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Example Questions
Example Question #561 : Sat Subject Test In Literature
What dire offence from amorous causes springs,
What mighty contests rise from trivial things,
I sing — This verse to Caryl, Muse! is due:
This, even Belinda may vouchsafe to view:
Slight is the subject, but not so the praise,
If She inspire, and He approve my lays.
… Sol thro’ white curtains shot a tim’rous ray,
And oped those eyes that must eclipse the day.
Now lapdogs give themselves the rousing shake,
And sleepless lovers just at twelve awake:
Thrice rung the bell, the slipper knock’d the ground,
And the press’d watch return’d a silver sound.
Belinda still her downy pillow prest,
Her guardian Sylph prolong’d the balmy rest.
Based on context, what subject will this poem likely treat?
Gods and goddesses
Based on the lighthearted tone of the poem, we can immediately rule out death and war as its main subjects. From the opening mention of “amorous causes” to the second stanza’s reference to “sleepless” lovers, we can deduce that the best choice is love.
Passage adapted from The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope (1712)
Example Question #61 : Content
In pious times, e’r Priest-craft did begin,
Before Polygamy was made a Sin;
When Man on many multipli’d his kind,
E’r one to one was cursedly confin’d,
When Nature prompted and no Law deni’d (5)
Promiscuous Use of Concubine and Bride;
Then Israel’s Monarch, after Heavens own heart,
His vigorous warmth did, variously, impart
To Wives and Slaves: And, wide as his Command,
Scatter’d his Maker’s Image through the Land. (10)
Based on context, what does the author mean by “Scatter’d his Maker’s Image through the Land” (line 10)?
The king fathered many children
The king was cursed by a wife
The king converted many followers to his religion
God won over many converts from the king’s religion
The king released his many wives and slaves
The king fathered many children
There are several clues in this passage that can help us interpret line 10. Line 3, “When Man on many multipli’d his kind,” and line 8, “vigorous warmth,” both imply that the king is scattering his image by having many children with his wives and slaves. The other choices here contain words and concepts mentioned in the passage, but none of them reach the correct meaning of line 10.
Passage adapted from “Absalom and Achitophel,” by John Dryden (1681)
Example Question #562 : Sat Subject Test In Literature
On either side the river lie
Long fields of barley and of rye,
That clothe the wold and meet the sky;
And thro' the field the road runs by
To many-tower'd Camelot; (5)
And up and down the people go,
Gazing where the lilies blow
Round an island there below,
The island of Shalott.
Line 5 implies that the setting of the poem is _________________.
Based on the reference to a road leading to the famous castle “Camelot,” we can assume that the poem is set in the same fantastical or mythical world of Arthurian legend. There is nothing to indicate that the setting is capricious (fickle), austere (harsh and ascetic), or religious. The setting itself is also not allegorical, although Arthurian legend does contain some allegories.
Passage adapted from “The Lady of Shalott,” Poems by Alfred Tennyson (1833).
Example Question #15 : Inferences: Poetry
… Sir, ’twas not
Her husband’s presence only, called that spot
Of joy into the Duchess’ cheek… She had
A heart—how shall I say?— too soon made glad,
Too easily impressed; she liked whate’er (5)
She looked on, and her looks went everywhere.
Sir, ’twas all one! My favour at her breast,
The dropping of the daylight in the West,
The bough of cherries some officious fool
Broke in the orchard for her, the white mule (10)
She rode with round the terrace—all and each
Would draw from her alike the approving speech,
Or blush, at least. She thanked men—good! but thanked
Somehow—I know not how—as if she ranked
My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name (15)
With anybody’s gift.
Based on what the speaker says, what is the Duchess’s flaw?
She is a glutton
She plays favorites
She is coy and flirtatious with servants
She does not have discriminating tastes
She has been married several times before
She does not have discriminating tastes
In lines 3-6, we see the answer to this question: “She had / A heart—how shall I say?— too soon made glad, / Too easily impressed; she liked whate’er / She looked on, and her looks went everywhere.” In other words, the Duchess is too fond of everything; her taste is not particular.
Passage adapted from Robert Browning’s “My Last Duchess” (1842)
Example Question #81 : Extrapolating From The Passage
Adapted from "Old Man Traveling" by William Wordsworth in Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1798 ed.)
The little hedge-row birds,
That peck along the road, regard him not.
He travels on, and in his face, his step,
His gait, is one expression; every limb,
His look and bending figure, all bespeak
A man who does not move with pain, but moves
With thought—He is insensibly subdued
To settled quiet: he is one by whom
All effort seems forgotten, one to whom
Long patience has such mild composure given,
That patience now doth seem a thing, of which
He hath no need. He is by nature led
To peace so perfect, that the young behold
With envy, what the old man hardly feels.
—I asked him whither he was bound, and what
The object of his journey; he replied
"Sir! I am going many miles to take
"A last leave of my son, a mariner,
"Who from a sea-fight has been brought to Falmouth,
And there is dying in an hospital."
What can be inferred from the underlined text?
Both men are traveling in opposite directions
Walking as a primary mode of transport is contemporary in the poem
The speaker is of a lower socioeconomic class than the man
The man is extremely poor
The speaker is unused to engaging fellow travelers on the road but here makes an exception
Walking as a primary mode of transport is contemporary in the poem
Of the five possible answers, the only one which we can say for certainty is that walking is “a contemporary mode of transport.” We can infer that there is no usage of cars, meaning that the poem is set in the past. As the man says he is traveling “many miles” and we know he is on foot from the rest of the poem, we can safely say that walking is “of the time” or “contemporary.” We could say the man is poor, but to infer that, we would have to have more details. Likewise, we could make a judgment on the man's class if more information was given.
Example Question #61 : Content
Adapted from Life and Remains of John Clare "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet" by John Clare (1872, ed. J. L. Cherry)
I am! Yet what I am who cares, or knows?
My friends forsake me, like a memory lost.
I am the self-consumer of my woes,
They rise and vanish, an oblivious host,
Shadows of life, whose very soul is lost.
And yet I am—I live—though I am toss'd
Into the nothingness of scorn and noise.
Into the living sea of waking dream,
Where there is neither sense of life, nor joys,
But the huge shipwreck of my own esteem
And all that's dear. Even those I loved the best
Are strange—nay, they are stranger than the rest.
I long for scenes where man has never trod—
For scenes where woman never smiled or wept—
There to abide with my Creator, God,
And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept,
Full of high thoughts, unborn. So let me lie,
The grass below; above, the vaulted sky.
What is implied by the underlined line?
The author of this poem feels inspired by plays
There are no unexplored places
None of the other answers is correct
The narrator enjoys plays
The author is an adventurer
None of the other answers is correct
We might be able to say “the author feels imprisoned” or “there are no unexplored places” if more information was given, but firstly, we must establish that there is a distinction between the author and the voice given in the poem, which should be identified as the “narrator.” We must not confuse “scene” for that of a play in this instance, as it is clear from the last line that the author means an instance rather than a dramatic scene. We also have no basis to call the author an adventurer. Therefore, we must say that none of these are correct answers.
Example Question #15 : Inferences
It can be inferred that Cuchulain, the Druid, Fergus, and Eire are __________________.
people somehow connected to the "ancient ways"
tenders of the garden
friends of the speaker
fellow poets of the author's
the speaker's ancestors
people somehow connected to the "ancient ways"
All four of these people are identified with the "ancient ways" mentioned in lines 2 and 23. The speaker says openly that he wants to sing of the "ancient ways." He also identifies these people as specific examples of what he wants to sing about. Therefore, it is possible to infer that these people who are named are somehow connected to or involved with the "ancient ways" that are mentioned. Indeed, they are figures from Old Irish legend and poetry, which is what the author goes on to write about after this poem.
Passage adapted from "To the Rose Upon the Rood of Time" by William Butler Yeats (1893)
Example Question #563 : Sat Subject Test In Literature
1 In silent night when rest I took,
2 For sorrow near I did not look,
3 I wakened was with thund’ring noise
4 And piteous shrieks of dreadful voice.
5 That fearful sound of “fire” and “fire,”
6 Let no man know is my Desire.
7 I, starting up, the light did spy,
8 And to my God my heart did cry
9 To straighten me in my Distress
10 And not to leave me succourless.
11 Then, coming out, behold a space
12 The flame consume my dwelling place.
13 And when I could no longer look,
14 I blest His name that gave and took,
15 That laid my goods now in the dust.
16 Yea, so it was, and so ‘twas just.
17 It was his own, it was not mine,
18 Far be it that I should repine;
19 He might of all justly bereft
20 But yet sufficient for us left.
21 When by the ruins oft I past
22 My sorrowing eyes aside did cast
23 And here and there the places spy
24 Where oft I sate and long did lie.
25 Here stood that trunk, and there that chest,
26 There lay that store I counted best.
27 My pleasant things in ashes lie
28 And them behold no more shall I.
29 Under thy roof no guest shall sit,
30 Nor at thy Table eat a bit.
31 No pleasant talk shall ‘ere be told
32 Nor things recounted done of old.
33 No Candle e'er shall shine in Thee,
34 Nor bridegroom’s voice e'er heard shall be.
35 In silence ever shalt thou lie,
36 Adieu, Adieu, all’s vanity.
37 Then straight I ‘gin my heart to chide,
38 And did thy wealth on earth abide?
39 Didst fix thy hope on mould'ring dust?
40 The arm of flesh didst make thy trust?
41 Raise up thy thoughts above the sky
42 That dunghill mists away may fly.
43 Thou hast a house on high erect
44 Framed by that mighty Architect,
45 With glory richly furnished,
46 Stands permanent though this be fled.
47 It’s purchased and paid for too
48 By Him who hath enough to do.
49 A price so vast as is unknown,
50 Yet by His gift is made thine own;
51 There’s wealth enough, I need no more,
52 Farewell, my pelf, farewell, my store.
53 The world no longer let me love,
54 My hope and treasure lies above.
What line best shows that the speaker does not blame God for her loss?
“By Him who hath enough to do”
“My hope and treasure lies above”
“Adieu, Adieu, all’s vanity”
“Raise up thy thoughts above the sky”
“I blest His name that gave and took”
“I blest His name that gave and took”
While the speaker acknowledges God's role in her loss, the fact that she blesses (or glorify) him for doing so suggests she does not feel angry at God for allowing her possessions to burn.
Passage adapted from Anne Bradstreet's "Upon the Burning of our House" (1666)
Example Question #21 : Inferences
To the Dead in the Grave-Yard Under My Window
by Adelaide Crapsey (1878 - 1915)
- How can you lie so still? All day I watch
- And never a blade of all the green sod moves
- To show where restlessly you toss and turn,
- And fling a desperate arm or draw up knees
- Stiffened and aching from their long disuse;
- I watch all night and not one ghost comes forth
- To take its freedom of the midnight hour.
- Oh, have you no rebellion in your bones?
- The very worms must scorn you where you lie,
- A pallid mouldering acquiescent folk,
- Meek habitants of unresented graves.
- Why are you there in your straight row on row
- Where I must ever see you from my bed
- That in your mere dumb presence iterate
- The text so weary in my ears: “Lie still
- And rest; be patient and lie still and rest.”
- I’ll not be patient! I will not lie still!
It can be inferred that the speaker of the poem is __________________.
About to give birth
The speaker is restless and impatient: clearly she is not exhausted. There is no evidence in the text that she is dreaming, or that she is dead. She has been in bed a long time, but there is no mention of childbirth. There is evidence that she is sick: e.g., she is not allowed to get up, she is tired of being told to rest, and she clearly feels some kind of kinship with the dead buried outside her window: as if she may be expecting to join them soon. The correct answer is "sick."
Example Question #62 : Content
I wonder, by my troth, what thou and I
Did, till we loved? Were we not weaned till then?
But sucked on country pleasures, childishly?
Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers’ den?
’Twas so; but this, all pleasures fancies be.
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, ’twas but a dream of thee.
And now good-morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love, all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room an everywhere.
Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone,
Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown,
Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.
My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,
And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;
Where can we find two better hemispheres,
Without sharp north, without declining west?
Whatever dies, was not mixed equally;
If our two loves be one, or, thou and I
Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die.
Which of the following statements would the speaker most likely agree with?
Love is a drug
All you need is love
Love is a battlefield
Love is a losing game
Only love can set you free
All you need is love
Throughout the poem, the speaker repeatedly emphasizes true love's completeness. It is "an everywhere," and in it, both partners both possess and contain the world ("each has one and is one"). There are no "better hemispheres" than the two lovers faces. It seems fair to say that Donne's speaker would be likely to agree that, since love can both be and contain the world, it's just about all you need.
Passage adapted from John Donne's "The Good Morrow" (1633).
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