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Example Questions
Example Question #51 : Fundamental Trigonometric Identities
Evaluate the following.
Here we can use another double angle formula for cosine,
Here , and so we can use the double angle formula for cosine to rewrite the expression as
From here we just recognize that
Example Question #161 : Trigonometric Functions
Evaluate the following expression.
Here we can use yet another double angle formula for cosine:
First, realize that .
Next, plug this in to the double angle formula to find that
Here we recognize that
Example Question #51 : Fundamental Trigonometric Identities
Simplify the following. Leave your answer in terms of a trigonometric function.
This is a quick test of being able to recall the angle sum formula for sine.
, and here
, we can rewrite the expression as
Example Question #51 : Fundamental Trigonometric Identities
Which of the following is equivalent to the expression:
Which of the following is equivalent to the following expression?
Recall our Pythagorean trig identity:
It can be rearranged to look just like our numerator:
So go ahead and change our original expression to:
Then recall the definition of cosecant:
So our original expression can be rewritten as:
So our answer is:
Example Question #1531 : Pre Calculus
Which of the following trigonometric identities is INCORRECT?
Cosine and sine are not reciprocal functions.
Example Question #172 : Trigonometric Functions
Using the trigonometric identities prove whether the following is valid:
Only in the range of:
Only in the range of:
We begin with the left-hand side of the equation and utilize basic trigonometric identities, beginning with converting the inverse functions to their corresponding base functions:
Next, we rewrite the fractional division in order to simplify the equation:
In fractional division we multiply by the reciprocal as follows:
If we reduce the fraction using basic identities we see that the equivalence is proven:
Example Question #1532 : Pre Calculus
Which of the following identities is incorrect?
The true identity is because cosine is an even function.
Example Question #173 : Trigonometric Functions
State in terms of sine and cosine.
The definition of tangent is sine divided by cosine.
Example Question #1534 : Pre Calculus
Using these basic identities:
we find the original expression to be
which simplifies to
Further simplifying:
The cosines cancel, giving us
Example Question #176 : Trigonometric Functions
Which of the following is the best answer for ?
Write the Pythagorean identity.
Substract from both sides.
The other answers are incorrect.
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