All LSAT Logic Games Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #201 : Grouping Games
Avery is selecting several lines of clothing to sell from her fashionable women's clothing boutique. She is selecting these clothing lines from the following seven fashion designers: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Each line of clothing has several items of women's wear. Avery selects clothing lines from among these seven designers according to the following conditions:
If she selects clothes from B, then she will not select any clothes from F.
If she selects clothes from D, then she will not select any clothes from E, but she will select clothes from F.
She will select clothes from F, so long as she selects clothes from E.
She also will select clothes from G if she selects clothes from F.
If she selects clothes from G, she will select clothes from F.
If she selects clothes from F, then she will select at least two clothing lines from F.
Which one of the following statements must be false?
Avery selects exactly three clothing lines, at least one which is from designer D.
Avery selects exactly three clothing lines, at least one of which is from designer F.
Avery selects exactly four clothing lines, at least one of which is from designer A.
Avery selects exactly three clothing lines, at least one of which is from designer G.
Avery selects exactly four clothing lines, at least one of which is from designer C.
Avery selects exactly three clothing lines, at least one which is from designer D.
If D, then F. If F, then P. If F, then more than one line from F; therefore, three lines of clothing is impossible.
Example Question #711 : Lsat Logic Games
Avery is selecting several lines of clothing to sell from her fashionable women's clothing boutique. She is selecting these clothing lines from the following seven fashion designers: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Each line of clothing has several items of women's wear. Avery selects clothing lines from among these seven designers according to the following conditions:
If she selects clothes from B, then she will not select any clothes from F.
If she selects clothes from D, then she will not select any clothes from E, but she will select clothes from F.
She will select clothes from F, so long as she selects clothes from E.
She also will select clothes from G if she selects clothes from F.
If she selects clothes from G, she will select clothes from F.
If she selects clothes from F, then she will select at least two clothing lines from F.
If Avery selects at least one clothing line, then which one of the following lists the minimum and maximum possible numbers of different designers that Avery selects?
2, 6
1, 4
1, 6
2, 5
1, 5
1, 5
Finding the minimum: There are no rules prohibiting Avery from just picking one of the "floaters" (designers not subject to any restrictions). That eliminates answer choices mandating 2 selections as a minimum.
Finding the maximum: F is needed to get the maximum. If F, then G. If F, no B. Both A and C can be selected. What about D and E? Only one can be selected. So the maximum is 5.
Thus, "1, 5" is the correct response.
Example Question #201 : Solving Grouping Games
Avery is selecting several lines of clothing to sell from her fashionable women's clothing boutique. She is selecting these clothing lines from the following seven fashion designers: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Each line of clothing has several items of women's wear. Avery selects clothing lines from among these seven designers according to the following conditions:
If she selects clothes from B, then she will not select any clothes from F.
If she selects clothes from D, then she will not select any clothes from E, but she will select clothes from F.
She will select clothes from F, so long as she selects clothes from E.
She also will select clothes from G if she selects clothes from F.
If she selects clothes from G, she will select clothes from F.
If she selects clothes from F, then she will select at least two clothing lines from F.
If Avery selects clothing lines from B, then which one of the following must be true?
Avery may purchase clothing items from only two designers.
Avery cannot purchase any clothing items from E.
Avery may purchase clothing items from four designers.
Avery may purchase clothing items from D.
Avery cannot purchase any clothing items from G.
Avery cannot purchase any clothing items from G.
If B is selected, then F is not selected. If F is not selected, then D, E, and G are not selected. These deductions lead to the credited response: Avery cannot select G.
Example Question #203 : Grouping Games
A car repair shop potentially has six different kinds of cars—Falcon, Hawk, Jackal, Manatee, Snake, and Terrapin. Because of the different specialities of the mechanics, the kinds of cars in the shop at this particular time are consistent with the following conditions:
If Hawks are in the shop, then there are no Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals, Manatees, or both, are in the shop, then Hawks are in the shop too.
If Terrapins are in the shop, then there are Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals are not in the shop, then Snakes are in the shop.
Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the kinds of cars NOT in the shop?
Falcons, Jackals, Manatees
Falcons, Manatees, Snakes, Terrapins
Hawks, Falcons
Jackals, Snakes
Manatees, Snakes
Falcons, Manatees, Snakes, Terrapins
This is a twist on the typical "acceptable" list question, as it asks about what entities are NOT in the "in" group. Still, the strategy is the same: go rule-by-rule and eliminate the choices that are "violators."
Rule 1 eliminates two of the responses: "Manatees, Snakes"; and "Jackals, Snakes."
Rule 2 eliminates "Hawks, Falcons."
Rule 3 eliminates "Falcons, Jackals, Manatees."
That leaves as the correct answer, Falcons, Manatees, Snakes, Terrapins.
Example Question #201 : Solving Grouping Games
A car repair shop potentially has six different kinds of cars—Falcon, Hawk, Jackal, Manatee, Snake, and Terrapin. Because of the different specialities of the mechanics, the kinds of cars in the shop at this particular time are consistent with the following conditions:
If Hawks are in the shop, then there are no Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals, Manatees, or both, are in the shop, then Hawks are in the shop too.
If Terrapins are in the shop, then there are Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals are not in the shop, then Snakes are in the shop.
Which one of the following pairs of cars CANNOT be among those cars that are in the shop?
Jackals, Manatees
Jackals, Terrapins
Snakes, Terrapins
Jackals, Snakes
Snakes, Manatees
Jackals, Terrapins
This question requires finding an "unacceptability pair." By examining the answer choices and noting the prominence of certain cars in those answer choices, we can see that a good "trial and error" choice would be Jackals and Snakes.
If J, then H. If H, then not F. If not F, then not T. Thus, if J is selected, then T cannot be selected. So the unacceptable pair is Jackals, Terrapins.
Example Question #202 : Solving Grouping Games
A car repair shop potentially has six different kinds of cars—Falcon, Hawk, Jackal, Manatee, Snake, and Terrapin. Because of the different specialities of the mechanics, the kinds of cars in the shop at this particular time are consistent with the following conditions:
If Hawks are in the shop, then there are no Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals, Manatees, or both, are in the shop, then Hawks are in the shop too.
If Terrapins are in the shop, then there are Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals are not in the shop, then Snakes are in the shop.
Which one of the following is the maximum number of the six kinds of cars the shop could contain?
Rule 1 limits the maximum by forbidding the selection of Falcons and Hawks, so the maximum cannot be six. Nor can there be five, because rejecting Hawks means rejecting Jackals and Manatees, and rejecting Falcons removes Terrapins. Four is the answer because it is possible to select Hawks, Jackals, Manatees, and Snakes.
Example Question #203 : Solving Grouping Games
A car repair shop potentially has six different kinds of cars—Falcon, Hawk, Jackal, Manatee, Snake, and Terrapin. Because of the different specialities of the mechanics, the kinds of cars in the shop at this particular time are consistent with the following conditions:
If Hawks are in the shop, then there are no Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals, Manatees, or both, are in the shop, then Hawks are in the shop too.
If Terrapins are in the shop, then there are Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals are not in the shop, then Snakes are in the shop.
If Jackals are not in the shop, then which one of the following must be false?
Neither Manatees nor Hawks are in the shop
Neither Manatees nor Snakes are in the shop
Manatees are in the shop
Hawks are in the shop
Hawks and Snakes are the only cars in the shop
Neither Manatees nor Snakes are in the shop
Insert J into the "out" group in you "in-out" diagram. What do we know if J is in the "out" group? S must be in the "in" group; therefore, the credited response is: Neither Manatees nor Snakes are in the shop—that must be false.
Example Question #204 : Solving Grouping Games
A car repair shop potentially has six different kinds of cars—Falcon, Hawk, Jackal, Manatee, Snake, and Terrapin. Because of the different specialities of the mechanics, the kinds of cars in the shop at this particular time are consistent with the following conditions:
If Hawks are in the shop, then there are no Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals, Manatees, or both, are in the shop, then Hawks are in the shop too.
If Terrapins are in the shop, then there are Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals are not in the shop, then Snakes are in the shop.
If both Manatees and Hawks are in the shop, then which one of the following must be true?
Snakes are the only other cars in the shop.
There are, at most, two other kinds of cars in the shop.
Jackals are the only other cars in the shop.
There are at least two other kinds of cars in the shop.
The shop contains neither Jackals nor Snakes.
There are, at most, two other kinds of cars in the shop.
If M and H are selected, then F is rejected. If F is rejected, then T is rejected. That leaves J and S, either of which, or both, could be selected. So, at most, only two additional kinds of cars can be in the shop (i.e., at most, M, H, J, and S).
Example Question #205 : Solving Grouping Games
A car repair shop potentially has six different kinds of cars—Falcon, Hawk, Jackal, Manatee, Snake, and Terrapin. Because of the different specialities of the mechanics, the kinds of cars in the shop at this particular time are consistent with the following conditions:
If Hawks are in the shop, then there are no Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals, Manatees, or both, are in the shop, then Hawks are in the shop too.
If Terrapins are in the shop, then there are Falcons in the shop.
If Jackals are not in the shop, then Snakes are in the shop.
If Falcons are in the shop, then which one of the following must be true?
Terrapins are in the shop.
The shop contains both Terrapins and Snakes.
At least three kinds of cars are in the shop.
At most two kinds of cars are in the shop.
Snakes are in the shop.
Snakes are in the shop.
If F is selected, then H is out. If H is out, then J and M are out. And if J is out, then S is definitely "in" the shop, so that is the credited response.
Example Question #716 : Lsat Logic Games
Seven college football players—Fogel, Glenn, Hoskins, Innis, Wells, Xia, and Yates—have been drafted by a professional football team. One draftee is a kicker, three are offensive players, and three are defensive players. The following conditions apply in regards to which players fall within these three domains of the game:
- Hoskins and Yates play the same position
- Glenn does not play within the same domain as Fogel
- If Xia plays defense, then Wells plays offense
- Fogel plays offense
Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate matching of the players with the domain of the game in which they play?
kicking: Wells; offense: Fogel, Hoksins, Yates; defense: Glenn, Innis, Xia
kicking: Xia; offense: Fogel, Glenn, Hoskins; defense: Innis, Yates, Wells
kicking: Xia; offense: Fogel, Innis, Wells; defense: Glenn, Hoskins, Yates
kicking: Wells; offense: Glenn, Innis, Xia; defense: Fogel, Hoskins, Yates
kicking: Xia; offense: Fogel, Hoskins, Innis; defense: Glenn, Wells, Yates
kicking: Xia; offense: Fogel, Innis, Wells; defense: Glenn, Hoskins, Yates
kicking: Wells; offense: Fogel, Hoksins, Yates; defense: Glenn, Innis, Xia—VIOLATES rule that when Xia plays defense, Wells must play offense.
kicking: Wells; offense: Glenn, Innis, Xia; defense: Fogel, Hoskins, Yates—VIOLATES rule that Fogel must play offense.
kicking: Xia; offense: Fogel, Glenn, Hoskins; defense: Innis, Yates, Wells—VIOLATES rule that Hoskins and Yates must play in same domain of the game.
kicking: Xia; offense: Fogel, Hoskins, Innis; defense: Glenn, Wells, Yates—also VIOLATES rule that Hoskins and Yates must play in same domain of the game.
That leaves the correct response: kicking: Xia; offense: Fogel, Innis, Wells; defense: Glenn, Hoskins, Yates
All LSAT Logic Games Resources