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Example Questions
Example Question #1 : Understanding Period And Amplitude
What is the period of
The period for is
. However, if a number is multiplied by
, you divide the period
by what is being multiplied by
. Here,
is being multiplied by
Example Question #1 : Trigonometric Functions
Which of the following is not in the range of the function ?
The range of the function is all numbers between
(the sine wave never goes above or below this).
Of the choices given, is greater than
and thus not in this range.
Example Question #12 : Graphing The Sine And Cosine Functions
What is the of
When working with basic trigonometric identities, it's easiest to remember the mnemonic: .
When one names the right triangle, the opposite side is opposite to the angle, the adjacent side is next to the angle, and the hypotenuse spans the two legs of the right angle.
Example Question #1 : Trigonometric Identities
What is the of
When working with basic trigonometric identities, it's easiest to remember the mnemonic: .
When one names the right triangle, the opposite side is opposite to the angle, the adjacent side is next to the angle, and the hypotenuse spans the two legs of the right angle.
Example Question #13 : Graphs And Inverses Of Trigonometric Functions
In a right triangle, if
then what does equal?
One can draw a right triangle with acute angles and
. The side adjacent to
is 4, and the side adjacent to
is 3.
Example Question #71 : Pre Calculus
Bob manages a pizza store. He bought a new machine that tracks how big his employees are cutting the pizza slices. The machine measures the average angle size of each slice of each pizza. Unfortunately, the angle is given as 0.7854 radians which Bob does not understand. Help Bob by converting the radian angle into degrees. In degrees, what is the size of the angle for an average pizza slice.
To convert we use a common conversion amount. It may be easiest to remember the full circle example. In degrees, a full circle is around. In terms of radians, a full circle is
. So to get our answer
Example Question #72 : Pre Calculus
Convert into radians.
To convert from degrees to radians, one multiplies by .
Example Question #1 : Understanding Angles In The Unit Circle
In the unit circle, what is the angle in radians that corresponds to the point (0, -1)?
On the unit circle, (0,-1) is the point that falls between the third and fourth quadrant. This corresponds to .
Example Question #2 : Understanding Angles In The Unit Circle
What is the reference angle for ?
To find the reference angle, subtract (1 trip around the unit circle) from the given angle until you reach an angle which is less than
Example Question #31 : Trigonometry
What is ?
If you examine the unit circle, you'll see that that .
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