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All Physical Chemistry Resources
Free Physical Chemistry Diagnostic Tests
All Physical Chemistry Resources
If you are a college student, or prospective student, who wants to work in a chemical research lab, then you will need to have a background in physical chemistry. Companies in industries that work with ceramics, plastics, or forms of non-renewable energy like petroleum often employ chemists to help them with research and development. While chemistry can seem overwhelming and time-consuming to any number of students, Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools have a wealth of resources and information available on their website that can help you get the physical chemistry study help you need to pass your course.
When you visit the Learning Tools website, you will notice that there are a number of free physical chemistry study materials available for you to use. These resources are the perfect way to help you maximize your physical chemistry review, and enable you to develop a deeper understanding of the subject. One of these essential tools are the physical chemistry practice tests, which test your general and concept-specific knowledge on the subject. By completing the practice tests, you are working to review important material and mentally prepare yourself for any upcoming projects and examinations.
The practice tests are easy to navigate and are organized by topic. Every physical chemistry example question you find in the practice test is designed to cover material you will be expected to know at the end of your course. After you complete the free online physical chemistry practice test questions, you will be given the chance to check your answers. Here, you can see just how well you fared on the test.
Another beneficial feature of the practice tests is the results page. After you complete each test, you are taken to a page where you can see a number of statistics related to your performance. You are able to see what your percentile ranking is, how many people answered each question correctly, the difficulty of each question, and how much time you spent answering each problem. These are great pieces of information to know if you want to customize a physical chemistry study guide that is best suited towards improving your weaker areas. Moreover, you can maximize your physical chemistry review by reading the in-depth explanations attached to each practice question. These explanations help guide you towards the right answer, all while providing you with important vocabulary words and definitions. If you are a person who likes to learns from your mistakes, then this feature may be especially useful for you.
In order to maximize your physical chemistry study help, you can use the practice tests alongside the other free Learning Tools. If you are confused about a specific area, use the Learn by Concept feature to review the topic that is giving you trouble. If you want to have a lengthy study session, try revising with the thousands of flashcards. Even if you only use the Question of the Day to fit a quick study session into your day, you are still working to reinforce the knowledge that you already have. By using Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools to enhance your classroom learning, you are working to build a well-rounded physical chemistry study program.
Free Physical Chemistry Practice Tests
Practice Tests by Concept
Electrochemistry practice test
physical_chemistry-electrochemistryBatteries practice test
physical_chemistry-batteriesGalvanic and electrolytic cells practice test
physical_chemistry-galvanic-and-electrolytic-cellsOther electrochemistry concepts practice test
physical_chemistry-other-electrochemistry-concepts_aaOxidation-reduction fundamentals practice test
physical_chemistry-oxidation-reduction-fundamentalsEquilibrium and kinetics practice test
physical_chemistry-equilibrium-and-kineticsReaction equilibrium practice test
physical_chemistry-reaction-equilibriumAcid-base equilibrium and titration practice test
physical_chemistry-acid-base-equilibrium-and-titrationEquilibrium constant and reaction quotient practice test
physical_chemistry-equilibrium-constant-and-reaction-quotientEquilibrium in solution practice test
physical_chemistry-equilibrium-in-solution_aaLe chatelier's principle practice test
physical_chemistry-le-chatelier-s-principleReaction kinetics practice test
physical_chemistry-reaction-kineticsCatalysts and enzymes practice test
physical_chemistry-catalysts-and-enzymesInhibitors practice test
physical_chemistry-inhibitorsMichaelis-menton analysis practice test
physical_chemistry-michaelis-menton-analysisRate law and reaction order practice test
physical_chemistry-rate-law-and-reaction-orderNuclear, quantum, and molecular chemistry practice test
physical_chemistry-nuclear-quantum-and-molecular-chemistryAtoms and elements practice test
physical_chemistry-atoms-and-elementsAtomic nucleus practice test
physical_chemistry-atomic-nucleusElectron configuration practice test
physical_chemistry-electron-configurationNuclear forces practice test
physical_chemistry-nuclear-forcesOrbitals and hybridization practice test
physical_chemistry-orbitals-and-hybridizationOther atomic concepts practice test
physical_chemistry-other-atomic-conceptsPeriodic table trends practice test
physical_chemistry-periodic-table-trendsValence electrons practice test
physical_chemistry-valence-electronsMolecules practice test
physical_chemistry-moleculesBond strength and polarity practice test
physical_chemistry-bond-strength-and-polarityCovalent bonding practice test
physical_chemistry-covalent-bondingMolecular geometry and vsepr practice test
physical_chemistry-molecular-geometry-and-vseprQuantum chemistry practice test
physical_chemistry-quantum-chemistryElectromagnetic spectrum and radiation practice test
physical_chemistry-electromagnetic-spectrum-and-radiationEmission and absorption spectra practice test
physical_chemistry-emission-and-absorption-spectraPhotons and photon energy practice test
physical_chemistry-photons-and-photon-energyPrinciples of quantum mechanics practice test
physical_chemistry-principles-of-quantum-mechanicsQuantum numbers practice test
physical_chemistry-quantum-numbersSpectroscopy practice test
physical_chemistry-spectroscopy_aaPhases and properties of matter practice test
physical_chemistry-phases-and-properties-of-matterColligative properties practice test
physical_chemistry-colligative-propertiesBoiling point practice test
physical_chemistry-boiling-pointFreezing point practice test
physical_chemistry-freezing-pointOther colligative properties practice test
physical_chemistry-other-colligative-propertiesGases practice test
physical_chemistry-gasesGas laws practice test
physical_chemistry-gas-lawsReal and ideal gases practice test
physical_chemistry-real-and-ideal-gasesGeneral physical properties practice test
physical_chemistry-general-physical-propertiesDensity practice test
physical_chemistry-densityIntermolecular forces practice test
physical_chemistry-intermolecular-forcesIdentifying intermolecular forces practice test
physical_chemistry-identifying-intermolecular-forcesIons and solutions practice test
physical_chemistry-ions-and-solutionsSolubility rules practice test
physical_chemistry-solubility-rulesPhase interfaces and surfaces practice test
physical_chemistry-phase-interfaces-and-surfacesFactors affecting phase interactions practice test
physical_chemistry-factors-affecting-phase-interactionsOther phase interface principles practice test
physical_chemistry-other-phase-interface-principlesSolids and liquids practice test
physical_chemistry-solids-and-liquidsProperties of liquids practice test
physical_chemistry-properties-of-liquidsProperties of solids practice test
physical_chemistry-properties-of-solidsViscosity and flow mechanics practice test
physical_chemistry-viscosity-and-flow-mechanicsThermochemistry and thermodynamics practice test
physical_chemistry-thermochemistry-and-thermodynamicsThermochemistry practice test
physical_chemistry-thermochemistryCalorimetry practice test
physical_chemistry-calorimetryEndothermic and exothermic reactions practice test
physical_chemistry-endothermic-and-exothermic-reactionsHeat capacity and specific heat practice test
physical_chemistry-heat-capacity-and-specific-heatPhase changes practice test
physical_chemistry-phase-changesPhase diagrams practice test
physical_chemistry-phase-diagramsThermodynamics practice test
physical_chemistry-thermodynamicsEnthalpy and entropy practice test
physical_chemistry-enthalpy-and-entropy_aaGibbs free energy practice test
physical_chemistry-gibbs-free-energyHeat transfer practice test
physical_chemistry-heat-transferIsothermic, isobaric, and adiabatic processes practice test
physical_chemistry-isothermic-isobaric-and-adiabatic-processesLaws of thermodynamics practice test
physical_chemistry-laws-of-thermodynamics_aaOther thermodynamic principles practice test
physical_chemistry-other-thermodynamic-principlesWork practice test
physical_chemistry-workAll Physical Chemistry Resources
Practice Quizzes
Physical Chemistry Problem Set 17
physical_chemistry_17Physical Chemistry Problem Set 16
physical_chemistry_16Physical Chemistry Problem Set 15
physical_chemistry_15Physical Chemistry Problem Set 14
physical_chemistry_14Physical Chemistry Problem Set 13
physical_chemistry_13Physical Chemistry Problem Set 12
physical_chemistry_12Physical Chemistry Problem Set 11
physical_chemistry_11Physical Chemistry Problem Set 10
physical_chemistry_10Physical Chemistry Problem Set 8
physical_chemistry_8Physical Chemistry Problem Set 7
physical_chemistry_7All Physical Chemistry Resources
Physical Chemistry Problem Set 6
physical_chemistry_6Physical Chemistry Problem Set 5
physical_chemistry_5Physical Chemistry Problem Set 4
physical_chemistry_4Physical Chemistry Problem Set 2
physical_chemistry_2Physical Chemistry Problem Set 1
physical_chemistry_1All Physical Chemistry Resources