Live As You by Aleksandra
Aleksandraof Watertown's entry into Varsity Tutor's March 2019 scholarship contest
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Live As You by Aleksandra - March 2019 Scholarship Essay
The incoming freshmen class bustled up the stairs noisily, as we reached the science wing. My past classrooms, with their doors wide open, still felt like they were beckoning me. Inside, whiteboards faced rows of empty desks and lab benches. As a senior, this entire floor was my home. Over four years, I became well acquainted with most of the science teachers; my rigorous schedule always highlighted my strong interest in the sciences, so I would often talk to those teachers about our lessons, my career aspirations, or life in general. I never expected to form such strong connections in high school - especially with the adults! The current eighth graders barely had a clue as to the possibilities that were in store for them. (For most of this tour, they had been shouting at each other and referencing various memes.)
I stopped at the end of the hall, looking back to the fifteen young faces inspecting me and took a deep breath. “So this is the science hallway, where you can find many exciting classes. After you take the required integrated biology course, it opens up possibilities to AP classes such as chemistry, biology, and physics. We also offer geology, human anatomy, meteorology, astronomy, entrepreneurial science, and forensic science! This is definitely my favorite part of the building. Even if you’re not a science person, I can guarantee there is something for you. Any questions before we continue?”
One weary boy raised his hand. “I hate science, can we just stop talking about school?” A few kids chuckled while I genuinely smiled.
“I’m not saying you have to be Einstein, but science is fascinating - especially with these awesome teachers I’ve gotten to know so well!” My physics teacher heard my statement and waved at the kids from his room. I continued my impromptu speech, as I realized my excitement was not simply contained in this one subject. “School doesn’t have to be boring, and you shouldn’t have to live your next four years just waiting for them to end. Make friends, talk to your teachers, join your favorite clubs, and take classes you enjoy. That’s what the process is about. Just because my favorite class is chemistry does not mean it has to be yours. Follow whatever path you’re meant to travel, even if it means having to split up with your friends for a few classes. If you want to take creative writing, go for it! If you have a passion for dance, do that! Want to take art? We have plenty classes and clubs for that. Maybe you’re into math. There’s many options, and even math competitions to be a part of! There’s so many options now in high school. No two people’s schedules will be identical, and rarely even similar. I want you to remember that that’s okay. It means you’re finding yourself. Just two years ago, I had a difficult time choosing to take AP Biology, because it meant separating from my friends, who were doing their best to convince me to take their classes instead. I ended up choosing AP Biology. Our schedules barely aligned for the year, so I had to adjust. But it was worth it in the end because it was one of the best classes I’ve ever taken, and it lines up with my plans to become a pediatrician. So don’t give in to pressure that says you have to follow your friend’s ideas, or else you won’t be successful. That was hard for me. But it doesn’t have to be so hard for you. Even if you’re not sure what to do, try new things and don’t be afraid to ask for some guidance.”
The kids continued to stare at me, until one of them started clapping. The applause spread, and I smiled at them, expecting a few more questions. The boy who had complained earlier appeared deep in thought, as he nodded. “As an art kid who's always pressured about other career paths, that helps a lot, Aleks. Thanks!” That had surprised me, but I was delighted that I was able to encourage him.
My greatest hope was that he and his classmates followed the path of self-discovery and did not waver as they continued their education in later years.