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Example Questions
Example Question #371 : Operations And Properties
Example Question #452 : Linear Algebra
Example Question #13 : Quadratic Forms And Positive Semidefinite Matrices
True or false: is an example of a diagonally dominant matrix.
A real matrix is a diagonally dominant matrix if and only if, in each row, the absolute value of the diagonal element is greater than or equal to the sum of the absolute values of the other elements in that row. Below is with the diagonal elements in red:
For each row, compare the absolute value of the diagonal element to the sum of the absolute values of the other elements. Note that each nondiagonal element is a logarithm, with base greater than 1, of a number greater than 1, so each element is positive; also, to calculate each nondiagonal sum, the sum rule for logarithms will be employed:
Row 1:
Row 2:
Row 3:
Row 4:
In each row, the absolute value of the diagonal element is greater than or equal to the sum of the absolute values of the other elements. is diagonally dominant.
Example Question #11 : Quadratic Forms And Positive Semidefinite Matrices
True or false: is an example of a diagonally dominant matrix.
A real matrix is a diagonally dominant matrix if and only if, in each row, the absolute value of the diagonal element is greater than or equal to the sum of the absolute values of the other elements in that row. Below is , with its entries in decimal form (rounded to four decimal places) and its diagonal entries in red:
For each row, compare the absolute value of the diagonal element to the sum of the absolute values of the other elements.
Row 1:
Row 2:
Row 3:
In each row, the absolute value of the diagonal element is greater than or equal to the sum of the absolute values of the other elements. is diagonally dominant.
Example Question #15 : Quadratic Forms And Positive Semidefinite Matrices
Consider the diagonally dominant matrix
Of the five Gershgorin discs of , give the center of the one with the greatest radius.
The Gershgorin discs of a diagonally dominant matrix have as their centers the diagonal elements of the matrix. The radius of a disc is the sum of the absolute values of the nondiagonal elements in the same row as the given diagonal element. Therefore, note the diagonal elements of :
The sums of the absolute values of the nondiagonal elements corresponding to each diagonal element are:
The largest of the Gershgorin discs is the one with radius 1.3, with center .
Example Question #16 : Quadratic Forms And Positive Semidefinite Matrices
Consider the diagonally dominant matrix
Of the five Gershgorin discs of , give the center of the one with the least radius.
The Gershgorin discs of a diagonally dominant matrix have as their centers the diagonal elements of the matrix. The radius of a disc is the sum of the absolute values of the nondiagonal elements in the same row as the given diagonal element. Therefore, note the diagonal elements of :
The sums of the absolute values of the nondiagonal elements corresponding to each diagonal element are:
The smallest of the Gershgorin discs is the one with radius 0.6, with center 20.
Example Question #454 : Linear Algebra
True or false: is an example of a diagonally dominant matrix.
A matrix is diagonally dominant if, in each row, the absolute value of the diagonal element is greater than or equal to the sum of the absolute values of the other elements. Compare the quantities in each row:
In each case, the condition holds, so is diagonally dominant.
Example Question #372 : Operations And Properties
Consider the diagonally dominant matrix
True or false: The Gershgorin discs of intersect.
On the complex plane, the Gershgorin discs of a diagonally dominant matrix are the circles with centers at the diagonal elements, whose radii are equal to the sums of the nondiagonal elements in the same row. The two Gershgorin discs of are the circle with center 6 and radius
, and the circle with center 7 and radius
, as seen below:
The centers of the discs are 1 unit apart. The total of the radii of the discs is
, so the sum of the radii is greater than the distance between the centers. The discs intersect.
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