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Example Questions
Example Question #11 : Find The Product Of Two Matrices
What is the matrix ?
Product cannot be found.
Product cannot be found.
We note first that A is 4x4 , B is 4x1.
To be able to do BA the number of columns of B must equal the number of rows
of A.
Since the number of columns of B is 1 and the number of rows of A is 4, we do not have equality and therefore we can't have the product BA.
Example Question #24 : Multiplication Of Matrices
We consider the two matrices and
given below, what is the simplest formula possible for
(assume that
have the same size).
We can't find the sum of the two matrices.
Since we are assuming that the two matrices have the same size, we can perform the matrices addition.
We know that when adding matrices, we add them componenwise. Let (i,j) be any entry of the addition matrix. We add the entry from A to the entry from B:
Since the entries from A are the same and given by ln(2) and the entries from B are the same and given by ln(3), we add these two to obtain :
ln(2)+ln(3) and by the properties of the logarithm we have ln(2)+ln(3)=ln(2x3)=ln(6).
Therefore our matrix is given by:
Example Question #25 : Multiplication Of Matrices
We consider the two matrice given below, find :
The number of columns of A is equal to the number of rows of B. Therefore we can perform this operation.
Any entry of the matrix product is the result of the sum of the product of the elements of the row of A with the colum of of B. To obtain the first entry of the matrix product, we use the the first row of A and the first column of B, multiplying componentwise and adding. Doing this operation for each entry,
we obtain our matrix:
Example Question #61 : Matrices And Vectors
We recall the complex number satisfies :
We define the matrix as follows:
Find the matrix .
We can't find this multiplication.
We can treat i as a scalar. To do this multiplication all we need to do is to multply each entry of the matrix by i.
We see that when we multiply each entry of the matrix by i, we obtain and we know that
This means that all the entries are equal to same scalar . Now placing all these scalar in the matrix entries we obtain:
Example Question #27 : Multiplication Of Matrices
To find the product of 2 matrices, first line up the first row of the left matrix with the first column of the right matrix. Multiply the first, second, and third entries and then add them together.
Next, line up the second row of the left matrix with the second column of the right matrix. Then the first row and the second column, and finally the second row and the first column:
Example Question #61 : Matrices And Vectors
To find the product, line up the rows of the left matrix individually with the one column in the right matrix:
Example Question #65 : Matrices And Vectors
Which of the following matrices can be multiplied?
The size of every matrix can be written in the form rows x cols. The following matrix is of the size 2 x 1 because it has 2 rows and 1 column.
For two matrices to be able to be multiplied, their sizes must line up that the number of columns in the first matrix is equal to the number of rows of the first matrix. For example:
So these two matrices can be multiplied. However, if the case were such that:
Here, the # of columns in the first matrix does not line up with the # of rows in the second matrix, so the two matrices cannot be multiplied.
Example Question #31 : Multiplication Of Matrices
Matrices and
are shown above. Find the matrix product
First, note that the order of the matrix multiplication is important . Multiplication of two matrices is possible only if the number of columns of the first matrix
is equal to the number of rows of the second matrix
. Both
matrices (2 rows and 2 columns, respectively). Thus,
is possible since the number of columns of
(2) equals to the number of rows of
(2). Furthermore, the size of
is equal to the number of rows of
and the number of columns of
To avoid confusion, I will use the notation ,
, and
to denote the constituents of matrices
, and
, respectively. For example,
refers to the constituent in
that is in row 1 and column 2. The general version of the three matrices are shown below:
Using the rules of multiplying two matrices, the definition of is shown below:
Example Question #572 : Pre Calculus
Calculate AB when
In order to perform matrix multiplication, the number of columns in the first matrix has to be the same as the number of rows in the second column.
From here, we multiply each term in the first matrix's row by the first column in the second matrix. Continue in this fashion to get the product matrix.
Example Question #68 : Matrices And Vectors
Write the rule for multiplying a two by two matrix. The result will be a two by two matrix.
Follow this rule for the given problem.
Simplify, and the answer is:
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