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Example Questions
Example Question #381 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
After going to her friend's birthday party eating two large slices of chocolate cake, Jennie realized that she had eaten to much when her stomach began to make odd gurgling noises. No error
to her friend's birthday party
to much
to make odd gurgling noises
No error
to much
This sentence's error has to do with the homonyms "to," two," and "too." The "two" in "two large slices of chocolate cake" is correct; this form of the word refers to the whole number greater than one but less than three. The "to" in "to her friend's birthday party" is also correctly used; this "to" is being used as a preposition. The "to" in "to make odd gurgling noises" is also correctly used because it is part of an infinitive verb, "to make." The "to" in "eaten to much" is incorrect, however; to correct the sentence, one would need to change this "to" to "too," which is used to mean in excess or in an amount that is greater than what is needed or desired.
Example Question #382 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
First, she climbed up to the treehouse using the rope ladder, and than she drew up the ladder into the treehouse so that no one could follow her. No error
First, she
and than she
No error
using the rope ladder,
so that no one could follow her
and than she
This sentence's error is its use of "than," a word that is used to form comparisons like "He is taller than her," where it needs to use "then," which is a word that designates a specified time in a sequence in the past, as in the sentence "I almost bought the giant purple trampoline for my apartment, but then I decided not to." To correct this sentence, "than" should be changed to "then."
Example Question #271 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
“Whose book is this?” she asked inquisitively, flipping through the novel’s tattered pages and hoping to find it’s owner’s initials. No error
No error
You must understand the distinction between the homonyms "its" and "it's" to correctly answer this question. "It's" is a contraction of "it" and "is" and is used in sentences like "It's too early to go to sleep." "Its," on the other hand, is a possessive pronoun, identifying something that belongs to "it." "Its" is used in sentences like "The cat played with its toy." So, to correct this sentence's error, "it's" needs to be changed to "its."
Example Question #383 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
Joshua studied all the subjects in his biology book to prepare for the final exam except for mitochondria, that unfortunately were the subject of an important essay on the test. No error
No error
all the
"Which” is used to show that there is modification to a phrase when the modification comes after a comma. “That” is used to show that there is a modification to a phrase in which there is not a comma after the subject being modified. Here, the subject being modified is “mitochondria,” and is followed by a comma. Therefore, the word modifying that subject should be “which.”
Example Question #384 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
The young terrier got along very well with a kitten which was very small and skittish around most other animals. No error
No error
most other
got along
“Which” is used to show that there is modification to a phrase when the modification comes after a comma. “That” is used to show that there is a modification to a phrase in which a comma does not follow the subject being modified. Here, the subject being modified is “kitten,” but there is no comma after it. Therefore, “that” is appropriate, not “which.”
Example Question #385 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
The key to writing a good essay is preparation and forethought, that is something that is challenging to many students. No error
key to
No error
“Which” is used to show that there is modification to a phrase when the modification comes after a comma. “That” is used to show that there is a modification to a phrase in which there is not a comma after the subject being modified. Here, the first part of the sentence preceding the comma is the part that is being modified. Therefore, "which" should be used instead of "that."
Example Question #275 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
The doctor told his patient that he felt that there was an excess of nurses in the office, that was causing some crowding. No error
No error
said to
“Which” is used to show that there is modification to a phrase when the modification comes after a comma. “That” is used to show that there is a modification to a phrase in which there is not a comma after the subject being modified. Here, the part of the sentence before the comma is being modified by the part of the sentence after the comma. Therefore, “which” is appropriate, not “that.”
Example Question #386 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
Geese are animals who are known for their loyalty; a male goose will never abandon its partner, even under the most extreme circumstances. No error
No error
loyalty; a male goose
“Who” should be replaced by “that” because geese are not human, and the pronoun "who" is only used to refer to humans.
Example Question #277 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
Even though the library had a number of fantasy novels, it did not have the one which Bill was looking for. No error
Even though
No error
“Which” is used to show that there is modification to a phrase when the modification comes after a comma. “That” is used to show that there is a modification to a phrase in which a comma does not follow the subject being modified. Here, "which" is not preceded by a comma, so "that" is the more appropriate choice.
Example Question #387 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
The chef was frustrated to see that his assistants had not replaced the saffron, that is a very expensive spice. No error
had not
No error
“Which” is used to show that there is modification to a phrase when the modification comes after a comma. “That” is used to show that there is a modification to a phrase in which there is not a comma after the subject being modified. Here, “saffron” is being modified by the part of the sentence after the comma. Therefore, “which” is appropriate, not “that.”
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