All LSAT Logic Games Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #31 : Grouping Games
A dance teacher is creating a set list for an upcoming dance recital. There must be five numbers, performed in sequence. The numbers can be solos, duets or trios, made up of eight students: Amy, Belle, Carrie, Dana, Linda, Monique, Nicole and Ona. Each student will perform only once and the set list must conform to the follwing conditions:
Amy and Ona must perform solo
Carrie cannot perform in the second number unless Belle performs in the fourth
Nicole and Linda must perform together
Ona must perform at some time before Dana
The first and fifth numbers must be solos
If Dana is a member of a trio performing second, which of the following could be true?
Carrie performs second and Amy perfoms third
Carrie performs second and Nicole performs third
Ona performs third and Linda performs fourth
Belle performs first and Linda performs second
Ona performs first and Linda performs fifth
Carrie performs second and Nicole performs third
As soon as we know that Dana performs second we can place Ona in the first spot. Therefore any answer that has someone other than Ona performing first OR has Ona performing somewhere other than first cannot be true. We know that the fifth spot must be a solo, so the answer that has Linda performing fifth must be wrong automatically, because she always has to perform with Nicole. If we place Carrie in the second spot with Dana we automatically place Belle in the fourth spot because of our conditional. If Amy performs third, we know she has to perform alone. This leaves us with Nicole, Linda and Monique left to place. Since Nicole and Linda have to perform together, Monique must perform fifth alone. We then have to place Nicole and Linda in the fourth spot with Belle, since Amy always performs alone and placing them in the second spot with Dana and Carrie would create a quartet. In this scenario, Dana is NOT in a trio, so this answer is incorrect. The correct answer (Carrie performs second and Nicole performs third) yields the following set list: First: Ona; Second: Dana, Carrie, Monique; Third: Nicole, Linda; Fourth: Belle; Fifth: Amy.
Example Question #32 : Grouping Games
A dance teacher is creating a set list for an upcoming dance recital. There must be five numbers, performed in sequence. The numbers can be solos, duets or trios, made up of eight students: Amy, Belle, Carrie, Dana, Linda, Monique, Nicole and Ona. Each student will perform only once and the set list must conform to the follwing conditions:
Amy and Ona must perform solo
Carrie cannot perform in the second number unless Belle performs in the fourth
Nicole and Linda must perform together
Ona must perform at some time before Dana
The first and fifth numbers must be solos
Which of the following must be true?
There are at most two solos
There are at least three duets
There are at least three solos
There are at most two duets
There is at most one trio
There is at most one trio
We can figure this one out from the initial set-up of the game. If we are placing eight dancers into five numbers, we know there has to be one girl in each spot. This takes care of five dancers. We have three left over. Our options are to place all three in different numbers, yielding a 1:1:2:2:2 ratio OR to place two in one number and one in another, yielding a 1:1:1:2:3 ratio. Therefore the only correct answer is that there is at most one trio.
Example Question #33 : Grouping Games
The chairman of the board is creating a finance committee from a group of seven representatives: Harris, Innis, Jenkins, Kenzi, Lawrence, McHenry and Nin. The committe must conform to the following restrictions:
If Harris is chosen for the committee, Innis must also be chosen
If McHenry is chosen, Harris is not
If Nin is chosen, McHenry is also chosen but Innis is not
If Innis is chosen, Kenzi is also chosen
If Jenkins is not chosen, Harris is chosen
Which of the following is a possible complete and accurate list of representatives NOT chosen for the committee?
Jenkins, Nin
Nin, Jenkins, Lawrence
Harris, Innis, Jenkins, Kenzi, Lawrence
Jenkins, Lawrence, McHenry, Nin
Nin, McHenry, Kenzi
Jenkins, Lawrence, McHenry, Nin
This is a simple list question turned inside out. In order to answer this question we need to figure out who is chosen for the committe in each answer and elminate answers based on rule violations. We know that Harris and McHenry cannot both be chosen and Nin and Innis cannot both be chosen. If Innis is chosen, Kenzi must also be chosen, as when Harris is chosen Innis must also be chosen. We also know that at least one of Harris and Jenkins must always be chosen, so any answer that has both of them out is wrong. The only correct possibility leaves this committee: Harris, Innis, Kenzi.
Example Question #34 : Grouping Games
The chairman of the board is creating a finance committee from a group of seven representatives: Harris, Innis, Jenkins, Kenzi, Lawrence, McHenry and Nin. The committe must conform to the following restrictions:
If Harris is chosen for the committee, Innis must also be chosen
If McHenry is chosen, Harris is not
If Nin is chosen, McHenry is also chosen but Innis is not
If Innis is chosen, Kenzi is also chosen
If Jenkins is not chosen, Harris is chosen
If Harris is chosen for the committee, which of the following could be true?
McHenry is chosen
Nin is chosen
Kenzi is not chosen
Innis is not chosen
Jenkins is chosen
Jenkins is chosen
We know that when Harris is chosen, Innis must also be chosen. If Innis is chosen, Kenzi must also be chosen. So the smallest possible group is Harris, Innis and Kenzi. Nin and Innis cannot both be chosen, so Nin cannot be in this group. McHenry and Harris cannot both be chosen, so McHenry also cannot be in this group. The only answer that could be true is that Jenkins is chosen - Jenkins does not have to be in this group but could be.
Example Question #35 : Grouping Games
The chairman of the board is creating a finance committee from a group of seven representatives: Harris, Innis, Jenkins, Kenzi, Lawrence, McHenry and Nin. The committe must conform to the following restrictions:
If Harris is chosen for the committee, Innis must also be chosen
If McHenry is chosen, Harris is not
If Nin is chosen, McHenry is also chosen but Innis is not
If Innis is chosen, Kenzi is also chosen
If Jenkins is not chosen, Harris is chosen
What is the smallest possible number of representatives chosen for the committee?
We know that if Jenkins is not chosen, Harris is. Therefore if Harris is not chosen, Jenkins is. This means that we must always have at least one or the other of these two in the game. If Harris is chosen this leads to several other members being chosen as well, but if Jenkins is chosen he could be the only representative on the committee.
Example Question #36 : Grouping Games
The chairman of the board is creating a finance committee from a group of seven representatives: Harris, Innis, Jenkins, Kenzi, Lawrence, McHenry and Nin. The committe must conform to the following restrictions:
If Harris is chosen for the committee, Innis must also be chosen
If McHenry is chosen, Harris is not
If Nin is chosen, McHenry is also chosen but Innis is not
If Innis is chosen, Kenzi is also chosen
If Jenkins is not chosen, Harris is chosen
If there are excatly three people on the committee, each of the following could be true EXCEPT:
Nin is chosen and Jenkins is chosen
McHenry is chosen and Lawrence is chosen
Harris is chosen and Kenzi is chosen
Kenzi is chosen and Lawrence is chosen
Harris is chosen and Jenkins is chosen
Harris is chosen and Jenkins is chosen
The only answer that would exceed three people is Harris and Jenkins are both chosen. When Harris is chosen we must also choose Innis and then Kenzi. Choosing Jenkins as well would require four people to be on the committee. The other answers yield the following groups: Harris, Kenzi, Innis; Kenzi, Lawrence, Jenkins; Nin, McHenry, Jenkins; McHenry, Lawrence, Jenkins
Example Question #37 : Grouping Games
The chairman of the board is creating a finance committee from a group of seven representatives: Harris, Innis, Jenkins, Kenzi, Lawrence, McHenry and Nin. The committe must conform to the following restrictions:
If Harris is chosen for the committee, Innis must also be chosen
If McHenry is chosen, Harris is not
If Nin is chosen, McHenry is also chosen but Innis is not
If Innis is chosen, Kenzi is also chosen
If Jenkins is not chosen, Harris is chosen
All of the following must be true EXCEPT:
McHenry and Harris cannot both be chosen
Nin and Innis cannot both be chosen
Nin and Harris cannot both be chosen
McHenry and Innis can both be chosen
Harris and Jenkins cannot both be chosen
Harris and Jenkins cannot both be chosen
The only false statement here is that Harris and Jenkins cannot both be chosen - no rule states this. We know from the rules that McHenry and Harris cannot both be chosen, and that Nin and Innis cannot both be chosen. Since McHenry must be chosen when Nin is chosen, Nin therefore cannot be chosen with Harris either. There is no rule that states that McHenry and Innis cannot be chosen together.
Example Question #38 : Grouping Games
The chairman of the board is creating a finance committee from a group of seven representatives: Harris, Innis, Jenkins, Kenzi, Lawrence, McHenry and Nin. The committe must conform to the following restrictions:
If Harris is chosen for the committee, Innis must also be chosen
If McHenry is chosen, Harris is not
If Nin is chosen, McHenry is also chosen but Innis is not
If Innis is chosen, Kenzi is also chosen
If Jenkins is not chosen, Harris is chosen
If Nin is chosen, which of the following is a complete and accurate list of all other possible representatives who could also be chosen?
McHenry, Jenkins, Lawrence
McHenry, Jenkins, Kenzi
McHenry, Jenkins
McHenry, Jenkins, Kenzi, Lawrence
McHenry, Jenkins, Kenzi, Lawrence
To answer this question we start by choosing Nin. We then automatically choose McHenry and eliminate Innis. Because we have chosen McHenry, we eliminate Harris. Eliminating Harris forces us to choose Jenkins. All that are left are Kenzi and Lawrence, who could or could not be chosen. Therefore, if we wanted to create the largest possibly committee starting with Nin, we could add in McHenry, Jenkins, Lawrence and Kenzi.
Example Question #39 : Grouping Games
Four children and four adults attend a baseball game and sit in two sections. At least three members of the group must sit in each section--prime seating and the bleachers. The adults were Matthew, Nora, Olga, and Peter. The children were Sara, Tania, Ulric, and Victor. The following rules apply:
There must be at least one adult in each section
Nora and Sara cannot sit in the same section
Nora and Ulric must sit in the same section
Matthew must sit in the prime section
Which of the following could be a list of who sat in each section?
Prime: Ulric, Matthew, Olga, Sara
Bleachers: Peter, Nora, Victor, Tania
Prime: Peter, Nora, Ulric, Matthew, Olga
Bleachers: Tania, Sara, Victor
Prime: Matthew, Ulric, Nora
Bleachers: Peter, Sara, Victor, Tania, Olga
Prime: Ulric, Olga, Nora, Tania
Bleachers: Peter, Sara, Victor, Matthew
Prime: Ulric, Nora, Tania, Matthew, Victor, Peter
Bleachers: Sara, Olga
Prime: Matthew, Ulric, Nora
Bleachers: Peter, Sara, Victor, Tania, Olga
Make sure you accurately understand each rule, then apply the rules to eliminate each incorrect answer. Each incorrect answer directly violates at least one rule.
Example Question #40 : Grouping Games
Four children and four adults attend a baseball game and sit in two sections. At least three members of the group must sit in each section--prime seating and the bleachers. The adults were Matthew, Nora, Olga, and Peter. The children were Sara, Tania, Ulric, and Victor. The following rules apply:
There must be at least one adult in each section
Nora and Sara cannot sit in the same section
Nora and Ulric must sit in the same section
Matthew must sit in the prime section
Which of the following two people could not sit together?
Matthew and Nora
Victor and Sara
Sara and Ulric
Nora and Ulric
Victor and Tania
Sara and Ulric
Sara cannot be in the same section as Nora, but Nora must be in the same section as Ulric. As a result, Sara is prohibited from being in the same section as Ulric, just as she is prohibited from being in the same section as Nora.
All LSAT Logic Games Resources