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Example Questions
Example Question #2 : Find The First Derivative Of A Function
Find the first derivative of the function
For the function
The first derivative is
So for
the first derivative is
Example Question #5 : Find The First Derivative Of A Function
Find the first derivative of
in relation to .
To find the derviative of this equation recall the power rule that states: Multiply the exponent in front of the constant and then subtract one from the exponent.
We can work individually with each term:
Derivative of
For the next term:
Derivative of :
So answer is:
Anything to a power of 0 is 1.
For the next term:
Derivative of :
Any derivative of a constant is .
So the first derivative of
Example Question #101 : Introductory Calculus
What is the derivative of
with respect to
Recall the quotient rule:
So for:
Find their derivatives:
Plug in to the formula:
Example Question #11 : Find The First Derivative Of A Function
Find the first derivative of
with respect to
Apply Power Rule.
First Derivative of :
Result is
So the first derivative of is
Example Question #11 : Find The First Derivative Of A Function
Find the derivative of the following function:
To find the derivative of this function, we will have to apply both the power rule and the chain rule. First we apply the power rule, bringing the exponent of the entire term to the front as a coefficient and subtracting 1 from the new exponent. Then we apply the chain rule, multiplying that entire term by the derivative of just the expression inside the parentheses:
Example Question #11 : Find The First Derivative Of A Function
Find the derivative of the following function:
To take the derivative of this function, we can simply apply the power rule to most of the terms. For the first two, we apply the power rule, multiplying the coefficient out front by the exponent of the term, and then subtracting 1 from the new exponent. When we get to ln(x), we must remember that the derivative of this term is 1/x. Finally, we have 18, which is just a constant, and the derivative of a constant is always 0:
Example Question #11 : Find The First Derivative Of A Function
Find the derivative of the following function:
For the first term we can simply apply the power rule, multiplying the coefficient by the exponent of the term, which gives us 1 as the new coefficient, and subtracting one from the new exponent. When we get to our exponential terms, we have to remember to apply the chain rule to each one. The derivative of is just
, because when we apply the chain rule, we multiply the term by the derivative of its exponent, which for x is just 1. For our next term, the exponent is 2x, so its derivative is 2, which we multiply by the whole term to give us
. Finally our last term has an exponent of
, which has a derivative of
, so we multiply this by the whole term to give us
Example Question #11 : Find The First Derivative Of A Function
Find the derivative of .
For any function , the first derivative
Therefore, taking each term of :
Example Question #11 : Find The First Derivative Of A Function
Find the first derivative of .
By the Power Rule of derivatives, for any equation , the derivative
With our function , where
, we can therefore conclude that:
Example Question #12 : Find The First Derivative Of A Function
Find the derivative of .
By the Power Rule of derivatives, for any equation , the derivative
Given our function , where
, we can conclude that
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