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Example Questions
Example Question #331 : Basic Statistics
Find the mode of the set:
The mode is the most repeated number in the set. To answer this, find the number that occurs the most number of times in the set.
For this problem that gives us the answer of 40 for the mode.
Example Question #11 : Mode
Find the mode of the following data set:
Find the mode of the following data set:
The mode is the number which appears most in a number set. In this case, we have a few duplicates, but only one triple:
Therefore, it must be 85, because 85 is the only one which appears more than twice!
Example Question #334 : Basic Statistics
Find the mode of the dataset:
There is no mode
The mode of the dataset is the highest frequency of numbers in the set. Reduce all fractions and reorder in chronological order.
The mode of the dataset is .
Example Question #335 : Basic Statistics
Find the mode of the following data set:
Find the mode of the following data set:
The mode is just the most common term in your sequence.
In this case, we only have one term that gets repeated... Can you spot it?
That's right, 117
So our answer is 117.
Example Question #336 : Basic Statistics
Find the mode of this data set:
Find the median of this data set:
To begin, let's put our numbers in increasing order:
Next, find the mode by finding the most repeated number. With our numbers in increasing order, it should be clear that our mode is 76.
Example Question #337 : Basic Statistics
Find the mode of the following data set:
Find the mode of the following data set:
Let's begin by putting our data in increasing order:
Now, the mode is just the most common term. In this case, we have 44 repeated three times. This means that 44 is our mode.
Example Question #312 : Data Properties
What is the mode of the following set of numbers?
The mode is the most occurring number, which, after you rearrange the numbers, is the number 1.
Count the number of times each number occurs.
Since 1 is the most occurring number it is the mode of the data set.
Example Question #25 : Mode
For the function , what is the mode if
In order to find the mode, first we need to evaluate the function at each of our points:
Now we put our answers in order:
As we can see, the appears twice, which is more than any other number. Therefore the mode is
Example Question #751 : Sat Subject Test In Math I
Find the mode of the set: .
Step 1: Count the number of times each distinct element repeats in the set of numbers...
time each
1 time each.
Step 2: Define the mode of a set...
The mode of a set is the number that comes up the most times (the most frequent). If a set has numbers that repeat the same amount of times, those such numbers are also the mode.
The mode is .
Example Question #16 : Mode
Find the mode of:
Step 1: Define Mode...
The mode of a set is a number that repeats the most time. If more than one number repeats the same exact number of times as the rest,
Step 2: Count how many times a certain number appears...
Step 3: Find the numbers that happen the most frequent...
The numbers are all the modes of the set.
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