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Example Questions
Example Question #111 : Grouping Games
A company is forming three focus committees: Finance, Development and Marketing. The committee members will be chosen from the following employees: Harrison, Isis, Jones, Kahill and Lee. Each committee must have a minimum of two members but no more then three, and each employee must serve on at least one committee. The committees must be formed according to the following restrictions:
Harrison cannot be on a committee unless Isis is also on it
All of the members of the development committee must also be on the finance committee
Kahill only serves on one committee, and Lee does not serve on that committee
Which of the following CANNOT be true?
Isis and Harrison are the only members of the development committee
Lee and Isis are the only members of the marketing committee
Kahill, Harrison and Isis make up the marketing committee
There are three members on the development committee
There are two members on the finance committee
Lee and Isis are the only members of the marketing committee
If Lee and Isis are the only members on the marketing committee, then we know that Kahill must be on the finance committee. We are now left with two spots on both finance and development that must be filled by the same two employees. Since Kahill and Lee can never be together, our options are Harrison, Isis and Jones. We can either choose Isis and Harrison or Isis and Jones, but not Harrison and Jones in accordance with the condidtional. This means that we could never fulfill the obligation to have every employee on at least one committee.
Example Question #621 : Lsat Logic Games
A college professor is creating groups of students to work together on final presentations. The students must work together in groups of two or three, and there are exactly three groups total. The groups present one after another in sequence. The students are Alan, Ben, Cindy, Dana, Ethan, Frank and Gwen. He must place them in groups based on the following specifications:
Ben and Cindy must be in the same group
Alan must present at some time before Ben
Frank must be in a group with only one other student
Gwen and Ethan cannot be in the same group
Which of the following is a complete and accurate list of possible group presentations?
Ben and Cindy; Ethan and Frank; Alan, Dana and Gwen
Frank and Alan; Ben, Gwen and Dana; Ethan and Cindy
Gwen and Ethan; Frank and Alan; Ben, Cindy and Dana
Dana and Alan; Gwen, Ben and Cindy; Ethan and Frank
Gwen and Alan; Frank, Ben and Cindy; Ethan and Dana
Dana and Alan; Gwen, Ben and Cindy; Ethan and Frank
This is a simple "grab a rule" question. By checking each answer for rule violations we can eliminate all except the correct answer.
Example Question #113 : Grouping Games
A college professor is creating groups of students to work together on final presentations. The students must work together in groups of two or three, and there are exactly three groups total. The groups present one after another in sequence. The students are Alan, Ben, Cindy, Dana, Ethan, Frank and Gwen. He must place them in groups based on the following specifications:
Ben and Cindy must be in the same group
Alan must present at some time before Ben
Frank must be in a group with only one other student
Gwen and Ethan cannot be in the same group
If Frank is in the second group, which of the following CANNOT be true?
Alan is in the first group and Dana is in the third group
Alan is in the second group and Dana is in the third group
Dana is in the first group and Ethan is in the second group
Alan is in the second group and Gwen is in the third group
Alan is in the first group and Ethan is in the third group
Alan is in the second group and Dana is in the third group
If Frank is in the second group, we know that it must be a group of two. Therefore Ben and Cindy must be in the third group. If we put Alan in the second group with Frank, then the group of three must be the third group in order to split Gwen and Ethan up. We cannot put Dana in the third group because that would leave Gwen and Ethan to make up the first group togeter, which is a rule violation.
Example Question #114 : Grouping Games
A company is forming three focus committees: Finance, Development and Marketing. The committee members will be chosen from the following employees: Harrison, Isis, Jones, Kahill and Lee. Each committee must have a minimum of two members but no more then three, and each employee must serve on at least one committee. The committees must be formed according to the following restrictions:
Harrison cannot be on a committee unless Isis is also on it
All of the members of the development committee must also be on the finance committee
Kahill only serves on one committee, and Lee does not serve on that committee
If Kahill is one of three people on the finance committee and it is the only three person committee, all of the following must be true EXCEPT:
Harrison is on the development committee
Jones is on the development committee
Jones is on the marketing committee
Harrison is on the finance committee
Lee is on the marketing comittee
Jones is on the development committee
We know that Kahill can only be on one committee. Therefore, the other two meber of the finance committee must be the same two member on the development committee. The only possibilities are Jones, Harrison and Isis, since Lee cannot be with Kahill and must therefore be in the third group. In order to use all employees once, we must put Harrison and Isis on the finance and development committees and Jones in the last spot on the marketing committee.
Example Question #622 : Lsat Logic Games
A softball coach is assigning seven players to either the outfield or infield. The players are Aaron, Bethany, Cameron, David, Esther, Faith, and Glenda. There must be at least three players in the infield and at least three players in the outfield. The following rules apply:
If Aaron is in the outfield, then Bethany is in the infield
Esther and Glenda cannot be assigned together to either the outfield or infield
Faith and Esther must be assigned together to either the infield or outfield
When Bethany is assigned to the infield, Esther is assigned to the outfield
When Glenda is in the outfield, which of the following must be true?
Esther is in the outfield
David is in the infield
Cameron is in the outfield
Aaron is in the infield
Bethany is in the infield
Aaron is in the infield
Since Esther cannot be with Glenda, both Esther and Faith must be in the infield. When Esther and Faith are in the infield, Bethany must be in the outfield. When Bethany is in the outfield, Aaron must be in the infield. If these inferences do not appear to be required, carefully examine the rules again.
Example Question #623 : Lsat Logic Games
A movie theater is holding a seven-day film festival consisting of four different films: American Starlight, Excess Baggage, Sassy Summer, and Winter Dream. One film will be shown each day of the week, beginning on Sunday and ending the following Saturday. The films will be shown according to the following conditions:
Each film will be shown at least once.
Sassy Summer will not be shown on Wednesday or Saturday.
American Starlight will be shown the day immediately following a day on which Sassy Summer is shown.
Winter Dream will not be shown on Sunday or Monday.
Excess Baggage will be shown on Thursday and on one other day.
Which of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the films shown, along with the days on which they are shown?
Sunday: Sassy Summer; Monday: American Starlight; Tuesday: Sassy Summer; Wednesday: Winter Dream; Thursday: Excess Baggage; Friday: Winter Dream; Saturday: Excess Baggage
Sunday: Excess Baggage; Monday: Sassy Summer; Tuesday: American Starlight; Wednesday: Winter Dream; Thursday: Excess Baggage; Friday: Winter Dream; Saturday: Excess Baggage
Sunday: Excess Baggage; Monday: Sassy Summer; Tuesday: American Starlight; Wednesday: Sassy Summer; Thursday: Excess Baggage; Friday: Winter Dream; Saturday: Winter Dream
Sunday: American Starlight; Monday: Excess Baggage; Tuesday: Sassy Summer; Wednesday: American Starlight; Thursday: Excess Baggage; Friday: Winter Dream; Saturday: Winter Dream
Sunday: American Starlight; Monday: Winter Dream; Tuesday: Excess Baggage; Wednesday: American Starlight; Thursday: Excess Baggage; Friday: Sassy Summer; Saturday: American Starlight
Sunday: American Starlight; Monday: Excess Baggage; Tuesday: Sassy Summer; Wednesday: American Starlight; Thursday: Excess Baggage; Friday: Winter Dream; Saturday: Winter Dream
The correct answer choice is the only one that does not violate the listed conditions. The other answer choices violate one or more conditions: showing Excess Baggage more than twice, showing Winter Dream on Monday, failing to show American Starlight the day after Sassy Summer, and/or showing Sassy Summer on Wednesday.
Example Question #623 : Lsat Logic Games
A movie theater is holding a seven-day film festival consisting of four different films: American Starlight, Excess Baggage, Sassy Summer, and Winter Dream. One film will be shown each day of the week, beginning on Sunday and ending the following Saturday. The films will be shown according to the following conditions:
Each film will be shown at least once.
Sassy Summer will not be shown on Wednesday or Saturday.
American Starlight will be shown the day immediately following a day on which Sassy Summer is shown.
Winter Dream will not be shown on Sunday or Monday.
Excess Baggage will be shown on Thursday and on one other day.
If Winter Dream is shown on both Tuesday and Saturday, which of the following must be true?
American Starlight is shown twice.
Excess Baggage is shown on Friday.
American Starlight is shown on Monday.
Sassy Summer is shown twice.
Excess Baggage is shown on Wednesday.
American Starlight is shown on Monday.
Because American Starlight is always shown the day after Sassy Summer, it must be shown on Monday. Sassy Summer cannot be shown any day other than Sunday, because if it were it would be followed by either Winter Dream or Excess Baggage, violating the third condition. Excess Baggage must be shown either Wednesday or Friday, but it could be either day. American Starlight could be shown twice, but does not have to be.
Example Question #117 : Grouping Games
A movie theater is holding a seven-day film festival consisting of four different films: American Starlight, Excess Baggage, Sassy Summer, and Winter Dream. One film will be shown each day of the week, beginning on Sunday and ending the following Saturday. The films will be shown according to the following conditions:
Each film will be shown at least once.
Sassy Summer will not be shown on Wednesday or Saturday.
American Starlight will be shown the day immediately following a day on which Sassy Summer is shown.
Winter Dream will not be shown on Sunday or Monday.
Excess Baggage will be shown on Thursday and on one other day.
If Sassy Summer is shown on both Monday and Friday, each of the following must be true EXCEPT:
Excess Baggage is shown on Wednesday.
Excess Baggage is shown on Sunday.
Winter Dream is shown on Wednesday.
Winter Dream is shown once.
American Starlight is shown twice.
Excess Baggage is shown on Wednesday.
Excess Baggage need not, and in fact cannot, be shown on Wednesday under this scenario. With Sassy Summer on Monday and Friday, the entire schedule is put in place. American Starlight must be shown on Tuesday and Saturday. Excess Baggage, of course, is shown on Thursday. This leaves Sunday and Wednesday as the only days to show Winter Dream, and since Winter Dream cannot be shown Sunday, it must be shown Wednesday. Because Excess Baggage must be shown twice, it is therefore shown on Sunday.
Example Question #624 : Lsat Logic Games
A movie theater is holding a seven-day film festival consisting of four different films: American Starlight, Excess Baggage, Sassy Summer, and Winter Dream. One film will be shown each day of the week, beginning on Sunday and ending the following Saturday. The films will be shown according to the following conditions:
Each film will be shown at least once.
Sassy Summer will not be shown on Wednesday or Saturday.
American Starlight will be shown the day immediately following a day on which Sassy Summer is shown.
Winter Dream will not be shown on Sunday or Monday.
Excess Baggage will be shown on Thursday and on one other day.
If American Starlight is shown three times, which of the following must be true?
Winter Dream is shown once.
American Starlight is shown on Friday.
Sassy Summer is shown on Sunday.
Excess Baggage is shown on either Sunday or Saturday.
American Starlight is shown on Monday.
Winter Dream is shown once.
Winter Dream must only be shown once under this scenario. Because Excess Baggage must be shown twice, Sassy Starlight can only be shown once. Since American Starlight is shown three times, this leaves only one spot remaining for Winter Dream. The other answer choices, while they could be true, do not have to be true.
Example Question #119 : Grouping Games
A movie theater is holding a seven-day film festival consisting of four different films: American Starlight, Excess Baggage, Sassy Summer, and Winter Dream. One film will be shown each day of the week, beginning on Sunday and ending the following Saturday. The films will be shown according to the following conditions:
Each film will be shown at least once.
Sassy Summer will not be shown on Wednesday or Saturday.
American Starlight will be shown the day immediately following a day on which Sassy Summer is shown.
Winter Dream will not be shown on Sunday or Monday.
Excess Baggage will be shown on Thursday and on one other day.
If Winter Dream is shown only on Tuesday, each of the following could be true EXCEPT:
American Starlight is shown on consecutive days.
Excess Baggage is shown on consecutive days.
Excess Baggage is shown on Wednesday.
American Starlight is shown once.
Sassy Summer is shown twice.
American Starlight is shown once.
American Starlight cannot be shown only once under this scenario. With Winter Dream being shown only once and Excess Baggage (as always) being shown twice, four slots are available for the other two films. However, since Sassy Summer must always be followed by American Starlight, it can never be shown three times. Thus, American Starlight must be shown either twice or three times under this scenario.
All LSAT Logic Games Resources