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Example Question #1006 : Nclex
Which of the following is a risk for preeclampsia?
All of these
History of hypertension
All of these
There are several risk factors for preeclampsia. These include history of hypertension, diabetes, older maternal age, first-time pregnancies (primigravida), and pregnancies with twins or multiples.
Example Question #201 : Conditions And Treatments
A labor and delivery nurse is assessing a newborn infant and notes that the infant appears to be jaundiced. What is a possible cause for this condition?
The mother's blood is Rh negative and gave birth to her second Rh positive child without receiving Rhogam during the pregnancy.
The mother had gestational diabetes causing jaundice of the infant.
The mother has exposed the infant to an active genital herpes outbreak.
The infant is experiencing fetal alcohol syndrome, as the mother admitted to utilizing drugs and alcohol throughout the pregnancy.
The baby has been born HIV positive, as the mother was unable to afford HIV medications.
The mother's blood is Rh negative and gave birth to her second Rh positive child without receiving Rhogam during the pregnancy.
Jaundice of a newborn may be either pathologic or physiologic. Pathologic jaundice is usually the result of Rh incompatability between the mother and the fetus. It occurs during a subsequent birth after the mother's blood has been exposed to the infant's blood during the first birth. Rhogam is given to the mother to prevent her immune system from attacking the second fetus, causing erythroblastosis fetalis and subsequent pathological jaundice.
Example Question #37 : Identifying Ob/Gyn Conditions
A labor and delivery nurse is monitoring a client in active labor after receiving epidural anesthetic. Upon assessing the client she notes that the patient's blood pressure has fallen to 95/75.
The nurse's first action should be?
Increase IV fluids
Contact the physician immediately
Give 1 mg Epinephrine
Place in semi fowler's position
Obtain an ECG
Increase IV fluids
The first action should be to increase fluids, place on their left side and give oxygen. It is not necessary to contact the physician until all nursing interventions have failed. Epinephrine, a vasopressor should be reserved for emergent situations only.
Example Question #38 : Identifying Ob/Gyn Conditions
A 26 year old female primigravida presents to the clinic to discuss her estimated date of birth (EDB). The nurse records the client's first day of her last menstrual period as February 28th 2015. What would be her (EDB)?
November 5, 2015
November 28, 2015
December 6, 2015
December 7, 2015
December 5, 2015
December 5, 2015
The calculation of an estimated date of birth requires applying Naegele's rule, where once determining the first day of the client's last menstral period, subtract 3 months and add 7 days and one year.
Example Question #201 : Conditions And Treatments
A labor and delivery nurse is caring for a pregnant client that is experiencing contractions and has been on an external tocodynamometer to measure fetal heart tones as well as uterine contractions. The nurse notes that there are decreases in the fetal heart rate at different times of a contraction.
The nurse is aware that this type of finding is consistent with variable decelerations, which are indicative of which of the following?
A prolapsed umbilical cord or nuchal cord
Fetal head compression during contraction
The third stage of labor
The effects of decreased pitosin infusion
An utero-placental insufficency
A prolapsed umbilical cord or nuchal cord
Variable decelerations can occur at any time during a contraction, or without a contraction. They are caused by the umbilical cord that is prolapsed or wrapped around the fetal neck also known as a "nuchal cord." The compression of the cord can ultimately lead to fetal hypoxia and therefore an intervention will be required to alleviate the compression.
Example Question #203 : Conditions And Treatments
A 24 year old primigravida client has just given birth to a Rh positive child and she herself is Rh negative. The nurse recognizes this situation can lead to future problems in terms of future pregnancies due to this blood type mismatch.
All of the following are associated with Rh factor incompatibility except __________.
A major effect of Rh incompatibility is an increased risk of blood clotting and thrombosis in the fetus during subsequent pregnancies
Kernicterus is a potentially serious effect due to pathological jaundice that can have long lasting neurological effects on the child if not prevented.
May lead to fetal anemia and lead to an acceleration of red blood cell production if the mother is not given Rho-D immune globulin to prevent antibodies from destroying fetal blood cells.
The mother will form IgG and IgM antibodies in response to being exposed to a fetus' incompatible blood type.
The mixing of fetal blood with maternal blood may occur during an amniocentesis or early seperation of the placenta during birth.
A major effect of Rh incompatibility is an increased risk of blood clotting and thrombosis in the fetus during subsequent pregnancies
Blood clots are not a common effect in the fetus due to Rh incompatibility. A disorder known as erythroblastosis fetalis is a type of hemolytic disease that occurs in the fetus due to an immune reaction of the Rh negative mother and an Rh positive fetus. All other choices are associated with this type of incompatibility.
Example Question #1011 : Nclex
Which type of abortion is associated with sepsis, cramping, abdominal tenderness and an open cervical os?
Spontaneous abortion
Inevitable abortion
Complete abortion
Missed abortion
Threatened abortion
Missed abortion
A missed abortion is marked by the death of the fetus in utero but is not expelled from the uterus. If left untreated can lead to infection in the womb, it is marked by foul odor and bleeding as well as an elevated temperture and sepsis.
Example Question #41 : Obstetrics And Gynecological Conditions
Which of the following statements is true about a hydatidiform molar pregnancy?
The cause of a molar pregnancy is due multiple ovum becoming fertized and coalescing to form a cluster of atypical cells containing a haploid number of chromosomes.
A molar pregnancy can proceed without incident once Rho-D immune globulin is administered to the mother.
A molar pregnancy is a type of ectopic pregnancy in need of dilation and curratage to prevent internal hemorrhaging or possible hysterectomy.
An ultraound usually reveals a mass resembling a "cluster of grapes", and a blood test will reveal a positive pregnancy result due to elevated HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone.
A hydatidiform molar pregnancy is reported to cause malignancy in approximately 60% of cases.
An ultraound usually reveals a mass resembling a "cluster of grapes", and a blood test will reveal a positive pregnancy result due to elevated HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone.
A hydatidiform molar pregnancy is mostly a benign process that may occur due to an abnormal ovum becoming fertilized and growing into collection of cells in a cluster like formation. They are benign over 80% of the time. Rho-D immune globulin is a medication administered to an Rh negative mother that will give birth to a second Rh positive child to prevent an immune reaction that may harm the child.
Example Question #1011 : Nclex
A woman is hospitalized for preeclampsia. Which medication may the nurse administer to prevent the occurrence of seizures?
Calcium gluconate
Magnesium sulfate
Magnesium sulfate
Magnesium sulfate is used to prevent seizures in women with severe preeclampsia. Calcium gluconate is the antidote if magnesium toxicity is assessed. It should be readily available when a woman is receiving magnesium sulfate. Pitocin is used to stimulate the uterus, often to induce labor. Nubain is an opioid that can be given to women during labor to treat pain. Zolpidem (Ambien) is a sleep aid.
Example Question #41 : Obstetrics And Gynecological Conditions
Jean is a 33-year-old woman who has previously had regular periods but has not gotten her period for six months. Which of the following would the nurse rule out as the cause?
Cross country running five times per week
Poor eating habits
Kidney disease
Yoga once per week
Antidepressant use
Yoga once per week
Yoga once per week (light exercise) is the least likely of the above to cause a change in regular menstruation. Cross country or long distance running (vigorous exercise) is more likely to cause changes to a woman's cycle. Poor lifestyle choices such as eating habits and health issues such as kidney disease can also cause irregular menstruation. Likewise, pharmaceuticals can have the same effect.
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