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Example Questions
Example Question #915 : Sentence Completion Questions
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The man’s face was as __________ as the sun as he beamed with joy upon reception of the long-desired award.
The man’s face is apparently “shining”, though in a metaphorical sense. Do not be tempted by “solar” (which really is a metaphorical stretch) or “enlightened,” which really is not appropriate. The best choice is “refulgent,” which is derived from the Latin fulgere, meaning to shine or flash.
Example Question #891 : One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
The whole affair was __________ to the teams older members, who humorously looked on as the younger members tried the same impracticable solutions that they had attempted in their own youthful days.
Here, if we can find a word that matches the “humorous” response of the older members. The word that fulfills this need is “risible,” which means “able to provoke laugher” or—more broadly—“amusing.”
It is derived from the Latin ridere, which means “to laugh.” The “d” becomes an “s” in certain forms, thus giving us “ris-” in English; however, related English words likewise retain the “d,” such as “deride,” “ridicule,” and “ridiculous.”
Example Question #892 : One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Although the primary function of the company was to write internet applications, there were many __________ roles that supported the work of the core engineering group.
A supporting role is an “ancillary” role. The word is derived from the Latin ancilla, which means “slave / servant woman.” Sometimes, one will find reference to the medieval notion that “philosophy is the hand-maiden of theology.” In such cases, philosophy would be called the ancilla of theology.
Example Question #893 : One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Although he had long been retired from his job as an accountant, the old man could not help but allow himself ample time to reflect upon the __________ matters of his own private household management.
The key here is to note that the man was an accountant. This will aid in singling out “pecuniary,” which means “related to or consisting of money,” particularly given the hints in the sentence that the former accountant just cannot help returning to his old ways of paying heed to such financial matters.
The history of this word is rather interesting. It comes directly from the Latin pecunia (and related words), meaning property, riches, or wealth; however, more remotely, it comes from pecus, which means “cattle”—a distinct type of wealth in more agrarian societies.
Example Question #894 : One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
To this day, the Catholic Church has an army of Canon Lawyers to address the needs of its own __________ law.
None of the evaluative words are justified by the rest of the sentence, so do not read any implications into the words provided. Based on the given data, we are only justified in calling this law “church-related.” The word “ecclesiastical” fits this well, as it means that—of or related to a (Christian) church. It is directly taken from the Latin “ecclesia” (which is taken from nearly identical Greek roots), meaning assembly or (later) church.
Example Question #245 : Adjectives And Adverbs In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Even the most liberating truths can become __________ if they are repeated until they have no substance.
A “trite” remark is one that has been repeated so often that it has lost its meaning. This is implied by “repeated until they have no substance.”
Example Question #895 : One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Naturally, Jennifer thought that her boyfriend had a __________ personality. After four months of such brazenly narcissistic behavior on his part, it was hard even for her to believe that he gave his actions much moral consideration at all.
The key expressions to note here are “brazenly narcissistic” and the fact that the boyfriend does not seem to have moral considerations in any manner. (This latter point helps to give context to his narcissism. Although several other options (distasteful, disruptive) are vaguely related to the sense, “sociopathic” is by far the best. Someone who has a “pathology” is said to have a social or mental issue of some type. The root “path-” is derived from Greek roots related to the emotions or “suffering” (like having an emotion come over you). It is reflected in words like passion, pathetic, etc. If one is a socio+path, they are antisocial precisely because they cannot function morally in society.
Example Question #896 : One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Upon entering his office area, the newly hired programmer was overwhelmed by a view of endless cubicles, __________ arranged, each directly connected to its neighbors.
The central phrase for our blank is “directly connected.” The word “contiguously” means sharing a common border and comes from the Latin root “tangere” (to touch), which has a number of related words, such as “tactile” and “tangent.” The prefix “con-” means with. Hence, the touching in question is a “touching with (something else).”
Example Question #282 : Adjectives And Adverbs In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Since he was going to be out of the country for five years, George granted his brother complete ___________ rights to the land, as he thought it fair to give his sibling the profits of the latter’s work on an otherwise unused piece of healthy farmland.
Here, our word is in itself very rare and rather esoteric (only understood by a limited group of people—here, lawyers); however, the clear sense of the sentence can help us to piece together the necessary word. Clearly, George wants to allow his brother to receive profits from use of the land. The word “usufruct” is the right of using a piece of land that is someone else’s and also the right to its fruits (=fruct) but without destroying the land (e.g. by overusing it). “Usufructuary” is merely the adverbial form of this word.
Example Question #283 : Adjectives And Adverbs In One Blank Sentences
Choose the word or set of words that best completes the following sentence.
Megan’s grandmother could not believe that she was still __________ at thirty years of age. By the time that she was thirty years old, the older woman had already had seven children, let alone one.
There are a number of tempting answers to this sentence, but none of them captures most closely the fact that Megan has no children. We know none of the other possible details. (The sentences do not indicate whether or not she is married or virginal. Her grandmother is perplexed that she has no children. Never go beyond the details given to you). To be “nulliparous” is to be a female who has not yet given birth to a child. The word does contain its meaning: nulli+parous. Think of “nullity” or even “null” or “nil”—all indicating nothing. The second part, “-parous” is derived from the Latin to bear children, and you can easily see how it is related to “parent” (and a number of related words).
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