organ in the body. This is not very informative. The same goes for "internal." The sentence clearly wants to set up an opposition between the gallbladder and the heart. You can tell this by the use of the word "although." The gallbladder is not absolutely necessary—you can live without it. The implication is that the heart is necessary. Something is "vital" when it has such necessity, particularly for living. (The word comes from Latin roots related to "life.")
Example Question #41 : Sentence Completion Questions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
To the untrained eye, the gadget appeared to be a single machine when, in fact, it was ___________ of a number of interrelated ones.
Often, the best approach to a sentence is to try to "fill in the blank" yourself. For this question, consider the fact that the two halves are contrasted. The gadget appeared to be one, single machine. In fact, it actually was "made up" of a number of interrelated ones. The idea is that it was a group of machines, gathered together and interrelated. When you compound things, you mix together (and generally connect) various elements. To "confound" is to cause confusion—don't be confused by this expression of confusion! The other options are likewise quite inappropriate for the purposes of this sentence.
Example Question #11 : Isee Upper Level (Grades 9 12) Verbal Reasoning
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Although she was excellent at writing metered verse, Flavia also had an excellent __________ style.
The contrast here is between the types of style under discussion. In the introductory clause, we are discussing Flavia’s ability to write "verse"—poetry. The passage implies that she also had an excellent “non-poetic” style. Prose writing is non-metered writing, and this is the best contrast to “metered verse.” “Writing” is too general, “didactic” means for teaching purposes, and even “essay” does not contrast to “meter” as directly as the word “prose" does.
Example Question #11 : Sentence Completion
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Gilbert never was comfortable with the __________ lifestyle that his brother lived, for they had been brought up in much simpler and poorer conditions, being taught to be thrifty with their resources.
The contrast in this sentence is between the “simpler and poorer” conditions of the brothers’ childhood and that of Gilbert’s brother today. Indigence and destitution are extreme poverty, so these options are not at all opposite. While stereotypes might tempt us to think of the rich as being "arrogant," we must not go beyond the direct meaning of the sentence. “Posh” describes a luxurious manner of living, and this well contrasts with the brothers’ upbringing.
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All ISEE Upper Level Verbal Resources