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Example Questions
Example Question #51 : Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors
A real matrix has as two of its eigenvalues 2 and
. Give its characteristic equation.
Insufficient information is provided to answer the question.
A matrix will have three (not necessarily distinct) eigenvalues, which are the zeroes of its characteristic polynomial equation. Since all of the entries of the matrix are real, all of the coefficients will be real as well. It follows that any imaginary zeroes must occur in conjugate pairs, so, since
is a zero of this equation, so is its complex conjugate,
The characteristic equation of a equation sets a degree-3 polynomial equal to 0. Since 2,
, and
are its zeroes, this polynomial is
The characteristic equation is
Example Question #52 : Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors
is a
is an eigenvalue of
, with eigenspace of dimension 2.
are two eigenvectors of
corresponding to
Does exist so that
is also an eigenvector of
corresponding to
? If so, what is
No such exists.
The two eigenvectors given, and
, are linearly independent, since they are not scalar multiples of each other; therefore, they form a basis of the 2-dimensional eigenspace of
is an eigenvector corresponding to
if and only if it is a linear combination of the two given basis vectors, or, equivalently, if there exist
so that
Rewrite this as follows:
This is equivalent to a system of three linear equations in two variables:
Solve the system by first, rewriting the second equation as
The first equation becomes
Substitute in the first equation:
Now substitute for and
in the third equation:
, the correct response.
Example Question #431 : Operations And Properties
is a
is an eigenvalue whose eigenspace has dimension 2.
are two eigenvectors of
corresponding to
True or false: is an eigenvector of
corresponding to
The two eigenvectors given, and
, are linearly independent, since they are not scalar multiples; since the eigenspace corresponding to
has dimension 2, they form a basis of the eigenspace.
is an eigenvector corresponding to
if and only if it is a linear combination of the two given basis vectors, so we seek to find
so that
This is
This is the system of four linear equations in two variables:
If we look at the first and fourth equations, we can immediately see that this system is inconsistent. There is no that solves this system. It follows that
is not an eigenvector of
corresponding to
Example Question #51 : Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors
is a nonsingular real matrix with four eigenvalues:
True or false: must have these same four eigenvalues.
One property of eigenvalues is that if is nonsingular, the set of eigenvalues of
is exactly the set of reciprocals of eigenvalues of
. The eigenvalues of
, so the eigenvalues of these numbers are the reciprocals of these - in order,
. This is not the same set.
Example Question #51 : Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors
Give the set of eigenvalues of ; if an eigenvalue has multiplicity greater than 1, repeat the eigenvalue that many times.
is an eigenvalue of
if it is a solution of the characteristic polynomial equation
Set this equation:
The determinant can be found most easily by adding the products of each entry in one of the rows or columns to its corresponding cofactor. Since the second row has only one nonzero entry, we use this one:
the minor formed by striking out row 2 and column 2:
Take the upper-left to lower-right product, and subtract the upper-right to lower-left product:
This makes and 1 the solutions of the characteristic equation, the latter with multiplicity 2. It follows that
has as its eigenvalues the set
Example Question #432 : Operations And Properties
is a
matrix. One of its eigenvalues is 2, with corresponding eigenvector
. The other eigenvalue is 3, with corresponding eigenvector
Find .
Insufficient information is given to answer the question.
Let for some complex values of the variables.
is an eigenvector of
corresponding to eigenvalue
is an eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 2, so
is an eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 2, so, similarly,
Two systems of two linear equations in two variables are created. Each can be solved separately.
Multiplying the bottom equation by 2, then adding:
The second system is
Solve similarly:
Example Question #56 : Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors
Complete the theorem by filling in the blank: Let be an
is an eigenvalue of
if and only if ____________.
This expression is equivalent to saying "find the characteristic polynomial of , and set it equal to
." This is the most frequently used method of finding eigenvalues of a matrix.
Example Question #53 : Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors
True or false; If is an eigenvalue of a matrix
, then
is invertible.
For example,, has
as one of its eigenvalues, but is clearly not invertible since its determinant is
Example Question #434 : Operations And Properties
is an eigenvalue of a nonsingular real matrix
True or false: It follows that is an eigenvalue of
The eigenvalues of a matrix are the solutions of the characteristic polynomial equation
is a matrix with only real entries, so the coefficients of the polynomial must be real as well; it follows that any imaginary solutions are in conjugate pairs.
, an eigenvalue of
, is a solution of the characteristic equation; consequently, its complex conjugate
is a solution, and thus, an eigenvalue of
One property of eigenvalues is that if is nonsingular, the set of eigenvalues of
is exactly the set of reciprocals of eigenvalues of
. Since
is an eigenvalue of
, it follows that
is an eigenvalue of
Example Question #432 : Operations And Properties
Is 1 an eigenvalue of , and if so, which is an eigenvector of 1?
(You might find a calculator with matrix arithmetic capability helpful.)
1 is an eigenvalue of with eigenvectors
1 is an eigenvalue of with eigenvector
1 is not an eigenvalue of .
1 is an eigenvalue of with eigenvector
1 is an eigenvalue of with eigenvector
1 is an eigenvalue of with eigenvector
While the question can be answered by direct definition, it is arguably easier to answer it by noting that the columns of each have entries adding up to 1 - the characteristics of a stochastic matrix; each column has the same four entries, and
A matrix with this property has eigenvalue 1 - in fact, it is the dominant eigenvalue.
An eigenvector of corresponding to an eigenvalue
is that vector
such that
Set ; this becomes
Since is the dominant eigenvalue, as
is raised to a large enough power,
the desired eigenvector. Finding, say,
, this vector approaches
Multiplying this by 4, it can easily been seen that is an eigenvector of
corresponding to eigenvalue 1.
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