All New SAT Writing and Language Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Diction
Without earthworms, modern land-based ecosystems would look very different. There is no way to predict the exact changes that would exist without earthworms, but it is easy to recognize earthworms’ 1 impression. As research continues into the effect of earthworms, scientists are confident that it will show an even more complex picture of the earthworm’s contribution to the land-based ecosystem.
Whenever the SAT asks you to choose between four words that have nearly the same meaning, they are testing logic. While the words do have similar meanings, only one makes sense in the context of the passage. As with a reading section vocabulary in context questions, look at the sentence as a whole. It's talking about the effect that earthworms have on the environment. While the answer choices are similar in meaning, the only answer choice that fits this is "impact".
Example Question #5 : Diction
The traditional view of archaeologists usually involves a college professor who spends much of his or her time digging and researching in ancient foreign libraries or a museum curator who works every day to preserve the artifacts the museum holds. While this view isn’t completely incorrect, it is incomplete, both in terms of the types of jobs available to archaeologists and in terms of the types of work within those jobs. For example, college professors may spend summers at dig sites, but much of their time is also spent writing grants, teaching students, and writing about their research projects. Additionally, although there are still many people who work in archaeology as professors and museum curators, the demand for these job far outstrips the number of positions available, making the positions 1 a pain to acquire.
Which of the following best fits the tone of the rest of the passage?
super tough
The key to succeeding on this question is remembering that the SAT tests not only grammar and logic, but also consistent style. This question gives you a selection of synonyms (or near synonyms) and then asks you to choose the one that best fits the tone of the rest of the passage. Since only one, "difficult," is an acceptable choice for formal writing, it is the correct answer. The other three answers are either colloquially used or inappropriate for the sentence.
Example Question #1 : Rhetoric: Words And Phrases
An extract of the plant Decalepis hamiltonii, which has proved helpful in protecting brain cells from damaging effects of alcohol, is grown across India, where it has been used in traditional folk medicine for centuries.
The Decalepis hamiltonii plant, an extract of which
A Decalepis hamiltonii extract, which
An extract, which
The Decalepis hamiltonii plant, an extract of which
In this example, we’re being tested on the logical vs. illogical word choice for the subject of our sentence. Since the non-underlined portion of the sentence includes the verb “is grown,” the subject of the sentence must be something that can be grown. If we read past the modifier in the original construction, we can see that “an extract” is the subject of the sentence, making the meaning of the core of the sentence, “an extract is grown,” illogical. Only our correct answer, “The Decalepis hamiltonii plant, an extract of which” corrects this error by reconstructing the underlined portion such that “the decalepis hamiltonii plant” is the subject of the sentence taking on the verb phrase “is grown.”
Example Question #2 : Rhetoric: Words And Phrases
The Chinese language is known for it’s diversity, as there are over 200 documented dialects of the language.
it’s diversity, as their
its diversity, as they’re
its diversity, as there
its diversity, as there
In this example, we need to choose the wording that expresses a logical meaning. In the original construction, “it’s” - the contraction for “it is” is illogical, as the sentence is attempting to use the possessive to refer to the diversity of the Chinese language. “It’s diversity, as their” makes the same mistake, and also mistakenly uses the possessive “their” when the term “there” is the appropriate spelling for the meaning the sentence is attempting to convey. Since “they’re” - the contraction for “they are” is also illogical in the context, we can eliminate “its diversity, as they’re.” This leaves us with the correct answer, “its diversity, as there,” the only option that uses the appropriate version of each homophone (term that sounds the same but carries a different meaning when spelled differently).
Example Question #161 : New Sat Writing And Language
Though the current line of common contemporary fashion is often perceived as a recent trend, it’s roots date back to early Egypt.
its roots dates
its roots date
it’s roots dates
its roots date
In this example, we need to choose the wording that expresses a logical meaning. The original sentence construction illogically utilizes the contraction “it’s.” Since it would not make sense to say “it is roots date back,” this word choice is illogical, and we can eliminate any answer options that include this wording. Our final incorrect answer, “Its roots dates” lacks agreement, as the plural “roots” requires the plural verb “date.” Our correct answer, “Its roots date” corrects both of these errors by utilizing the possessive pronoun and the plural form of the verb.
Example Question #4 : Rhetoric: Words And Phrases
Excessive caffeine consumption has been scientifically shown to effect your nervous system in both positive and negative respects, providing mood-boosting stimulant reactions, but also creating dependency and withdrawal when consumed in excess over extended periods.
affect your
affect you’re
effect you’re
affect your
In this example, we’re being tested on the use of different forms of homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings when spelled differently). If we look to our answer options, we can see that we’ll need to determine which form of affect vs. effect and which form of your vs. you’re we need. Since, in context, affect is being used as a verb rather than a noun, we need the term “affect.” Additionally, we need the possessive “your” to refer to the nervous system belonging to you (the possessive form). Our correct answer, “affect your” makes both of these corrections.
Example Question #2 : Diction
Whereas most casualties in 19th-century wars resulted from disease, over two-thirds of the troops in World War I resulted from direct combat on the battlefield.
killed troops
troops killed
This question primarily tests us on diction, essentially, using the correct word in context. Here, not only do we need the comparison of comparing “casualties” to “casualties,” as our correct answer addresses - we also need a sentence that is logical in wording after the comma. While we likely understand what the author is trying to say (this can sometimes work against us in meaning-based writing questions on the SAT!) it is illogical to say that troops resulted from direct combat. Even if we modify the troops as “troops killed” or “killed troops,” the core of the sentence without the modifier seems to be suggesting that troops resulted from direct combat on the battlefield. Thus, only “casualties” fits what we’re looking for.
Example Question #1 : Organization Words
The Sagrada Familia has stood, incomplete, as part of the Barcelona skyline since the early phases of its construction in 1882. The project, originally intended to be a cathedral in the gothic style, was begun by the bookseller Joseph Maria Bocabella under the direction of the architect Francisco de Paula del Villar. Del Villar and Bocabella imagined a basilica modeled on the Gothic revival churches Bocabella had seen on trips to Italy. 1 However, Bocabella’s ideal basilica never came to be. In 1883 del Villar resigned from the project, and 30-year old Antoni Gaudi, a young but already well-known architect from Catalonia, took over as lead architect.
In fact,
Whenever the SAT Writing and Language section asks you for the best transition between two paragraphs or sentences, read the sentence before and after the transition and determine the relationship between the two sentences. The sentence before in this case states that the original vision of the church was based on Gothic revival churches from Italy. The sentence after the transition word states that this ideal wasn't built. Because of the contrast between the two sentences, you're looking for a word that indicates contrast. The only choice that indicates contrast is, NO CHANGE. Since the other options all indicate that the next sentence should be a continuation, they can all be eliminated.
Example Question #2 : Organization Words
As the research progresses, they must present their findings in both written and oral reports to stakeholders in the project. Therefore, depending on the site and what they find, CRM archaeologists may also work with architects and planners. This work is to revise building sites to protect sensitive areas. So while everyday archaeologists may not be involved in saving the world from existential threats, they do play an important role in society, helping us preserve and consider the past even as we plan for the future. As cities and communities continue to expand, the work they do will only grow in importance.
However, depending
In fact, depending
This question asks you to choose between different transition words and to determine whether you need a transition word at all between these two sentences. As with any question dealing with transitions, you should first look at what each sentence is saying and then determine the relationship between those two sentences. The first sentence states that the archaeologists must present their findings to the members of the project, and the second states that after that they may work with architects and planners to change the plan. These are two separate facts - one does not flow into the other except sequentially. Thus, the best transition is in fact no transition at all, "depending."
Example Question #3 : Organization Words
For thousands of years, cooking was considered more of a practice than a science. Much of what chefs and food scientists alike knew about cooking came from conventional wisdom rather than carefully designed research. For individuals who considered cooking to be an art rather than a science, this seemed to be for the best; 1 surprisingly, for physicist Nicholas Kurti and chemist Herve This, the lack on empirical knowledge around what we eat was not just an affront to science. It was a challenge. In 1988 the pair coined the term “molecular gastronomy,” which they defined as the investigation of the physical and chemical transformation that ingredients undergo during the course of cooking. They argued that if chefs understood these processes, they could produce dishes improved by the findings.
in fact,
Whenever you are asked to choose a transition between two thoughts, you should first consider each thought separately and then how they relate together. The phrase before the transition states that many people have considered the fact that cooking was not science-like to be good. The phrase after the transition states that Kurti and This considered this an "affront to science". The two phrases are meant to contrast with one another and require a transition word that reflects this. Neither "in fact" nor "indeed" indicate a contrast and can be eliminated. "Surprisingly" does indicate a contrast, but the second phrase isn't surprising so it too can be eliminated. "however" is correct.
All New SAT Writing and Language Resources