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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Find The Unit Vector In The Same Direction As A Given Vector
Find the unit vector that is in the same direction as the vector
To find the unit vector in the same direction as a vector, we divide it by its magnitude.
The magnitude of is
We divide vector by its magnitude to get the unit vector
All unit vectors have a magnitude of , so to verify we are correct:
Example Question #1 : Find The Unit Vector In The Same Direction As A Given Vector
A unit vector has length .
Given the vector
find the unit vector in the same direction.
First, you must find the length of the vector. This is given by the equation:
Then, dividing the vector by its length gives the unit vector in the same direction.
Example Question #1 : Find The Unit Vector In The Same Direction As A Given Vector
Put the vector in unit vector form.
To get the unit vector that is in the same direction as the original vector , we divide the vector by the magnitude of the vector.
For , the magnitude is:
This means the unit vector in the same direction of is,
Example Question #1 : Find The Unit Vector In The Same Direction As A Given Vector
Find the unit vector of
In order to find the unit vector u of a given vector v, we follow the formula
The magnitude of v follows the formula
For this vector in the problem
Following the unit vector formula and substituting for the vector and magnitude
As such,
Example Question #1 : Find The Unit Vector In The Same Direction As A Given Vector
Find the unit vector of
In order to find the unit vector u of a given vector v, we follow the formula
The magnitude of v follows the formula
For this vector in the problem
Following the unit vector formula and substituting for the vector and magnitude
As such,
Example Question #1 : Find A Vector Equation When Given Two Points
What is the vector that connects the point to
None of the other answers
The first step when solving for a vetor is to find the length of the vector. It can be helpful to visualize the system as a right triangle as seen below:
At this point, we can essentially solve the problem as if we're finding the hypotenuse and angle of a right triangle.
Using the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the vector we get:
Now we need to find the angle of the vector. We have all three sides of the triangle, so use the trig function that you are most comfortable with. The tangent function is used below because it uses sides that were given in the problem statement.
Example Question #2 : Find A Vector Equation When Given Two Points
Find the vector that starts at point and ends at
and its magnitude.
To find the vector between two points, find the change between the points in the and
directions, or
. Then
. If it helps, draw a line from the starting point to the end point on a graph and look at the changes in each direction.
We see that and
, so our vector is
To find a vectors magnitude, we sum up the squares of each component and take the square root:
Example Question #3 : Find A Vector Equation When Given Two Points
Find the vector equation of the line through the points:
The vector equation of the line through two points is the sum of one of the points and the direction vector between the two points scaled by a variable.
First we find the the direction vector by subtracting the two points:
Note that a line is continuous and defined on the real line. Then, we must scale the direction vector by a variable constant so as to define the line at each point. We then add one of the given points, so as to define the line through the given points. Either point can be chosen, but the correct answer uses the first point given.
Example Question #4 : Find A Vector Equation When Given Two Points
Given points and
, find a vector equation of the line passing these two points.
Write the formula to find the vector equation of the line.
Using and
, find the directional vector
by subtracting point A from B.
Substitute the directional vector and point
into the formula.
A possible solution is:
Example Question #1 : Find A Direction Vector When Given Two Points
Find the directional vector of if points A and B are
, respectively.
To find vector , the point A is the terminal point and point B is the starting point.
The directional vector can be determined by subtracting the start from the terminal point.
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