The World of Bio-medicine by Aiperi

Aiperi's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2020 scholarship contest

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The World of Bio-medicine by Aiperi - January 2020 Scholarship Essay

As the world progresses towards advanced technologies and improved tools to make everyday life more convenient, every field is said to be influenced by these breakthrough deals. Classrooms are no different. As a member of the Project Lead The Way Biomedical Program I use technology everyday and all the time. Owning a simple tool as a laptop has allowed me to do extensive research and learn about the biomedicine in a quick and efficient way as opposed to traditional textbooks. Web searches are narrow and focused on specific topics I wish to explore. For instance, I participated in the Teen Biotech challenge and designed a website on the future of microbial fuel cells. I used my laptop to find more about this technology and build a website covering the most important aspects about it. Due to this event and proper use of technology I was able to get honorable mention in the challenge and attend University of Davis for a research project presentation.
Moreover, technology in these biomedical courses have allowed me, my peers and my teachers learn more hands on. Gel electrophoresis, heart monitors, microscopes and centrifuges helped me investigate the world of bio-medicine. Technology has become an important aspect of learning. As I graduate high school this year I can safely say technology is one of the most important factors that have contributed to my academic and personal success. In the classroom I know there is guaranteed learning and the future professions I want to get into use the same type of tools.
