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Example Questions
Example Question #71 : Exponential And Logarithmic Functions
Solve the following logarithmic equation.
In order to solve the logarithmic equation, we use the following property
As such
And converting from logarithmic form to exponential form
we get
Solving for x
And because the square of a difference is given as this equation through factoring
we have
which implies
Example Question #1171 : Pre Calculus
Express the log in its expanded form:
None of the other answers
You need to know the Laws of Logarithms in order to solve this problem. The ones specifically used in this problem are the following:
Let's take this one variable at a time starting with expanding z:
Now y:
And finally expand x:
Example Question #11 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
What is equivalent to?
Using the properties of logarithms,
the expression can be rewritten as
which simplifies to .
Example Question #11 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
Find the value of the sum of logarithms by condensing the expression.
By the property of the sum of logarithms,
Example Question #12 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
Condense the following logarithmic equation:
We start condensing our expression using the following property, which allows us to express the coefficients of two of our terms as exponents:
Our next step is to use the following property to combine our first three terms:
Finally, we can use the following property regarding subtraction of logarithms to obtain the condensed expression:
Example Question #11 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
What is another way of writing
The correct answer is
Properties of logarithms allow us to rewrite and
, respectively. So we have
Again, we use the logarithm property
to get
Example Question #82 : Exponential And Logarithmic Functions
Write the expression in the most condensed form:
None of the other answers.
Use the Power property of Logarithms:
Rewrite the fractional exponent:
Condense into a fraction using the Quotient property of Logarithms:
Example Question #18 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
When logs of the same bases are subtracted, the contents of both logs will be divided with each other. When logs of the same bases are added, then the contents inside the log will be multiplied together.
Example Question #21 : Solve Logarithmic Equations
Completely condense the logarithm: .
None of the other answers.
Apply the Power property:
Apply the quotient property:
Example Question #51 : Properties Of Logarithms
By the property of the addition of logarithms with the same base
As such
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