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Example Questions
Example Question #123 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined portion of the sentence that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
The puppy ran all the way down to the river, splashed around for a bit, and returned to where me and Alicia were waiting. No error
No error
me and Alicia
bit, and
me and Alicia
The first person pronoun here should be in subjective case, "I," as opposed to objective case, "me."
A quick and easy way to test this is to simplify it as much as possible. Temporarily remove other nouns from this part of the sentence - would "where me was waiting" sound correct? No, so "me and Alicia" wouldn't be right either. "Where I was waiting" sounds fine, and it is - "Alicia and I" would be the correct replacement.
Example Question #124 : Identifying Word Usage Errors
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
The animosity between Bob and I quickly disappeared after we talked to each other during break. No error
Bob and I
we talked
No error
Bob and I
The preposition, in this case "between," must be followed by an indirect object pronoun, not the direct object pronoun "I." The correct version of this sentence would read: "The animosity between Bob and me..."
A quick test for pronoun case is to invert the order; one would never say "the animosity between I and Bob..."
Example Question #21 : Identifying Pronoun Errors: Case
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
The boomerang, which we launched at precisely the right angle, soared around the field and made a loop right back to Tony and I. No error
No error
field and
Tony and I
Tony and I
The pronoun should be in objective case because it is the object of the preposition "to." "I" is in subjective case and should be switched to "me."
You can simplify the Noun Phrase to make this less complicated. "To I" wouldn't be correct, so extend that - "To Tony and I" shouldn't be correct, either. "To me" sounds good, as does "To Tony and me."
Example Question #22 : Identifying Pronoun Errors: Case
Whenever Suzie goes to visit her grandparents in the nursing home, her grandmother reminds her, "Speak up when you are talking to your grandfather or I!" No error
or I
reminds her,
No error
or I
This sentence has an error in pronoun case. Pronouns are words that substitute for nouns and case describes the pronoun's role in a sentence. "Me" and "I" are both pronouns but they have different cases: "me" is used as the object in a sentence and "I" is used as the subject. In this sentence, "your grandfather and ___" is the object of the verb "talking," so "me" should be used instead of "I." A corrected sentence reads, "Whenever Suzie goes to visit her grandparents in the nursing home, her grandmother reminds her, 'Speak up when you are talking to your grandfather or me!'"
Example Question #23 : Identifying Pronoun Errors: Case
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
Marlene loves to go on long walks along the beach; her is definitely your type. No error
definitely your type.
Marlene loves
No error
The sentence above contains a pronoun case error. The "her" in the second part of the sentence should be "she" as the pronoun is the subject of that clause, rather than an object. The best way to correct the sentence above is:
"Marlene loves to go on long walks along the beach; she is definitely your type."
Example Question #24 : Identifying Pronoun Errors: Case
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
"The people of this valley don't take kindly to strangers," said the Mayor. "Us folks like to keep to ourselves." No error
No error
"The people
"Us folks
said the Mayor.
"Us folks
The sentence above contains a pronoun case error. The "us" in the second quotation of the sentence should be "we" as the pronoun is the subject of that clause, rather than its object. The best way to correct the sentence above is:
'"The people of this valley don't take kindly to strangers," said the Mayor. "We folks like to keep to ourselves."'
Example Question #25 : Identifying Pronoun Errors: Case
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
That dog was a noble beast; she was extremely loyal to my brother and I. No error
No error
That dog was
loyal to my
and I.
and I.
The sentence above contains a pronoun case error. The "I" in the second part of the sentence should be "me" as the pronoun is the object of that clause, rather than its subject. The best way to correct the sentence above is:
"That dog was a noble beast; she was extremely loyal to my brother and me."
Example Question #26 : Identifying Pronoun Errors: Case
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
While it continues to be popular among motorists, SUVs are gradually being replaced by smaller, more efficient cars. No error
While it continues
No error
being replaced
While it continues
"SUVs," the subject of this sentence, is the plural form of SUV. Since we are dealing with a plural, it is incorrect to use the singular pronoun “it” at the beginning of the sentence. Rather, the plural form of the pronoun “they” must be used instead so that the sentence begins, “While they continue.”
Example Question #27 : Identifying Pronoun Errors: Case
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed in order to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
The noise from the fighter jets that flew directly above John and I was deafening. No error
that flew
No error
John and I
John and I
"John and I" is incorrect because this first person pronoun needs to be in objective case, "me." It is the object of the preposition "above" and is not the subject of the sentence; therefore, the objective case "John and me" is correct over subjective case "I."
Example Question #11 : Identifying Pronoun Errors: Case
Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.
There was a new person whom I had never seen before standing between my sister and I in the line. No error
There was
No error
and I
and I
This sentence uses the wrong case of pronoun. As an object, the first person pronoun should always be “me.” The corrected sentence reads, "There was a new person who I had never seen before standing between my sister and me in the line."
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