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Example Questions
Example Question #14 : Find The Second Derivative Of A Function
Find the second derivative of the function
For any function , the first derivative
and the second derivative is
Taking the first derivative of :
Then, taking the second derivative of :
Example Question #11 : Find The Second Derivative Of A Function
Find the second dervative of the following equation.
To find the second derivative, simply differentiate the equation twice.
To differentiate this problem we will need to use the power rule which states,
Applying the power rule to each term twice, we are able to find the second derivative.
Example Question #12 : Find The Second Derivative Of A Function
Find the second derivative of with respect to
For this problem we will need to use the power rule on each term.
The power rule is,
Applying the power rule to our function we get the following derivative.
Example Question #701 : Pre Calculus
Find the second derivative of .
We first need to find the first derivative of . Remember that according to the derivatives of trigonometric functions, the derviative of cosine is negative sine and the derivative of sine is cosine.
Applying these rules we are able to find the first derivative.
Now to find the second derivative we take the derivative of the first derivative.
Example Question #703 : Pre Calculus
Find the second derivative of .
To find the second derivative of we will need to take the derivative of the first derivative.
To find the first derivative we will use the rule for natural logs which states,
Applying this rule to our function we get the following.
Now that we have the first derivative we will take the derivative of it to get the second derivative. In order to do so we will need to use the quotient rule which states,
Applying this rule we get the following.
Example Question #12 : Find The Second Derivative Of A Function
Find the second derivative of .
To find the second derivative of this function we will need to use the following rules.
Product Rule,
Chain Rule,
Applying these rules we can find both the first derivative and then the second derivative.
Example Question #13 : Find The Second Derivative Of A Function
Find the second derivative of:
None of the other answers.
The derivative of this function, known as (read as f prime of x), can be found by using the Power rule of derivatives on each term in the function. Power rule:
. If there is a value in front of x we multiply it by the "n" we carried over. For example taking the derivative of
. To find the second derivative, simply repeat the process.
is read as "f double prime of x" or "the second derivative of f(x)".
Example Question #21 : Find The Second Derivative Of A Function
Find the second derivative of the function
Use the product rule to get the first derivative.
Let and
Use the product rule again for the second derivative.
Example Question #22 : Find The Second Derivative Of A Function
Find the second derivative of .
To derive, use the power rule for derivatives.
Find the first derivative by taking the derivative of each term.
Take the derivative of .
Example Question #23 : Find The Second Derivative Of A Function
Determine the second derivative with the respect to x:
To solve this, we first need to know the derivative of with the respect to
This problem will also involve the chain rule, which means that there we will need to take the derivative of the inner function inside , since the power is not to the power of
Find the first derivative.
Find the second derivative by differentiating the first derivative.
The answer is:
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