Academically Inspired by Family by Abigail

Abigail's entry into Varsity Tutor's October 2019 scholarship contest

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Academically Inspired by Family by Abigail - October 2019 Scholarship Essay

Throughout my life, many people have encouraged me to be better not only academically but personally. My first role models, like most, were my parents. Going through elementary school, they would help me study for tests and walk through homework that I struggled to complete. As I moved into middle school, my teachers began to inspire me academically. Specifically, three teachers come to my mind. My seventh and eighth grade gym teacher, who was also my volleyball coach, would always direct my teammates and I to stay on top of our schoolwork because it comes first. Also, my art teacher in eighth grade, who allowed me to explore my creative side and guide me to see how much I love painting. Lastly, my sixth-grade social studies teacher, who made me realize that everyone learns and teaches differently and that having fun while getting your work done is possible. Although, I can say that as I moved into high school, I found the few people who inspired me most academically, which would be my own teammates. I played basketball, softball, and volleyball throughout high school and for each team I had, for the most part, the same teammates for each. Since my high school was very small, the same girls would play the same sports, so naturally, they became my second family. We would spend most of our time together due to practices, games, and having similar class schedules. Our athletic department had very strict rules about keeping your grades up throughout the year and our coaches would encourage us to go above and beyond the required standards. Not wanting to let my teammates down and always wanting to be a better role model for the younger players made me push myself to perform better academically. My teammates and I would have study sessions and help each other with topics that were difficult. My teammates and I would always wish each other luck on tests and exams and congratulate each other for doing well on them, too. I had a really great support system throughout high school that I will carry with me throughout the rest of college. My teammates in high school inspired me academically by their unconditional support and they have encouraged my success by always pushing me to be better in the classroom and on the court or field. My parents and teachers also encouraged my success throughout high school, however, my teammates understood me on a level that no one else has before and we had an unbreakable bond that was so unique and motivational.
